Eyefinity 3x24" vs. Dell 3007wfp-hc

Damn I just saw LG bezel less tv(in Korea right now). I wonder when they will come out with bezel less monitors. Really dont like bezel
One day, some company will launch a monitor that comes with removable bezels that let you link monitors together seamlessly.
Nice job so far ! What model Acers are they ? I'd try to mount the i/o switches pointing down just out of sight, though still functional from the front. I don't think removing the aluminum is worth the risk as I doubt it will expose any more pixels and probably is holding the front to the rear as well as keeping them aligned. Paint or some type of covering, and you're good to go !
nice idea sir. the acers i have are as follow: two h233h bmid, one p235h. and i'm in agreement with you on the exposing my pixels by removing the aluminum. i don't think that it will either. amazingly i had a dream about it, and in my dream it didn't expose the pixels and i awoke to consider the conclusion. on that note, i think i'll stop reading [H]forum before bed because of what a goofy dream that was.
I have to admit, that after trying out Portrait mode for a couple of days, and going back to Landscape, was night and day, and I mean night and day better with Portrait of course.

As soon as I turned on the computer again in Landscape it was instantly smaller, and thinner looking. The immersion factor was almost gone right away. You mainly stare are the main/center display and at 24" it looks small to me, and the two sides are so far away, and super wide it is borderline silly. You really need to keep turning your head left and right to even see them clearly. And you can still the romm your desk is in too easily, the wall behind the monitors are still visible, as is the desk, etc...

With Portrait right in front of you, it is a solid wall top to bottom, side to side of all LCD's and game world, you see nothing but the monitors in your eye. You can't see the wall behind your monitor, you barely see the desk it is sitting on,. just all LCD's and nothing else.

So the final word for pure IMMERSION factor only goes hands down to Portrait mode. Unless you tried 3 monitors in Portrait mode, please do not comment, it is something that must be seen in reality to be believed.




Zorachus, I must say that until this second I was leaning against even considering portrait because, having NOT tried any eyefinity setup yet (waiting for 5870 x2) I assumed the bezels being closer in portrait > landscape would be a distraction...but your pics are great..as have been those from the [H] crew. I think I shall do it. Question now is do I get 2 more 27's or do I get 3x24 and use the 27 as secondary...sort of like the dream setup on the front page...ahhh decisions...really makes you reflect on how lucky we are...not, "Where does my next meal or my medical care come from?" ....Geez, I digress.

BTW, randomly....would most 3d engines support full 360 monitors in a big circle around you? I mean that is once eyefinity can support like 18 monitors...
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Zorachus, I must say that until this second I was leaning against even considering portrait because, having NOT tried any eyefinity setup yet (waiting for 5870 x2) I assumed the bezels being closer in portrait > landscape would be a distraction...but your pics are great..as have been those from the [H] crew. I think I shall do it. Question now is do I get 2 more 27's or do I get 3x24 and use the 27 as secondary...sort of like the dream setup on the front page...ahhh decisions...really makes you reflect on how lucky we are...not, "Where does my next meal or my medical care come from?" ....Geez, I digress.

BTW, randomly....would most 3d engines support full 360 monitors in a big circle around you? I mean that is once eyefinity can support like 18 monitors...

If you can afford it, I think 3 - 27" in Portrait would be the cat's meow, but that would be pricey. I was thinking of going 3 - 27" too, but the one I already have, the Dell 2707W, does not flip up to Portrait, so I would need to buy three, and that is way too pricey right now, compared to three 24".

But again, when going back to Landscape last night after Portrait, felt like a cold shower :) Seriously in Portrait it is pure [H]ard, and Landscape felt pure oft. That's for pure Immersion factor, it is 100 times more immersive in Portrait compared to Landscape. If you have not seen it in person with your own eye, you just won't understand.

Landscape feels more thin and very wide but still just a widescreen monitor setup, but does not make me feel like I can get up off my chair and crawl inside the LCD's and jump into the game world like Portrait mode makes me feel, that is a true statement. Seriously, in Portrait mode I feel like tucking in my legs and jumping cannon ball style into the game, like you do off a diving board. Never felt anything even close to that in Landscape.
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I am concerned that with 100x more immersion factor that I might actually die if I die in game. Can anybody confirm this? I am only interested in hearing from people that have actually died, no speculation please.
i died... but my roommate was cool enough to come in the room and reset the game for me

i play on easy now...
Holy crap xjmtx that looks REALLY good. It helps that the bezels aren't black. Great job man.
So the final word for pure IMMERSION factor only goes hands down to Portrait mode. Unless you tried 3 monitors in Portrait mode, please do not comment, it is something that must be seen in reality to be believed.

I completely agree Zorachus.. what people don't realize is that in pictures landscape looks much better than it does at your desk because you have to stand back 6 feet to get all the screens in your picture. But while sitting at your desk the periphial landscape monitors are so far out of view that you almost don't even use them. However, in portrait, all monitors are within your field of vision and are used during game play. Hence the "immersion" feeling you get with portrait as your compelete field of vision is high resolution monitors.
I am concerned that with 100x more immersion factor that I might actually die if I die in game. Can anybody confirm this? I am only interested in hearing from people that have actually died, no speculation please.
Medic! :D
Awesome man...I was actually thinking though that I would paint the bezels black...So why cant Dell come up with this? Seriously...nice bezel reduction surgery there.
Holy crap xjmtx that looks REALLY good. It helps that the bezels aren't black. Great job man.

i have to agree. i think the aluminum makes it so the "bezelling" doesn't stand out so much. so, there you have it, the first round of treatments for you poor saps with BBBS, that's how it's done. next on the list is to figure out how to remove the aluminum altogether and make it seamless.
I completely agree Zorachus.. what people don't realize is that in pictures landscape looks much better than it does at your desk because you have to stand back 6 feet to get all the screens in your picture. But while sitting at your desk the periphial landscape monitors are so far out of view that you almost don't even use them. However, in portrait, all monitors are within your field of vision and are used during game play. Hence the "immersion" feeling you get with portrait as your compelete field of vision is high resolution monitors.

Spot on :cool: The Landscape setup is hard to take in all at once, when your actually sitting in front of it, it is too wide, you have to actually turn to the left and then move again to the right to see it all, and the center screen you look at the most, seems sort of normal or small even, but nothing giving me some great Immersion factor, I don't get that feeling at all with the triple widescreen, it just looks like a triple widescreen, which is cool, but not crazy.

Now Portrait just screams IMMERSION, you really feel like you can just crawl inside your monitors and enter the game world, it looks that good and brings it to life, also takes up your entire vision.
I completely agree Zorachus.. what people don't realize is that in pictures landscape looks much better than it does at your desk because you have to stand back 6 feet to get all the screens in your picture. But while sitting at your desk the periphial landscape monitors are so far out of view that you almost don't even use them. However, in portrait, all monitors are within your field of vision and are used during game play. Hence the "immersion" feeling you get with portrait as your compelete field of vision is high resolution monitors.
How much depends on your desk, though? I have a huge corner desk. It's three feet from front to back and nearly six feet wide at it's widest point. It's perfect for a three-way Eyefinity setup. I could put three 24 inch monitors in landscape and all of them would be within my field of vision, only needing to flick my eyes left and right to look directly at the side monitors.
How much depends on your desk, though? I have a huge corner desk. It's three feet from front to back and nearly six feet wide at it's widest point. It's perfect for a three-way Eyefinity setup. I could put three 24 inch monitors in landscape and all of them would be within my field of vision, only needing to flick my eyes left and right to look directly at the side monitors.

I also have a large custom desk, it is 16 feet long and 3 feet deep. If you put the three way Landscape Eyefinity far enough back to see all three easily, then the center monitor looks too far away and becomes small, and hard to read text, and the game looks far away too, because you stare at the center/display the most. But then move it forward and closer to you, the center monitor looks great, but then you can't take in the 2 sides all the way, it is stretching out way too wide.

Portrait mode you don't get that all. You can set it up fairly close or further back, but you just have a solid wall, from top to bottom, and side to side of all LCD's and entire game world taking up your vision.

Again I never even thought of going Portrait for one second when buying Eyefinity, was 100% Landscape only in my head. Then was bored one night this week, and just tried it for the hell of it, and holy cow, just night and day cooler for gaming, and for web browsing, it just blows away Landscape, and I never thought for a minute it would. Again you must see it in real life to understand.
How much depends on your desk, though? I have a huge corner desk. It's three feet from front to back and nearly six feet wide at it's widest point. It's perfect for a three-way Eyefinity setup. I could put three 24 inch monitors in landscape and all of them would be within my field of vision, only needing to flick my eyes left and right to look directly at the side monitors.

a large supporting desk does make a difference. i built that desk to support three monitors. it's 30" deep and the top hutch is 18" deep, that way you can angle the monitors so it's not so goofily wide. and like you say, it's eye movement. the only time i physically move my head left or right is truely in the event that i decide to focus on the left or right monitor for working purposes. because in reality, the center monitor is at least 32" away from my face.
I imagine if I do landscape I wouldn't be sitting so close that I literally can't see the other two monitors without completely turning my head. I think ultimately I'm going to end up purchasing 3x monitors that can swivel so I can try both and decide which one's best. It's going to be more expensive than my original plan of getting one dell DP monitor with swivels and two cheaper monitors for the side.
I also have a large custom desk, it is 16 feet long and 3 feet deep. If you put the three way Landscape Eyefinity far enough back to see all three easily, then the center monitor looks too far away and becomes small, and hard to read text, and the game looks far away too, because you stare at the center/display the most. But then move it forward and closer to you, the center monitor looks great, but then you can't take in the 2 sides all the way, it is stretching out way too wide.

Portrait mode you don't get that all. You can set it up fairly close or further back, but you just have a solid wall, from top to bottom, and side to side of all LCD's and entire game world taking up your vision.

Again I never even thought of going Portrait for one second when buying Eyefinity, was 100% Landscape only in my head. Then was bored one night this week, and just tried it for the hell of it, and holy cow, just night and day cooler for gaming, and for web browsing, it just blows away Landscape, and I never thought for a minute it would. Again you must see it in real life to understand.

Okay, yeah, I see your point about the center monitor. Going with three 30 inchers might fix that, but that's getting into a lot of coin (much more than I'm willing to spend anyhoo). As you say, I'll just need to see it in real life. Since I'm doing an Eyefinity setup regardless of what configuration I go with, I'll just do some experimenting.

Hmmm . . . I just realized, I don't know how well my Wacom tablet will play with Eyefinity. I'm certainly going to have to re-map it to a portion of the screen.
Awesome man...I was actually thinking though that I would paint the bezels black...So why cant Dell come up with this? Seriously...nice bezel reduction surgery there.

I was talking to Samsung bout the bezel color and the guy told me they were doing some testing now to see if grays or black worked better for blending in.

Might throw some black electrical tape on the seems to see how that works before painting them?

Also, when talking to panel guys about bezels, it seems the bezels are there more for shipping protection than anything else.

Now these threads have me saving for a 5870 for xmas ;) My rig can only game on the landscape panel (4770Xfire)

I run 3 dell 2209WAs portrait and another landscape
My 2 pence is that, as others have said in the thread, 3x portrait just feels good.
I dont notice the bezels at all, they are matt black on these panels, but your eye is not even drawn to the silver dell logo.
(the camera I used is widescreen, actually all the panels are the same, but the left hand one looks stretched)

Rather than flip them, I think (just a casual gamer) with a new GPU, I'd use the triple in portrait where it works good, and use single landscape panel otherwise. Catalyst is easy enough to set up.
when you look at it, it looks like it supports the screen housing, keeping all lcd parts together. it may be worth a $50 phone call to acer to find out what's under there.
less than 18 hours till my asus 5870 shows up, i'll be on the ready to take pictures and post in here with the bezels removed. ALSO after speaking with a close friend, i think i'm going to try to fabricate a stand for portrait mode out of wood. i can't set up the acers in portrait as they don't have a swivel mode that lets them rotate to portrait like that. and hell. if portrait winds up looking more bad ass, i think i'll be investing in another card and 2 monitors. one thing though. the p235h acer with the plastic housing off only has 2 vesa mounts (both the bottom mounts). which is fucking weird. how the hell would i get around something like that?

For 24" screens, they are too small for Landscape in my opinion, so Portrait looks a million times better. But 3 - 30" Displays, that would look killer in Landscape, because it would still have a nice vertical height. But 3 - 30" would be killer as well in Portrait, fuck, just having three 30" is pure sex anyway you put it. Even 27" monitors would look better in Landscape, than the small 24"

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so what's under the aluminum? i mean you've come this far :)

A really large plastic sheet with small holes drilled in it to disperse light. Further than that? The backlights (if you open it wrong, you'll probably break some, and they're not cheap on big monitors).
damn it. i may just go full portrait. ungghhh.....this is the worst decision in gaming ever. (HAHAHA)

hey Zorachus, do you think you could take your bezels off like i did mine so i can see what portrait mode looks like that way?
A really large plastic sheet with small holes drilled in it to disperse light. Further than that? The backlights (if you open it wrong, you'll probably break some, and they're not cheap on big monitors).

fuuuggggggggg....i don't know if it's worth it then. there are screws on the sides that the aluminum screws into, but golly that's $200 to replace the monitor.....unghhh....as Isabelle Rosalini would say (on this season at least) What to do??? :confused:
For 24" screens, they are too small for Landscape in my opinion, so Portrait looks a million times better. But 3 - 30" Displays, that would look killer in Landscape, because it would still have a nice vertical height. But 3 - 30" would be killer as well in Portrait, fuck, just having three 30" is pure sex anyway you put it. Even 27" monitors would look better in Landscape, than the small 24"

sounds like i need to make a business expense purchase. 3 30's would be wicked nasty.
hey Zorachus, do you think you could take your bezels off like i did mine so i can see what portrait mode looks like that way?
His monitors are $550 each if bought new. Might be okay chancing a cheap monitor, but not worth it on higher quality monitors.
well blow me down. that's more than i spent. so i guess i'll have to be the one to do it when february comes around.