Steam - All C&C Games 75% Off

Nov 19, 2003
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 $4.99
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising $4.99
Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight $4.99
Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath $4.99
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars $7.49
Gee, thanks Steam. Nothing like buying my games again so I don't have to use a disk.
In for both CNC3s and RA3. I hear RA3 isn't too good, but my nostalgia for RA2 will not let me pass up the game for $5
4 was bad, but the rest are 5 stars for those who came up playing Tiberian Dawn
is C&C4 worth the 5 bucks?

i still play kane's wrath on my computer

Heck no!
It is horrible, with draconian DRM (aka, must be online ALL the time in single player mode as well).
Story is bad, and most everything else in this trash heap is as well.

Stay far, far away.
I picked up C&C4 just so I could finish the storyline when it hit $5 this Christmas. Played the first mission or two, but never did much with it yet. Its sitting in that Steam backlog queue now.

C&C3 were pretty solid single player. Kane's Wrath added some nice polish if you did multiplayer. Was not bad - better than the earlier version's netcode - but not fantastic. Wish this game would be priced at $5/5.

RA3 really bothered me at first. Very cartoony. It does have co-op, but have not done most of the missions that way. My kid brother might pick it up, so might give that angle a try. Has skirmish modes like normal. They really push the FMV with heavy cleavage to start, but it settles down quickly. Not something my bride would be happy about... Anyhow, it was a reasonable bit of fun. Not done any skirmish play with it.
I picked up C&C4 just so I could finish the storyline when it hit $5 this Christmas. Played the first mission or two, but never did much with it yet. Its sitting in that Steam backlog queue now.

C&C3 were pretty solid single player. Kane's Wrath added some nice polish if you did multiplayer. Was not bad - better than the earlier version's netcode - but not fantastic. Wish this game would be priced at $5/5.

RA3 really bothered me at first. Very cartoony. It does have co-op, but have not done most of the missions that way. My kid brother might pick it up, so might give that angle a try. Has skirmish modes like normal. They really push the FMV with heavy cleavage to start, but it settles down quickly. Not something my bride would be happy about... Anyhow, it was a reasonable bit of fun. Not done any skirmish play with it.

I picked up C&C 3. I think it is really good, but multiplayer is pretty dead so you have to wait pretty long to join a game :( I would say RA3 is the funny multiplayer experience for me so far.
I picked up C&C 3. I think it is really good, but multiplayer is pretty dead so you have to wait pretty long to join a game :( I would say RA3 is the funny multiplayer experience for me so far.

I think you probably want to ping friends rather than look for a public game. Depending on the hotel networks next week, I might be up for a people vs AI comp stomp with Kane's Wrath.