Fallout 3: PC vs. 360 vs. PS3

Forget graphics, this feels like last gen!

What About The A.I, nothing annoys me more than a stupid Artificial Intelligence character who's nonreactive to gun fire.
PC Version, Lazy Boy, 1080p 37" Monitor, Keyboard Mouse, mods and updates, $10 cheaper = win!

Also, most people buy a new computer every 5 years or so anyways (average lifespan of a console), and then you can play the game again at higher settings. Recall how many people got ready for this game by playing parts 1 and 2 again. You don't see as many people dusting off their consoles from 2 generations ago to play games because it is not nearly as convenient or accessible. When PC is your platform, you just find, install, and play for the most part. Now that is backwards compatibility.
360 has AA, PS3 version does not
PS3 has HDR? 360 doesnt? (look at the lighting on the ant like creature)
PC has both, and looks better :)
textures in screenshot 1 look better on PS3
textures in screenshot 2 look better on 360

Looking at the shot you're referring to, it does seem like the 360 version is missing HDR (I'm comparing the horizon, light/shadows, and generally contrast). But when I look at the landscape shots on the bottom, the PS3 version looks the same except for less contrast (look to the shadows). Have to see it in motion, but I think they both have HDR.

Originally Posted by Loggahead
I want to know performance specs. I have an 8800gts 320mb in PC and I also have a 360. I don't care about graphics, I want to know how often the PC dips in framerate vs having a stable framerate on 360...

One of the vice's of PC gaming. Everyones' configuration is different. Even if two people had identical hardware, the software, drivers, and how lean the end user runs his machine can make all the difference. I'm unncertain about the 8800GTS 320's prowess, but I'd hope it would be able to play fine on your rig if you use similar settings as the console version (1280x1024 at the highest). Does the X360/PS3 even render FO3 at a true 1080p or is it up-converted?
See this is exactly what I am talking about. Now you may have a point about sound but I am far from an audiophile so I don't know.

As for stable frame rates and the ability for the 8800GTX to push 1920 I have to call BS and I don't even own an 8800GTX.

People the devs provide PC games with settings that can be adjusted for a reason! Use them right and you will get playable setting at high resolution. I know this to be a fact because while everyone was busy crying about Crysis and poor frame rates I was running it on a 7900GS at 1680x1050 and enjoying the game play. Now when I get around to upgrading my video card in the future I will go back and enjoy the Crysis game play along with more of the eye candy it had to offer. Try doing the same with the next gen console and your old game.

So again if you enjoy just being able to pop the game in your console and play the game with the graphics the devs decided the console could handle thats great and have fun gaming. But don't try and tell everyone that PC's suck because devs give us the option to have far more eye candy then the console could handle and some people don't know how to tweak that eye candy to get stable frame rates. I have never had a problem getting a game to run at stable frame rates on any PC I have ever owned but it requires tweaking and even sacrificing of some eye candy. The sacrificing of eye candy should be easy for many of you console gamers to swallow since you already do that just by buying the condole version of a game.

QFT. I think it's understood at this point that both the console and PC experiences have benefits/disadvantages. The pros and cons on both side have been enumerated now ad nauseum... let's leave it at that.

I think the point of this thread however is to (OBJECTIVELY) discuss the apparently large gap in graphics between PC and console versions of Fallout 3, and the difference between 360 and PS3. Being an owner of all of the systems, I'd really like to see exact details of the delta between PC and console versions.

That said, would be great if someone could post pics of all the PC settings.
PC gamers seem to be elitist zealots!!!! I've been through this whole thread and I really see no console gamer dogging the PC. Yet PC gamers go wild when someone has the absolute nerve to suggest that they may rather buy FO3 for the 360 or PS3 because their rig isn't really up to snuff. Save your faux nerd rage!!! The reason I have commented in this thread is because I believe the PC is a great platform for this game for me but the 360 is a good alternative to get an equally great gaming experience overall. If my PC can't achieve what the 360 is doing graphically or can only achieve what the 360 is doing then I may go with the 360 due to my nice couch and my $1500 home theater system. Mods are nice but like there are none now and who knows what I'll be playing six months from now.No one is dogging the PC but the 360/PS3 is an alternative live with it! Maybe folks should check their real peen to see if anything is their before worrying about someones else epeen!
PC gamers seem to be elitist zealots!!!! I've been through this whole thread and I really see no console gamer dogging the PC. Yet PC gamers go wild when someone has the absolute nerve to suggest that they may rather buy FO3 for the 360 or PS3 because their rig isn't really up to snuff. Save your faux nerd rage!!! The reason I have commented in this thread is because I believe the PC is a great platform for this game for me but the 360 is a good alternative to get an equally great gaming experience overall. If my PC can't achieve what the 360 is doing graphically or can only achieve what the 360 is doing then I may go with the 360 due to my nice couch and my $1500 home theater system. Mods are nice but like there are none now and who knows what I'll be playing six months from now.No one is dogging the PC but the 360/PS3 is an alternative live with it! Maybe folks should check their real peen to see if anything is their before worrying about someones else epeen!

I apologize if i offended anyone I just don't understand why we can't have a civilized discussion about this subject. And i suppose my post doesn't help that cause.
PC looks amazing.

360 looks pretty damn good for a $200 console

PS3 looks average. It looks like shit for a $400 console.
Yeah that would be me. What the hell is this supposed to mean? Reevaluate my PC setup? #1) I wasn't being literal about being "hunched over". #2) Sitting in a recliner when I'm playing a PC game simply isn't practical for me. Why the hell would I buy different furniture just to play a PC game?

I don't limit myself to a single platform. I have all the current major consoles plus an extremely powerful PC. This isn't about "flexing my epeen" because fact of the matter is that I like games, period. All of em. Consoles, PC games, and handhelds. I just don't get the elitist PC attitude.

That being said, I'm *still* getting Fallout 3 on the 360 because I don't want a recliner for my office/PC room. I don't want to "reevaluate" my PC setup (whatever the hell this means). I just want to come home, put the game in my console and play with no worries. At the end of the day, do you really give a shit if someone doesn't want to play on their PC? I'm going to guess no. :)

Hey your the one who said hunched over like using a PC has to be an uncomfortable thing. I am quite comfortable sitting at my PC just like when I am sitting at my TV. So my point is if you find it uncomfortable to sit and use your PC you should reevaluate your setup and find a way to make it more comfortable for you to use. I never said go out and buy a lazy boy for you PC it is just what works for me and my setup. Everyone is different and not everyone would like my setup. Hell you all would hate it cause I use a track ball not a mouse and as I pointed out my PC is well below the [H] standards for gaming. But I get to comfortably enjoy my games the way I like and can afford, in the end that is all that matters to me.

No idea why your getting so defensive.

All so rather sure I said in both my posts that if you enjoy gaming on a console thats great and feel free to do so. I am just sic of hearing BS excuses used to justify the console over the PC. If you like your console and the gaming experience it provides you should feel need to justify it to anyone since anyone who can think rationally should be able to tell the appeal of a console is the simplicity of just pooping the game in and playing and thats it.

I also never once said your were flashing your epeen. The people here doing that are not gamers, they are the people spending whatever money it takes to try and impress others with there elite gaming systems and you have these people in all walks of life. Sorry I have learned to ignore them after reading all the crying from the ones who got but hurt by Crysis. These are also often the same people you would refer to as having the elitist PC attitude and it comes from the debt the incur trying to maintain the large epeen. They are just trying to justify the money they spent on said PC the same way I see many console users trying to justify said choice.

Now if you want to put me in the same crowd as the elitist PC guys thats your choice. Cause if thats how people want to see me cause I wont just swallow the BS people want to spread about computer gaming then so be it.

For me, hard core gaming is only viable on the PC since I prefer a mouse (trackball) and keyboard over a game pad for such things. However I have played console games longer then I had access to a PC for gaming. I started with Sega and Nintendo and still buy Nintendo game systems today and it's where I do my casual gaming. The only games I really enjoy playing on my friends PS3 and 360's are racing games and for the life of me I don't understand why more of them don't make it to the PC but I am not about to buy a 360 just for racing games I can live with out them.

And yes you are correct, if you read my posts I don't care at all what system people chose to play the game on. I do however get sick of hearing the BS reasons they provide along with pointing on what version of the game they are buying. Like I said above the only thing consoles have going for them is the ability to just pop the game in and play nothing more nothing less. Why that is so hard for people to accept on both sides of the fence is beyond me.

Anyway I did not mean to offend you and hope the above clears things up for you. That said my copy of FO3 CE just arrived so I am off to hopefully enjoy the game and I hope you too get to enjoy it on your platform of choice.
Who took these screens? You can't have comparisons with different shit in the images.
People need to worry less about justifying their purchases.

Anyways, I have a choice between all 3 systems and will get it on PC.
Bah...for me, I just like throwing a disk in my 360, auto log onto LIVE, and play. Take the disk out when I am done, and do that in my livingroom. For me, it's just KISS (keep it short & simple).

The PC having a longer draw distance, or a building with 27 more pixels has no bearing on me. A game could have Atari 2600 graphics for all I care, so long as I like the gameplay.

It's not like the movie Batman Dark Knight is a horrible movie, with poor acting, poor storyline and shitty effects when played in 480p, and then all of a sudden it has great acting, and great effects and great story line when played in 1080p.

Fallout 3 will play the same, with the same storyline on PC or 360.

I enjoy the content for what it is, and see no reason to justify to others as to why they should have system A or B to play their game or movie on.

However, there is nothing wrong with wanting to enjoy better graphics. So really, when the game will play the same, you might as well have the better graphical experience while you at it, right? Unless the "convenience" of the console out-weighs that.
Yeah, you can just pop it in and play on the console. But taking that extra time on PC installation is sure made up for when loading off the HDD, especially if you have a 10,000RPM screamer.
Bah...for me, I just like throwing a disk in my 360, auto log onto LIVE, and play. Take the disk out when I am done, and do that in my livingroom. For me, it's just KISS (keep it short & simple).

The PC having a longer draw distance, or a building with 27 more pixels has no bearing on me. A game could have Atari 2600 graphics for all I care, so long as I like the gameplay.

It's not like the movie Batman Dark Knight is a horrible movie, with poor acting, poor storyline and shitty effects when played in 480p, and then all of a sudden it has great acting, and great effects and great story line when played in 1080p.

Fallout 3 will play the same, with the same storyline on PC or 360.

I enjoy the content for what it is, and see no reason to justify to others as to why they should have system A or B to play their game or movie on.

aaaaaaaaand we have a winner folks!

gameplay is the bottom line imo, and so far the reviews i have read have said that the pc and 360 versions are superior to the ps3 version in this regard.
Nope, nothing wrong with wanting better graphics. Not everyone cares about graphics though. I don't.

(though, we will be able to load games off the HDD on the 360 in 3 weeks if we want :)

I just like the convenience really. Oh, and I have a Mac :)
Anyway I did not mean to offend you and hope the above clears things up for you. That said my copy of FO3 CE just arrived so I am off to hopefully enjoy the game and I hope you too get to enjoy it on your platform of choice.

No worries man. I wasn't implying anything and I'm not offended in any way.
I am of course going with the PC version. I got a 360 as well which I got just to play NHL and Boxing games and the casual fighting game.
All the rest of my gaming is pure PC and this game, along with countless more, shows you why. Why would I play the same game in an inferior format given that I have a superior choice is beyond me and I before you accuse me of been a eye candy guy...Ive been playing games since the Atari, Tandy Coco and my beloved C64...that includes many TEXT only games. ;-)
I think they all look rather blah. Looks like the Morrowind color scheme is back.
You can bet there are going to be a ton of really nice mods for this game. So Definitely the PC version.
From the Gamespot review...

It's a shame, in light of these impressive design elements, that the PlayStation 3 version is shockingly inferior to the others from a technical perspective. Although the Xbox 360 and PC versions display the occasional visual oddity and bland texture, these nitpicks are easy to overlook. Sadly, the jagged edges, washed-out lighting, and slightly diminished draw distance of the PS3 release aren't so easy to dismiss. We also experienced a number of visual bugs on the PS3. Character faces disappeared several times, leaving only eyeballs and hair; limbs on robots went missing; some character models had an odd outline around them as if they were cel-shaded; and the day-to-night transition may cause odd streaks on the screen as you move the camera around. This version doesn't even offer trophies, whereas the Xbox 360 and PC versions offer Xbox Live/Windows Live achievements.

So basically Beth, or whoever is responsible for the porting, did a horrible job bringing it to the PS3.
Get the PC version.

"Fallout 3 is a PC game. Sure, it's an Xbox 360 game, too. And it's a PlayStation 3 game, I guess. It's also an RPG, technically.

But when you get at the heart of it, Fallout 3 feels like a game designed for the PC. It has the soul of a big-boxed, full-manual, five-CD game from 1998. It has all the complexity and addictiveness of a System Shock, or a Deus Ex--or, yes, a Fallout."

read the full review here.
Getting it for the PC mainly because of mods. And with my new 260 able to play Crysis at good framerates at high detail at 1900x1200, i'm fairly sure i can do the same for Fallout 3.
Hopefully i'll get it in today. (Gotta have my fix...lol)
So basically Beth, or whoever is responsible for the porting, did a horrible job bringing it to the PS3.

i wonder how much of that has to do with the porting problem to the PS3..

we know a lot of devs have stated that to port things to the PS3 is much more involved port then between the X360 and PS3.

maybe all the time was spent just trying to get the game to run and not enough time was spent optimizing the graphics.. because i imagine all 3 versions had to come out at the same time..
Anyway, the HTPC experience is only as good as your PC, and even an 8800GTX can't push 1920x1080 on as many things as you think.

Up until three months ago I had an 8800 GTX and a Dell 2405FWP. I played EVERY game, including Crysis (mostly medium with a few high settings, no AA, 8xAF), at 1920x1200 with that videocard. I guarantee if I still had that PC set up today I could run every game out today at 1920x1200, let alone 1920x1080 (which is 10% less pixels to push). After all, the only games out that are harder on a video card than Crysis are Crysis: Warhead and Stalker: Clear Sky, and those are just barely tougher to run than Crysis.
Just got done playing this a bit and I have to say that PC screenshot looks like shit compared to what it looks like when I play. I would take those images with a grain of salt, imo.
Still getting on the 360 even though my PC is more than capable. I simply enjoy playing on the couch more than being hunched over a desk... like I do at work all day every day. I'll grab the PC version once it's cheaper and mods actually start coming out.


Im not sure what type of desk or chair you're working with, or why you are limiting yourselfe to such a setup, but my desk and chair are both very conducive towards me being as comfortable as possible when either gaming or simply using my PC for any other use.

My desk has a slide out keyboard and a footrest on the bottom. So im always reclined in my chair.
As for the chair itself, it's super comfortable, all leather, and leans back just enough for both my keyboard and mouse to be in each of my hands without ever having to so much as think about hunching.

In fact, my PC setup is far far more comfortable than having to sit upright on a sofa or having to make compromises because I have no footrest for the family room if i were to play on a tv.
keep in mind that you are comparing a $700+ PC to a $179 xbox 360

The $700 PC serves virtually infinite purposes whereas the console can only perform about a handful of functions, at most.

The return on investment is not even debatable if you *REALLY* want to introduce money into the equation.
How bout for future reference we just include the Xbox vs PS3 versions, the PC version is kind of a duh
PC version would look even better if people would stop over using phong shading /sigh

Im not sure what type of desk or chair you're working with, or why you are limiting yourselfe to such a setup, but my desk and chair are both very conducive towards me being as comfortable as possible when either gaming or simply using my PC for any other use.

My desk has a slide out keyboard and a footrest on the bottom. So im always reclined in my chair.
As for the chair itself, it's super comfortable, all leather, and leans back just enough for both my keyboard and mouse to be in each of my hands without ever having to so much as think about hunching.

In fact, my PC setup is far far more comfortable than having to sit upright on a sofa or having to make compromises because I have no footrest for the family room if i were to play on a tv.

Still don't get the whole "limiting myself with my PC setup" since I don't like to recline and play PC games that way but whatever. I already explained in another post that I didn't literally mean "hunched" but that's irrelevant anyway since I got the 360 version last night and I was lounging (not sitting at all) on my couch.

I do plan on getting the PC version once some mods come out and the price starts to drop but it's far more enjoyable for me to play on my 360 and get better sound and use a much bigger screen than my PC setup. Moving my gaming PC to the living room is also out of the question since I already have a PS3, 360, Wii, HTPC and a Sat Box. Not going to do all that for some sharper textures when the gameplay is virtually identical across all platforms.

Anyway, this whole argument is moot. You're having fun on the PC and I'm enjoying Fallout 3 currently on the 360. Bottom line is that Fallout 3 is a great game nevertheless.
This is the type of thread that will bring out the true 360 fan boys or trolls. Even though the PC version is the better of the three and cost less, the 360 "elitists" will still toss out their excuses of why they are getting the 360 version and why its superior.... "It's better on the couch." That excuse needs to be retired. :rolleyes: You can do this easily with a PC now. That and "ease of use". I install my games once and ding that's it. I have "ease of use" to. I put in a PS3 game and they need to go out and update and download crap. It happened yesterday with Little Big Planet. I also run into games that need to be installed. Consoles are no longer all that easy. :p

Tell me those of you buying the 360 version. What PC games have you bought recently?

I bought Fallout 3 yesterday at Circuit City for PC for $50 and also recieved a $10 gift card I'm putting towards Kings Bounty Legends. :D

There's nothing wrong with consoles. I play console games to. I get irate when the pots calling the kettle black...or whatever that phrase is.
The $700 PC serves virtually infinite purposes whereas the console can only perform about a handful of functions, at most.

The return on investment is not even debatable if you *REALLY* want to introduce money into the equation.

The PS3 can perform virtually infinite purposes. I can install Ubuntu (supported), and have a full OS, along with connecting a printer, keyboard, mouse, run it on a network, and perform almost anything a $700 PC could do.

That said, I would never do that. :D
This is the type of thread that will bring out the true 360 fan boys or trolls. Even though the PC version is the better of the three and cost less, the 360 "elitists" will still toss out their excuses of why they are getting the 360 version and why its superior.... "It's better on the couch." That excuse needs to be retired. :rolleyes: You can do this easily with a PC now. That and "ease of use". I install my games once and ding that's it. I have "ease of use" to. I put in a PS3 game and they need to go out and update and download crap. It happened yesterday with Little Big Planet. I also run into games that need to be installed. Consoles are no longer all that easy. :p

Tell me those of you buying the 360 version. What PC games have you bought recently?

I bought Fallout 3 yesterday at Circuit City for PC for $50 and also recieved a $10 gift card I'm putting towards Kings Bounty Legends. :D

There's nothing wrong with consoles. I play console games to. I get irate when the pots calling the kettle black...or whatever that phrase is.

Wow, how ignorant.

Consoles definitely have the easy of use over PCs. All xbox360 games work right when you put them into your system. Infact, the PS3 the only console that requires installs and why it was debated many times be a terrible requirement for the system.

PCs definitely require installs, patches, driver updates, and god knows the time spent fixing errors/problems.

After 15 years of PC gaming I purchase all my games on consoles other than some FPS and RTS games. CoD4 and C&C Red Alert 3 being my last purchased PC games.
The PS3 can perform virtually infinite purposes. I can install Ubuntu (supported), and have a full OS, along with connecting a printer, keyboard, mouse, run it on a network, and perform almost anything a $700 PC could do.

That said, I would never do that. :D

I'm sorry, but the PS3 being used as a PC runs about as good as a PC I would throw in the trash with its 256MB and lacking resources.
Based on those screenshots, looks to me like the ps3 version has better lighting than the xbox
I'm sorry, but the PS3 being used as a PC runs about as good as a PC I would throw in the trash with its 256MB and lacking resources.

I never said it was good. Heck, it's running Linux.

But my PS3 has 512mb. Or are you saying that the OS only has access to 256?