Recent content by C64

  1. C

    Can i damage 4790k using Prime 95 ?

    As a previous poster said there's no danger as long as you don't run it with adaptive voltage and set voltage manually but even then I have stability tested loads with IBT prime Asus realbench etc whilst forgetting all the time to swap from adaptive voltage to manual and have been okay but...
  2. C

    4690k overclocking - random shutdowns.

    For a start 4.6ghz on only 1.25 volts might be too optimistic and to me it just seems like 4.6ghz was never truly 100% stable at 1.25 volts. here's a good guide make sure to read page 1 post 1 all the way through some important points are stress test with manual voltage and power states off...
  3. C

    Silverstone RMA Problems (FT02 related) – Advice?

    That's the only downside to silverstone they make the best cases but their customer support is non existent.
  4. C

    There are so many cases my brain hurts - Plain, good airflow, black, aluminum ideas?

    silverstone ft01 old now but so underrated (corsiar 650d is a ripoff of it but worse) the top fan filter issue is easily solved just run the top fan as exhaust it's full ally great looking very heavy with hq sound deadening
  5. C

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Yea it amazes me how so many are so ignorant they spend a hundred plus on a soundcard then have something like turtlebeach or similar headsets, are those sennheiser Hd 650 I spy ?
  6. C

    Best GPU Temp Program?

    GPU Z
  7. C

    MSI lightning 6970. One bad fan. Out of warranty. What do I do?

    Take the fans off and cable tie some spare fans on if you have any
  8. C

    Warning: XFX's silent revision on the 6970

    Product baiting is commonplace in so many electrical goods Release an item with certain components / performance get rave reviews Then Manufacture said item under the same model name but with cheaper components and build quality Goes on in so many things I guess it's legal then reminds me...
  9. C

    Silverstone Raven RV03: User review, lessons learned, and build log

    is there a corsair psu issue with this case and its connector i read somewhere that the cable interferes with the psu switch because its right next to the socket ?
  10. C

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    love how people have all these amazing screen setups yet have crappy cases and headsets lol I see a few good cases though like the ft02 thankfully but seriously guys get proper headphones.
  11. C

    12.8 driver concern (They are terrible)

    well it must be 100% a driver issue with the 5770 and the 12.8 if it wasn't I would have problems on other driver versions ? so i don't see your logic there. Maybe you didn't uninstall 12.6 correctly and it's using part of the old drivers left over from 12.6 on your 12.8 and thus is stable.
  12. C

    7970 VRM temps, is 100C normal?

    which software are you using to read the vrm temps ? is it always on 100c ? if so sounds like that isn't a correct reading and yes I would say that is too high i wouldn't be comfortable with my vrm always at 100c. Exactly which model of card is it ? maybe there vrms are in different places like...
  13. C

    12.8 driver concern (They are terrible)

    No i just kept getting random crashes and ccc has stopped working crashes flickering etc in games. Not a single blip since going back to 12.6 your problem is more than likely a bios issue which will be fixed.
  14. C

    12.8 driver concern (They are terrible)

    I went back to 12.6 have a 5770 and 12.8 gave me tons of crashes I use driver sweeper to uninstall drivers correctly it's 100% a 12.8 problem.
  15. C

    Arctic Accelero xtreme 7970, anyone have yet?

    Just do what I always do with third party coolers use your thermal paste of choice arctic silver / ic diamond / mx3/4 or whatever put a blob in the middle of each sink and then in 2 corners of each sink or on the chip itself put a tiny tiny amount as little as you can of superglue on 2 corners...