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  • Hi I'm trying to get ahold of kuurus and cant message him but I see he is active can you help me? Tell him to check his messages on heatware
    Hi Dan. I'm originally from DFW and now in Abilene. I hope you don't mind me asking, as you seem knowledgeable where can I sell custom computers?
    I build computers, very good ones and was wondering where I can sell them? The USCG spend over $100k training me in aviation electronics and I have worked on computers for many years and would like to build some for sale to make a little extra money.
    Honestly, I don't know and never had any luck selling custom computers because people don't buy them, since they can probably make their own. You're better off either selling all the parts from the custom computers separately when they either seem obsolete or outdated or definitely are either one of those on ebay or Amazon and hope someone is interested.
    Unless you can turn them into really good preassembled computers with warranty and all the bell 's and whistles people want when they buy preassembled. If you can pull this off otherwise good luck, but I haven't been successful at it, so I only built one good or ultimate machine for my goal for myself.
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