TEC basics


Jul 24, 2014
When you use a a TEC in the manner of: die-shim-TEC-waterblock and the CPU wattage exceeds the TEC's capacity, does the machine imidiately overheat? Or do peltiers work by pulling the heat through and if the peltier pulls 100% of the CPU's wattage it then allows the remaining heat to diffuse naturally?

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When you use a a TEC in the manner of: die-shim-TEC-waterblock and the CPU wattage exceeds the TEC's capacity, does the machine imidiately overheat? Or do peltiers work by pulling the heat through and if the peltier pulls 100% of the CPU's wattage it then allows the remaining heat to diffuse naturally?

The heat will not diffuse. The cpu will overheat. The TEC needs to be sized in such a manner that it will remove the same amount of heat that is being produced or a greater amount than what is being produced. ** PSA A Tec is nowhere near 100% efficient.