Ender 3 S1 - Initial Thoughts


Zero Cool
Sep 2, 2004
So I recently got my Ender 3 S1, and so far the initial impressions out of the box are really good. Easy to assemble (though I did watch videos ahead of time), and barely any configuration needed other than auto-levelling and setting the Z-offset. First print was a calibration cube and it seems pretty good - supposed to be 20 mm and the sides are between 20 and 20.2 for the most part, which seems close enough? This is my first 3d printer and so far so good.

Anyway, just thought I would chime in since there hasn't been a lot of info about this printer yet - very similar to the 3 V2 though, but it was released recently enough that there's not a lot of info.

I had some issues with bridging on one small print I did, but that may just need to have the speed or temperature adjusted.

Excited to start making some larger things! I want to get OctoPie and OctoPrint set up at some point soon, so I can monitor prints and not have to mess with the SD card.


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That's good to hear! I've been eyeballing it for a while. I like the significant upgrades it has.
That is a good looking printer. I have the OG Ender 3 Pro w/ a slew of upgrades, but I feel I would be pretty happy just running this printer mostly stock!
Still messing around with this, have gotten some pretty good prints out of it. I recently switched to Klipper and am excited at the speed that is bringing already, even without doing all of the tuning.
Still messing around with this, have gotten some pretty good prints out of it. I recently switched to Klipper and am excited at the speed that is bringing already, even without doing all of the tuning.
I just changed my ender 3 over to klipper after using it on the voron. It is so nice and easy to work with.

I use that script to install, works well for me. Once you have them installed you build the firmware, the information for that is at the github https://github.com/Klipper3d/klipper/tree/master/config

The steps are the same for every setup it just will have some changes for pin assignments but in their config page you just choose what printer and board you have and they likely have a premade config file for you. It seems intimidating but it is really easy to do. Probably some videos on youtube for it as well but i just used kiauh script with a mainsail boot image for my raspberry pi and then followed the klipper github install.
Can you recommend a guide for the Klipper conversion?
Someone wrote one up here:


Gives you a base config to start with. Honestly once I figured out what was going on, it wasn't too hard to convert.

I have quite the setup now, a touchscreen using KlipperScreen with the Pi mounted to it, two cameras, an LED light bar, etc. I also ordered an official Creality LED light strip that is powered off of the printer expansion slot, and the all-metal Sprite Pro extruder from AliExpress. Stuff should show up sometime in March.

Just playing around with different settings now and trying to dial in different filaments.
I have an S1 pro on the way as my first printer. But ETA isn't until june-july. The 9 rolls 11 rolls of filament I ordered are all here this week. Hope the printer gets here earlier than expected.
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I upgraded to the Pro extruder, so far it's still working pretty well. eSun PLA+ prints really nicely. I've been having some issues with extruder skipping and TPU, but I think it may be related to the CHT nozzle I'm using, as it seemed to work okay before and I've tried tuning everything else.
Just picked up an S1 off Amazon for $303 to get back into fdm printing after being resin only for the past few years.

It's really amazing what you get now for your money. Auto level, direct drive, dual z, etc is amazing at this price point.

Just set it up and doing a test print. I have a spare pi 3 around, so I'll definitely be looking into the klipper firmware.
Just picked up an S1 off Amazon for $303 to get back into fdm printing after being resin only for the past few years.

It's really amazing what you get now for your money. Auto level, direct drive, dual z, etc is amazing at this price point.

Just set it up and doing a test print. I have a spare pi 3 around, so I'll definitely be looking into the klipper firmware.
Running klipper with my pro and quite liking it. Setup is easy and quick too.
Running klipper with my pro and quite liking it. Setup is easy and quick too.
Yup, doing it right now. Was finally able to find my pi3. Which is great because apparently finding one to buy nowadays is like pulling teeth.

Im amazed with the print quality out of the box and that it only goes up from here. Great stuff!
Got PLA down pretty good. Moving onto PETG now with an all metal hotend upgrade. Finding out that it's quite a different game than PLA printing lol.
Got PLA down pretty good. Moving onto PETG now with an all metal hotend upgrade. Finding out that it's quite a different game than PLA printing lol.
For me it's mostly just higher nozzle and bed temps - rest of the settings are more or less the same as PLA or PLA+ for me.

I've finally got this thing dialed in (outside of some occasional stringing) and have been printing a lot.
Well things were going good until I switched over to a pi zero. It just doesn't seem to have the power for klipper + the bells and whistles. Losing connection mid print, taking forever to restart and connect, etc.

Back to the Pi3 b
pi zero can run it but it cant do anything with video. i believe the zero w2 can though.
pi zero can run it but it cant do anything with video. i believe the zero w2 can though.
I mean, mine "runs" it, but not without a lot of fussing. Could just be the cheap pi zero I got from Microcenter a while back. *Edit* Not the zero in general, but the specific one I have *shrug*
I mean, mine "runs" it, but not without a lot of fussing. Could just be the cheap pi zero I got from Microcenter a while back. *Edit* Not the zero in general, but the specific one I have *shrug*
that could be, ive had finicky pi's before. glad you got it runnin though, klipper is so fun and hard to ever leave from that.
that could be, ive had finicky pi's before. glad you got it runnin though, klipper is so fun and hard to ever leave from that.
Yeah I had it hooked up to my Epax before. Worked fine for that, but then again that was just for networking and sending code to the printer.

I'm guessing that the more advanced calculations for pressure advance and image shaping aren't playing nice on the fdm printer. It was pegging at around 90% CPU usage, and that was before image shaping was enabled.

At least I still have the pi3b.
So I lucked out and got an open box return Voxelab aquila x2 off AliExpress for $55. Seems like it was never actually put together and everything is still newly wrapped.

Being roughly an ender v2 clone, looks like for about $110 I can throw a 2nd z screw and a sprite pro extruder on it and have another s1 just about.