AMD Radeon RX 6950 XT PSU Cable


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 4, 2005
I just purchased a AMD Radeon RX 6950 XT, it didn't come with any PSU cables. I have a Corsair RMX RM 1000x PSU and hooked up the PSU cable to the GPU. But it's a Y- cable. One end goes in the PSU and the other end has TWO 4 pin cables on it which I plugged into the GPU. But now I'm wondering if I need TWO 4 pin cables, so that two go in the GPU and two in the PSU. Does it really matter? I don't plan on OC as the 6950XT is already very powerful.
its needs 2x8pin cables. some gpus come with adapters, none come with a whole new cable though. your psu will have 2x8, you might need to find your spare cables(it comes with 3). you technically can run one cable(has 2 8pin) but you should spread the load.
OK I think I mistyped it.

The cables going into the GPU are in fact 8 pins. 4 on top, 4 on bottom, and there's two of those cables (16 pins total)

I'm just wondering if I can use the Y cable or if I need two separate cables. I'm wondering if the amount of juice the GPU is getting varies if you use two cables or a Y cable coming from the GPU.
OK I think I mistyped it.

The cables going into the GPU are in fact 8 pins. 4 on top, 4 on bottom, and there's two of those cables (16 pins total)

I'm just wondering if I can use the Y cable or if I need two separate cables. I'm wondering if the amount of juice the GPU is getting varies if you use two cables or a Y cable coming from the GPU.
yeah i got that.
you can, but it will be pulling the full load through just the one. it is recommended to use two separate cables though. and your psu should have come with 3.
I see, looks like I'm going to need another cable.
what happened to the ones that come with the psu?
if your psu is on their list, sure.
Not exactly sure what happened to them. There's like 10 of those cables but only one of those.
The PSU you have takes Corsair Type 4 cables or type 4 compatible cables if you don't get them from Corsair. Try searching that on the Zon. The Corsair branded ones are pricey but you do have like a $200 PSU with a 10 year warranty soo... May want to get the real ones?
EDIT: Looks like Corsair has some choices direct

I found two of the other cables, they were in the PSU box.

People are saying this card uses a lot of watts but when I play games maxed out on my 34" 1440P monitor the power consumption never goes over 300 watts, it's mostly at like 278 watts. It idles at 45c and when gaming goes up to 81c. And I play games that you could say have high graphics, like Metro Exodus. I feel like this card got a bad rap, just like my other card, Radeon R9 Fury X.


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