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  • I bought an CrossHair IV Extreme for my FX 8320E. I'm having doubts about the configuration in the bios, and i'm having some problems with my memory, my computer is booting just with clicking in MemOK button, i use 1866Mhz 1.5v memory. And any configuration in bios like disable C6 state, i have a overclocking error message. Can you help me?
    Do you have the latest BIOS for the motherboard?

    I haven't booted that system in a while, but I think I was getting an overclocking failed message at some point as well. I don't think I has actually changed any settings in the BIOS such as power saving, etc.
    Hey Cyclone,

    I was reading a thread that you posted 2 years ago about getting pfsense installed on your eMachine. I ran into the same problem you did. In you post you said you had to:

    Had to make:

    and add:

    You had to make a file called local in the loader\conf folder? Were you able to make this file in the pfsense web config page or did you have to ssh into the machine? Any help would be appreciated.
    The Premium BIOS is quite a bit more stable than the -E BIOS ever was.. especially when running at high bclk. I was never able to get it stable at 21x200 until I put the Premium BIOS on it... so there are definitely some stability issues with the -E BIOS. And it could simply be an issue with my RAM having compatibility issues.

    If I had another set of RAM to test I would go ahead and do so.

    I'll go ahead and do some more stbility testing while seeing if I can lower my voltages at all. Not real confident that I will be able to though as I spent quite a few nights doing so already.

    Thanks for taking time to look into it for me.
    At 200bclk though my system will not even boot into Windows when running at DDR3-2000 and a
    1.35v QPI.. pretty sure it won't even POST at that low of a QPI/DRAM core voltage. For a stable 200bclk while running DDR3-2000, I am pretty sure the QPI/DRAM core voltage is currently at 1.675v in the BIOS.

    The general consensus on the QPI/DRAM Core voltage is that you are generally fine as long as it is within .5v of the RAM voltage. This is even backed up by the updated Intel technical docs.

    I have looked at various ASUS QVL lists as well. Some of the DDR3 listed as verified requires 2.0v, which would require a 1.5v QPI/DRAM Core voltage to be within the safe range.

    I did do quite a bit of testing a few weeks ago after I cross-flashed to the Premium BIOS. There was a new Premium BIOS which was posted on the ASUS ftp early today which I updated to. Haven't done any testing to see if it allows me to lower the voltage any though.

    Hrmmm... It is not an issue with TurboV keeping the IOH voltage that I set it to in TurboV. However, if I set it to 1.24v in the BIOS, TurboV says it is at 1.36v. Different BIOS set IOH voltages get reported similarly. Do you have any idea what would cause something like this?

    The QPI/DRAM core voltage is automatically set to 1.65v with my RAM's XMP profile. As I understand it, there are quite a few high speed kits - DDR3-2000 and up that set it that high when using the XMP profile. It doesn't need to run it anywhere near that high if I am just letting it set it to 143bclk to get the DDR3-2000 though. somewhere around 1.35v or so is plenty at that low of a bclk.

    However, when getting into higher bclk speeds, the QPI/DRAM Core voltage requirements go up quite a bit. Some people get real lucky and get CPUs that don't require that much QPI/DRAM core voltage. Mine is not one of those golden chips.

    I'm not able to duplicate the TurboV issue with the IOH. When I set it to 1.24v, it stays at 1.24v. I'm afraid to set the QPI/DRAM Core voltage over 1.35v mainly because it doesn't need to be higher than that. So I would say either your QPI/DRAM Core voltage is too high and causing the issues or there is a compatibility issue with your RAM and this board, which if that's the case, then I will report the issue to our R&D team.
    I'm testing the P6X58D-E now with i7-980X, 3 x Corsair Dominator 1600Mhz 2GB 8-8-8-24. XMP is working fine. I also just tested with G.Skill Perfect Storm 2000 and XMP works fine there too.
    Regarding the Back to Back CAS delay (last timing in 1st group), it does default to 0 but I'm not seeing any stability issues because of this.
    Is there a reason why you're trying to apply so much voltage to the QPI/DRAM Core? Normally you would set the DRAM Bus Voltage to 1.65 but not the QPI/DRAM. You would need to enable a jumper to set the QPI/DRAM Core anything higher than 1.7v. Can you try leaving the QPI/DRAM Core at auto or something like 1.35v and see if you still have the same issues?

    >>>cont. on 2nd PM
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