Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

well, I told my wife that we needed to buy a 325a in addition to my Freelancer and Hornet so she can play with me on another computer.

So that was another $80 from me... that's all, I swear. well, plus a skin to get her backer status.

somewhere around $380 out of me so far.
Evidence seems to support your hypotheses however I don't find anything anywhere talking about this being the case and not one person has asked the question on the forum.
I would imagine that I would see at least one thread with the title "where the hell is my 315p".

ive seen 3 since hanger mod came out on the first night slone. Each one the census was if you upgraded to a 315/325 it only shows a 300. If you straight up bought a 315 or 325 pledge then it shows up right now.
ive seen 3 since hanger mod came out on the first night slone. Each one the census was if you upgraded to a 315/325 it only shows a 300. If you straight up bought a 315 or 325 pledge then it shows up right now.

Well, I guess I found out that the module had been released a little late but I went 15 pages back on the general discussion forum and didn't find (or maybe just didn't see with my old eyes) a specific thread addressing this detail and nothing on the faq.

However, I did finally find a reference to this in an unrelated thread over at the StarCitizen forum that unequivocally states that it is a commonly known thing that upgrades aren't showing up. Commonly known to everyone but me I guess. :)

I'm not complaining. We are lucky that they even release something like this and I'm sure that the upgrades will eventually be able to be viewed in the module.

Thanks for all of the responses.
Well, I guess I found out that the module had been released a little late but I went 15 pages back on the general discussion forum and didn't find (or maybe just didn't see with my old eyes) a specific thread addressing this detail and nothing on the faq.

However, I did finally find a reference to this in an unrelated thread over at the StarCitizen forum that unequivocally states that it is a commonly known thing that upgrades aren't showing up. Commonly known to everyone but me I guess. :)

I'm not complaining. We are lucky that they even release something like this and I'm sure that the upgrades will eventually be able to be viewed in the module.

Thanks for all of the responses.

I believe you, the night it came out threads would go from page 1 to 5 in a matter of minutes, I spent 25 minutes looking for 1 thread cause it had instructions on how to reset resolutions after changing them (my 5760x1080 wasn't reselectable :( ) They need to fix their website forum to include proper searches and a PM system lol
Is anyone think prices are a little high on the store? I was just a little surprised that the equipment is so expensive to start that I can barely buy anything without spending more additional money. Granted $1=1kUEC isn't horrible still just a bit of a shocker for me.
yeah i think they are way overpriced tbh.

but also remember that everything you can buy in there can be bought later with in game earned credits too at that point i dont think the prices will look as bad but right now they are.

now that we can buy credits tho i decided to melt my 250$ rear admiral package and just get the stand alone connie because i never cared about the physical stuff in the first place just wanted that 10k extra starting credits but now i have 25$ more in store credit i can use to put on my hornet variant upgrade. if for what ever reason i want that 10k credits back i can spend 10$ to get it later.
Game looks beautiful, a little sad for the lack of 2560x1440 support though

Why on earth would they not support that resolution?

The vast majority of people with higher res monitors who game probably have one of the korean panels at that exact res.
THe only thing I'd really like is the model of the constellation.... :p

I'm still thinking about a hornet/constellation... the cargo hangar of the connie is.. fucking awesome looking.

I'm really psyched but I kinda want to wait until the variants come out lol
the only item to me that looks worth getting is the tractor beam, assuming you have no plans to get the 315p or the cutlass it could be nice to start out with a tractor beam given its description.

SureGrip tractor

"Greycat’s latest addition to their field-tested tractor beam line is a dependable addition to their catalog. Aside from a more efficient pull/draw ratio, the latest model does little to advance from the previous models. The Sure Grip has settings to target and extract everything from asteroid fragments to drifting crewmen, backed by Greycat’s certified Soft-Touch® guarantee."
Was happily surprised to find my 325a waiting for me. The huge FOV in the cockpit will be awesome for dogfighting I imagine. If only the lighting was better in the discount hangar...

No matter. Pre alpha is pre alpha.

I didn't have any issue getting into or out of my ship using the ladder and hatch. I did get stuck in the ladder climbing position from using the other ladder and had to restart though.

Anyway, thanks CR and CIG!
Man nobody has ever done a game this way. The access to the developing models and all. Very hopeful about this game.
None the upgrades are suitable for a Freelancer. About the only thing I want out of the store is the work bench but I'm not spending 10k credits on it atm.
None the upgrades are suitable for a Freelancer. About the only thing I want out of the store is the work bench but I'm not spending 10k credits on it atm.

Yeah. Honestly I think they should have let us play around with all the upgrades and check them out(minus the artwork) for free until they launch the dogfighting. Just my opinion but most of us are showing our support and putting a lot more money than we normally would on a game(especially this early in it's infancy). This just seems a little like nickel and diming when they already have such huge support in the very early alpha stages still. Maybe if we could even fire or test the stuff that might be something but this. . .

I don't know just my $.02
Damn storm, knocked out my connection for the past 3 hours. Just checked out the items in the virtual store. Like others have said, way overpriced and for the most part useless since we don't know how things will end up being balanced. Oh well, that's an extra 10k credits for me to spend later on.

Only $30k to $17mil, and that's just because a little pre alpha box with semi interactive ships in it was released. The question is, not if but how soon will they reach the full $21mil funding goal and what will they be adding to the game after it has passed that?
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Totally impressed. Just based off how awesomely detailed the ships are, SC will be a game changer.

On a side note, X:Rebirth is coming out soon and actually looks pretty good, maybe something to hold the space simmers over for a few months.
Damn storm, knocked out my connection for the past 3 hours. Just checked out the items in the virtual store. Like others have said, way overpriced and for the most part useless since we don't know how things will end up being balanced. Oh well, that's an extra 10k credits for me to spend later on.

Only $30k to $17mil, and that's just because a little pre alpha box with semi interactive ships in it was released. The question is, not if but how soon will they reach the full $21mil funding goal and what will they be adding to the game after it has passed that?

So I am not the only one to notice the pricing on the store. I wonder if anyone will address this or just leave it were it is currently and hope too many people don't get upset. I am a bit bummed out tbh because this just means I probably won't be trying out things in my hangar or buying new things until later on in development.


Oh and only 11k to go now.
about $1500 to go before 17million!

edit: 17 million achieved :D
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17 Million~! Also, a public service announcement.

I have reason to believe that something big, related to the availability of "limited" ship variants etc... will be happening in the middle of this next/coming week. Can't risk saying any more than that I don't think, but... bolster your wallet now and don't spend too much over the holiday weekend ;)
Bah just noticed that the mil spec hornet I had is now the civy one, must've fixed it in the update.
How do you get on top of the 300? Any way to close the doors?

So I am not the only one to notice the pricing on the store. I wonder if anyone will address this or just leave it were it is currently and hope too many people don't get upset. I am a bit bummed out tbh because this just means I probably won't be trying out things in my hangar or buying new things until later on in development.

I've bought a dozen games this week for the price of a buggy. I have no intention of touching anything in that store.
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Just open the door, climb up the ladder and then jump out onto the wing
So are all the stretch goals going to be hidden star systems now?

Lorien did you take pics of the mil spec hornet? i didnt see

was playing with the ship holo thingy

I got an aurora LX! come at me bro

gave the freelancer a bit more of a puch

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Nope forgot to take screens :/ I was going to make a video of it right before I posted.
Lorien did you take pics of the mil spec hornet? i didnt see
Nope forgot to take screens :/ I was going to make a video of it right before I posted. That's when I found out it had been replaced.

was playing with the ship holo thingy

I got an aurora LX! come at me bro

gave the freelancer a bit more of a puch

Looking very nice. You probably know this already but just in case you can climb into the little sleeping cubicle in the Aurora. Just face the back wall and press F but make sure you are close to it to not trigger the ladder exit animation.
From Ben: Hey guys - long story short, we hear you. The VD store ended up coming across pretty much exactly the opposite way we wanted. We're working out a plan right now to make this right and I will have more for you as soon as possible.
ya i am thinking that with 4 of those class 2s you could be a great sniper. I could see a freelance and 2 hornets taking down a Stella with ease . with the freelancer keeping a its distance and chewing up the shields while the hornets distract the stella.

coming across in what way? haha i will laugh if they drop the buggy's price to 5 bucks or something.

Lorien I didnt know that, I tried to get in it but i kept exiting the ship. attempting to go to sbed in my aurora.

Edit: haha i did it, so cool. once the game comes out i want to log in while im in space, my guy yawns, looks out the window and sees a huge asteroid coming at him slike "oh shit" booom!
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From Ben: Hey guys - long story short, we hear you. The VD store ended up coming across pretty much exactly the opposite way we wanted. We're working out a plan right now to make this right and I will have more for you as soon as possible.


I don't know if this has been answered, but how are rotating guns supposed to be used? Both hands will be busy with flying the ship, so I can't see us aiming those weapons. Will they be AI controlled, like locking to the nearest target and auto aiming or similar?

EDIT: I wish there was an option to find only the developer/moderator posts over on RSI and filter the mass amount of user posts. It is almost impossible to find relevant information.
From Ben: Hey guys - long story short, we hear you. The VD store ended up coming across pretty much exactly the opposite way we wanted. We're working out a plan right now to make this right and I will have more for you as soon as possible.

Glad to hear this. As much as I liked the idea of a universe-wide "Amazon-like" store for in-game currency, the cost of the currency and its ratio to real dollars, as well as the implied purchasing power and difficulty of obtaining within the real game economy, made things look ultra expensive. $5 for a basic low level in game laser! $20 for a buggy! $5 for posters and whatnot... It would have been one thing if they said from the beginning that the prices don't reflect intended economic data, but are simply there just to "pledge" during the pre-launch funding period, but otherwise....ugh, it means that the in-world economy doesn't look good.

I was very worried when they announced the ability to purchase credits for real world cash, as being able to do this means adding a whole different level to the economy, where there is an observable ratio between game credits and real currency. Worse, it means that tweaks made are not typically just done with the game universe/economy in mind, but also to balance "earned credits" versus "bought credits". Now, I would have loved to see CIG come out and say "Hey guys, a newbie pilot straight out of the UEE will be able to make 100,000 credits in a day's average play session", but I've not yet seen a company who is willing to risk making the "buyers" feel devalued, so that means that every pricing decision must be done without making those who bought the credits feel they aren't getting a good deal - disastrous for the earned credit economy, typically.

Hell, most players assumed that the credit packages that they were given as part of their pledges and/or milestones would be a considerable bonus, but even someone with a $250 Rear Admiral package only is given $10 worth of credits, not even enough to pay for the buggy (that, many players believed would be free to play around with, at least during the alpha), which does not bode well for game economy predictions.

In any event, I'm glad they're realizing that this approach isn't the right direction and I hope they come up with some clarifications. It would be great if they simply lopped off a couple of zeroes from the purchase price of everything, so the posters and lamp would only be about 50 credits, along with a clarification that users will be able to make a significant amount of credits just by play which will NOT be balanced in terms of real-world cash. Instead, the real world credit boosters should be just that - boosters/extras treated as a supplement. Whew.

I don't know if this has been answered, but how are rotating guns supposed to be used? Both hands will be busy with flying the ship, so I can't see us aiming those weapons. Will they be AI controlled, like locking to the nearest target and auto aiming or similar?

the chance of AI controlled is slim since the game is going for skill based.

chances are if you have played X3 and used a mouse to fly you would see how it could work if you only have a mouse because the weapons in that game had a bit of articulation and you could aim freely in the middle of the screen and when you got to the edge of the fireing arc it would turn the craft.

if you are using a joystick you will want to at least have Track IR 5, (even with a mouse i would want to use it) because with track ir 5 your guns will aim at what you look at and track your head movements.

if you dont have track ir 5 or occulus rift you will most likely just have your main weapons fireing straight so you will need to point the nose of the ship at the enemy to hit them.

I don't know if this has been answered, but how are rotating guns supposed to be used? Both hands will be busy with flying the ship, so I can't see us aiming those weapons. Will they be AI controlled, like locking to the nearest target and auto aiming or similar?

EDIT: I wish there was an option to find only the developer/moderator posts over on RSI and filter the mass amount of user posts. It is almost impossible to find relevant information.

the guns are controlled by using your head and looking at a target. which is why track ir and OR will be so useful, specially if your using a hotas set up.

you can see it demonstrated at 6:26
I believe they said the game won't use the mouse flying/aiming like War Thunder uses.

As for track ir I don't believe it is precise enough for this and OR is way too niche.