ROC / Assm@n Interview +++++ HARD DC'er of the Month — November 2008


DC Moderator and [H]ard DCOTM x6
Staff member
Jun 15, 2005

ROC / Assm@n Interview +++++ HARD DC'er of the Month — November 2008

Please join me in congratulating ROC / Assm@n for being selected as the [H]ard DC’er of the month for November 2008. This is quite an honor when you consider that the [H]orde has 1,194 active folders. ROC / Assm@n is currently ranked #2 on our team, and he has 35 million points. In November of 2008 and January of 2009 he produced about 8,000,000 points per month. He is ranked #20 in the world.

Please note that I interviewed ROC / Assm@n in early December of 2008, but due to my personal problems I was unable to post this interview until February of 2009.

He has no one on his threats list... no one set to overtake him. And he has only one more spot to go before he is number one on Team 33. He is set to overtake Flecom in about 3 months.

Basic Information:

How many F@H points do you have?

17 million for [H]
16 million for OCAU
Another few million elsewhere. Not bad for a home user, eh?

How about United Devices and WCG points?

Nothing and not interested.

How many boxen do you have? Break this number down between borgs and your personal machines.

17 boxes I own. 6 GPU clients I borg. My points are 100% GPU based.

When did you start folding? What kind of project or projects did you participate in?

November 2007. I only do FAH.

When did you start folding for the [H]orde?


What is your average F@H points per month?

Hard to say since I’m rather new. For November I’ve pumped 8 million. My max output has been 320k PPD, so you get the drift of my performance.

Did you contribute to United Devices? How about WCG?


Any other DC projects?


What operating system do you primarily use?

Win XP + Ubuntu

If you use Linux, how familiar with Linux are you?

Just enough to get Ubuntu up and running folding SMP clients!

How many boxen do you have running the following clients?

regular client —
SMP client —
GPU client —
PS3 client —

Have you tried Affinity Changer (AC)? If so, what were your results?

Yes – around 30% gain in PPD

Have you tried using Virtual Machines (VM’s)?

No, never.

What is your [H]ard OCP username? What is the meaning or significance of your [H]ardOCP username, if any?

ROC = Republic of China... So yes I’m Chinese.

AssM@N is just a gaming name I’ve used for nine years.

Want to link to a picture of yourself?

No thanks.

On to the interview:

Congratulations on being chosen the [H]ard DC'er for the month. How does it feel to be chosen by your peers for such a prestigious award?

I believe I’m the first person to enter both [H] and OCAU’s hall of fame. Which is what I’m proud of.

Why do you think you were chosen?

For pure output. I’m still rather a newb in the team, which made me post rather less. It’s not like I’ve done anything great in the forums YET.

If DC’ing could find a cure for just one disease tomorrow, which one would it be and why?


What would you like the [H]orde to know about you that might surprise them?

This is probably my last FAH farm I build. But I will continue folding for a few months, so I’ll definitely punch a massive score before I quit.

Where do you see your DC’ing activities in the next year or two?

Read above — Going to zero PPD.

Have you been successful borging? If so, what kind of borging worked for you? (For example, friends, family, and/or work?)

I started off borging around 20 PCs at work. Until I came along an SMP user which beat my PPD by 1 single SMP client. This is where it all began!!! I bought 4 dual core boxens just to beat their production and so on.

Any ideas on improving the [H]ard DC sub-forum, or suggestions or improvements for our Team?

Need some giveaways and some in house competitions

How much do you spend on F@H? If you consider equipment, electricity, and other activities that support F@H... how much of your life has DC’ing consumed?

My farm was recently purchased for $20k USD. I don’t know the actual cost of electricity as my farm lives in the server room at work, so I get free electricity. But if I were to pay, it’d definitely be $1k+ per month.

PS: I don’t live in the US, so I don’t get awesome prices like many of you do. So it’s not “Bullshit!” I spent so much on my current farm.

Do you have friends, family, or neighbors that know about your F@H activities? What do they think?

They think it’s a waste of time and money

Do you game? If so, how long and what types do you prefer? Consoles or PC?

Warcraft - DOTA.

On behalf of the [H]ard [H]orde, I thank you for your contributions to this team. Keep on folding! Fold on For The Win! For the [H]orde!

Not a problem. I’m sorry for not answering many of the questions in the interview guys.

Congratulations once again for being chosen as the [H]ard DC’er of the month

Cheers... I won’t have any chance for winning this year’s DCer of the year, but I’ll definitely build up my profile for the year coming!


Great interview with a lot of punch, what I like :D

Congratulations again ;)

What would you like the [H]orde to know about you that might surprise them?

This is probably my last FAH farm I build. But I will continue folding for a few months, so I’ll definitely punch a massive score before I quit.

Where do you see your DC’ing activities in the next year or two?

Read above — Going to zero PPD
He's trying to overcome FLECOM and then quit it seems?
Wow! Did I read correctly? Are you planning to wind down some time soon?

ROC has dropped hints to this the whole time he has been here.

It is a shame you can't find a corner somewhere and just let the systems run. However the power draw has to be crazy. Just keeping them running is a commitment.

Hell, even if it a single GPU folding in a laptop we would love to see ya still folding after you take the farm down.

Great interview. Fold on ROC.
He's trying to overcome FLECOM and then quit it seems?

It'll be another 4 months before I overtake FLECOM. By then, my farm will be old and my output won't be world top 10 anymore:eek:.:eek:

Done deal...... I will remain folding on my main PC:)


The interview is slightly outdated.

How many F@H points do you have?

17 million for [H]
16 million for OCAU

34million for [H]
16million for OCAU

50 million total:cool:
Great interview ROC. Sorry you have to shut it down. I was looking forward to competing with you again.

As a fellow "industrial" farmer, I know how much time and commitment you spend on maintaining the farm. I also can relate to the $ side of this sized farm.

Kudos, Kudos, Kudos, much respect. Hall of Fame is well deserved on both forums.

(aka nitteo)
Great interview ROC. I'm glad to see you'll continue on in some capacity. Don't be a stranger!
Great interview ROC. Sorry you have to shut it down. I was looking forward to competing with you again.

As a fellow "industrial" farmer, I know how much time and commitment you spend on maintaining the farm. I also can relate to the $ side of this sized farm.

Kudos, Kudos, Kudos, much respect. Hall of Fame is well deserved on both forums.

(aka nitteo)
Agreed on the deserved titles. So many computer users that do know about F@H and choose not to help even with a classic client...
Yeah ROC / Assm@n, I agree with the other posters here. I think you without a doubt deserved the title. I think it showed a lot of non believers out there that talk is cheap. Many, many, thanks for folding for the [H]orde ;)

You're one foldin' motor scootin' SOB (meant in a good way) :D

PS Even if you do lower you ppd or zero it out don't even think about bailing out on the [H]orde distributed computing forum :eek:

DCing for the CURE
Grats well deserved. I would think the electricity if done right in america woudl cost $600 - $750 / mo. I produce 110k PPD (When my crappy 780i and 750i don't take a crap!) and electricity runs me $300 a month.

Do you mind posting details on how to run the affinity changer? Doing a google search leads me to a program that only works for the SMP client. How does the affinity changer work for GPU folding? I'd very much like to boost my folding 30%.
Great interview. ROC, your contribution to the cause is incredible, even if you'll be dropping it in the near future. The amount of points you've put out in such a short amount of time is more than the vast majority of people have done in years.
great interview indeed but 320k max PPD that is insane!!! :D haha . Very well done though!!

Do you mind posting details on how to run the affinity changer? Doing a google search leads me to a program that only works for the SMP client. How does the affinity changer work for GPU folding? I'd very much like to boost my folding 30%.

I too would like to know the setup of the affinity changer. Also, mind posting a list of the cards you run and the boxes you have (ie: mobo, cpu, number and type of video cards).

And thanks for the interview, it was very concise and direct, true to your word. And 320k ppd is crazy, simply crazy.

Do you mind posting details on how to run the affinity changer? Doing a google search leads me to a program that only works for the SMP client. How does the affinity changer work for GPU folding? I'd very much like to boost my folding 30%.


My interview was rather unclear. I used the affinity changer for win SMP client... sorry:(


I left my current job. My farm's future is uncertain, I should still be able to attain permission to run it however..

Grats well deserved. I would think the electricity if done right in america woudl cost $600 - $750 / mo. I produce 110k PPD (When my crappy 780i and 750i don't take a crap!) and electricity runs me $300 a month.

We pay 20c/kw here... so around double your pricing I guess?:p. Thank god for my good boss?:D:D
Agreed on the deserved titles. So many computer users that do know about F@H and choose not to help even with a classic client...

But it is also very expensive. And although fun, if you were all to donate this money (rather than spending it on hardware and electricity) it would be of much better use to the research community. As far as I am concerned, folding is a very inefficient use of resources. And keep in mind, Stanford get all the credit, none of you guys.
But it is also very expensive. And although fun, if you were all to donate this money (rather than spending it on hardware and electricity) it would be of much better use to the research community. As far as I am concerned, folding is a very inefficient use of resources. And keep in mind, Stanford get all the credit, none of you guys.

I have to take issue with that. I think it is a very efficient way of doing this kind of research. most the the hardware has a 2nd use (gaming or general pourpouse). I also think that we know how to build a system much cheaper on a ppd basis than most any scientist could source from Dell or the like.

Yes it is not cheap, but for the amount of prossing power total cost is very low compared to an industrial option.

Also, I don't care who gets credit. Give me some meaningless points and cure these blights and I'm more than happy.
But it is also very expensive. And although fun, if you were all to donate this money (rather than spending it on hardware and electricity) it would be of much better use to the research community. As far as I am concerned, folding is a very inefficient use of resources. And keep in mind, Stanford get all the credit, none of you guys.
As long as those who hide behind this excuse actually donate, I have no problem with that view. Stanford would take that money and attempt to buy as much computing power as they could to replace those who chose this route though. As Kendrak stated, you think they would be more efficient than any other governing body? :p
I have to take issue with that. I think it is a very efficient way of doing this kind of research. most the the hardware has a 2nd use (gaming or general pourpouse). I also think that we know how to build a system much cheaper on a ppd basis than most any scientist could source from Dell or the like.

Yes it is not cheap, but for the amount of prossing power total cost is very low compared to an industrial option.

Also, I don't care who gets credit. Give me some meaningless points and cure these blights and I'm more than happy.

Certainly the best way for THIS kind of research. But the money wasted on protein folding could be much better spent on tackling these diseases from different angles. Understanding protein misfolding alone will not cure these diseases. And in actual fact will probably do little to cure them. I am not saying it is a waste of time, but in the sheme of things achieves very little.

I guess all I am trying to say is don't think all this will result in any cures. It will help, but not as much as Stanford claim.
Certainly the best way for THIS kind of research. But the money wasted on protein folding could be much better spent on tackling these diseases from different angles. Understanding protein misfolding alone will not cure these diseases. And in actual fact will probably do little to cure them. I am not saying it is a waste of time, but in the sheme of things achieves very little.

You are probably right. What good could ever come from understanding the cause of your problems...just solve them without better understanding. That's what I always say. :rolleyes:

Thank God you weren't around Edison's workshop when he was trying to get stuff done...
Right now the typical research for drug co is they have a problem and they keep throwing different chemical compounds at it and see what ones stick. (They have a general idea of what to use, but it similar to knowing what country some one lives in as opposed to the street)

Heaven forbid you know what chemical compound you need in the first place because you know how the protein is misfolding.

Anyways, this is in interview thread, not a flame war/why do you waste money on folding thread.

Start a thread if you want to keep this going.
Certainly the best way for THIS kind of research. But the money wasted on protein folding could be much better spent on tackling these diseases from different angles. Understanding protein misfolding alone will not cure these diseases. And in actual fact will probably do little to cure them. I am not saying it is a waste of time, but in the sheme of things achieves very little.

I guess all I am trying to say is don't think all this will result in any cures. It will help, but not as much as Stanford claim.

Whaaat, you gots to be kidding me :eek: Damn, this sounds like another bullcrap example of "do it my way or the highway, 'cause only I know better" (kind of like the war in Iraq, didn't the children over there know their parents, their parents parents and infinium know they they were fu*king up and they shoulda' listenend to a "self professed all knowing bullshite soapbox commander" :rolleyes:)

God, please help me weather the crap from the "all knowing, only in their dreams, fu*king geniuses of this world :mad:. Rather than increase global warming with a whole lot of talk, 'cause where I come from talk is cheap ( I come from my mother, not from under a rock somewhere ;)). I see DCing as actually doing something, (oh yeah, I don't need no puesdo pshycological bullshite about being insecure and needing to do something, I'll just ask Dr Spock of Startracks if I think I do :p) I see DCing as banding together with my brothers and sisters, that have the same interest as me (computers) putting all our computers together to help the medical community (get it, combining computers, that's probably why they call it distributed computing)

I apologise for the rant and non family type grammar, but when I read about DCing not being one of the best and most useful tools helping medical science. That it's a waste of money and resources (electricity) I just want to throw up my hands, shake my head and puke all over the speaker :cool: I just wish all these people with this type of attitude would do us all a favor like quit DCing if they do and go off and die in a hole somewhere (once again I apologise, I just can't help myself, the devil made me say that :rolleyes:) . :mad:

Proudly DCing for the CURE
I left my current job. My farm's future is uncertain, I should still be able to attain permission to run it however..


What do you plan to do? You must have worked for a very nice employer.

Do you work in the computer business?
Certainly the best way for THIS kind of research. But the money wasted on protein folding could be much better spent on tackling these diseases from different angles. Understanding protein misfolding alone will not cure these diseases. And in actual fact will probably do little to cure them. I am not saying it is a waste of time, but in the sheme of things achieves very little.

I guess all I am trying to say is don't think all this will result in any cures. It will help, but not as much as Stanford claim.
So you're saying that it is useless to gain an understanding of how and why proteins misfold when trying to cure diseases caused by misfolding proteins? Think about that for a little bit; maybe you'll realize how that statement is completely contrary to reason.
Ok, so I really didn;t plan on hijacking this thread. But there are other ways of investigating and targeting proteins without understanding misfolding. You target the proteins at the DNA/RNA level before they are transcribed. Even when we understand HOW they misfold, there will be little we can do to treat them at the protein level of activation. It is sort of like going to war. You target a country BEFORE they get the nukes, not after, because then the situation becomes far too complex.
Ok, so I really didn;t plan on hijacking this thread. But there are other ways of investigating and targeting proteins without understanding misfolding. You target the proteins at the DNA/RNA level before they are transcribed. Even when we understand HOW they misfold, there will be little we can do to treat them at the protein level of activation. It is sort of like going to war. You target a country BEFORE they get the nukes, not after, because then the situation becomes far too complex.

Please start a thread on this topic, this needs to stop in this thread.
Ok, so I really didn;t plan on hijacking this thread. But there are other ways of investigating and targeting proteins without understanding misfolding. You target the proteins at the DNA/RNA level before they are transcribed. Even when we understand HOW they misfold, there will be little we can do to treat them at the protein level of activation. It is sort of like going to war. You target a country BEFORE they get the nukes, not after, because then the situation becomes far too complex.

CONGRATS once again ROC/AssM@N for, IMO, a well deserved award. (don't wanna highjack this thread) :D. Just remember you don't need to be a doctor or a scientist with fancy degrees or a professor in a top flight medical school like Stanford to be proficient in the healthcare field, medical science or DCing. You just need to know all about DNA and RNA (whatever the fu*k that is :rolleyes:). If you want to help humanity with crucial information like how a protein folds forget it, you gots to brush up on DNA/RNA. :rolleyes:

On the cereal side I think most people that use distributed computing aren't in anyway connected to the health care field (at least I'm not) Most of these people already have their plates full just being good in their chosen field. I think it's very unfair to expect someone that wants to help humanity using a beloved hobby (like IT and computers) to also be an expert on topics that don't directly affect their field of endeavor, like RNA/DNA/APA (whatever that is, only joking I made the APA thing up :p) So in other words if you're the Godfather and you want to DC, forget about wacking people and just brush up on them little furry RNAs. :D

OK, some DC'ers are in the IT field, but in my humble opinion that just makes it much better for those of us that aren't. We get our questions answered with BS free accuracy concerning computers and IT. I'll just leave the study of DNAs and RNAs to the medical people, medical schools and medical scientists (and of course Dr Spock of Srartracks) ;)

Just my 2 and a 1/2 cents worth :cool:

EDIT: Sorry brother Kendraks, I was one finger typin' when I read your post. You're completely correct this kinda' shite gotta' stop. I apologise :(. It's the devil that makes me loose patients when I read about someone ridiculing folding :mad:

Don't know jack about RNAs, but DCing for the CURE

Better Late Than Never.