Recent content by Cousin Patty

  1. C

    Quake Turns 20

    I remember the moment I saw this on the shelf at COMP USA or wherever the hell I was at the time. My family just got our first computer (Compaq Presario Pentium 133Mhz, integrated graphics) and I needed something to play on it. I was in 7th grade I believe. Yes I do feel old now. Thanks!
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    Doom 4 E3 reveal.

    Playing on Ultra Violence. Challenging and engaging. Looks great, runs great. My only complaint is the sound design. Wish guns and enemy sounds were more distinctive. Every gun and creature in the old DOOM games had a very particluar sound. ie the plasma rifle, the Hell Knight, Cacodemon hiss...
  3. C

    UPlay - How much of a Pain is it?

    I've got 3 games that use Uplay: Farcry 3, BF4, and Assasin's Creed Black Flag. The only issue I have had was that I had to turn off the cloud saves because it was making Assassin's Creed crash every few minutes. The other games have not had any issues. Overall, Uplay itself hasn't really been a...
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    Dying Light - zombies, 4-player co-op

    I picked this up a week or so ago when it went on sale and have been having a blast with it and have had a hard time putting it down. The only thing that I don't like is the screen tearing. No other games I have have so much screen tearing regardless of what v-sync settings I use.
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    Official World of Warcraft Movie Trailer

    Who's the artist here? Almost looks like Frazetta but dont think it is.
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    Data Dump Suggests Possible Breach At Electronic Arts

    I recently installed Origin so I could play BF4. I was having a problem where it wouldn't send my email verification when I used the link in Origin. I changed my password and then it worked fine. Got the email right away. Haven't had any complaints about Origin otherwise. Been having a blast...
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    Wasteland 2 Official Release.

    As a fan of Fallout and Fallout 2, I was enjoying this game quite a bit but simply got distracted and stopped playing. Hearing that this overhaul is coming out will get me to install it again I think.
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    Star Wars: Battlefront Beta Exposes The Game’s Biggest Flaw

    Casual player and Stars Wars fan here. I don't see the point in DICE trying to create some alternate Star Wars history for the sake of a single player campaign... Been having fun with the game so far (strangely addictive somehow to me) and am looking forward to the full list of maps and game...
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    ASUS & HardOCP 20th Anniversary GTX 980 Gold Edition Lucky Draw

    concrete-core chokes and hardened MOSFETs oculus comes out next year. this will help
  10. C

    Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

    Was happily surprised to find my 325a waiting for me. The huge FOV in the cockpit will be awesome for dogfighting I imagine. If only the lighting was better in the discount hangar... No matter. Pre alpha is pre alpha. I didn't have any issue getting into or out of my ship using the ladder and...
  11. C

    Dark Souls is on Steam

    This game is handing my ass to me on a platter. Trying to make my way through the undead burg/dragon bridge area. bad for my blood pressure
  12. C

    Day Z - experiences and Gameplay videos

    Thinking about checking this out but not sure if my rig can handle it. Will I have to turn view distances and stuff way down to play? Rig in Signature
  13. C

    How do I do this? Image rollover type stuff in Dreamweaver

    basically I have a div container with a central container for content. Off to the left and the right inside this main container I have tables that contain the image buttons. When the user gets to the main page the 'Main’ image inside the table cell should display its rollover image. If...
  14. C

    How do I do this? Image rollover type stuff in Dreamweaver

    I'm making some images in Illustrator and using them as navigation buttons in Dreamweaver. I want to have the images display their alternate/rollover image as long as the user is on the corresponding page of the site. Similar to how the 'active' option works when creating links with regular...