Recent content by friedchicken

  1. F

    Lenovo 1Q13 Net Profits Soar

    I bought a Lenovo Yoga 13 a couple months ago and it is a great all-purpose laptop. i5, 8GB and added a 256 SSD. It's great and the touch screen flips back on itself to become a tablet. Not gimmicky at all. I love it. My only concern was the keyboard is exposed on the bottom when in...
  2. F

    Electronic Arts Cuts Jobs at Montreal Studio

    So I guess that means you have nothing to add of value to the discussion. It sounds like you enjoy the sound of your own voice, rather than give any real information. I was asking for clarity, and you respond with immaturity. Enjoy yourself.
  3. F

    Electronic Arts Cuts Jobs at Montreal Studio

    There is no point quoting the word *speculate* since that is all you are doing.
  4. F

    Electronic Arts Cuts Jobs at Montreal Studio

    Please show me your sources backing this negative press affecting game sales.
  5. F

    Cops Taser Woman Buying Too Many iPhones

    Stupid because they don't know the language? Not knowing the language of a foreign country doesn't make you stupid. And guess what - she was supporting the local economy by spending US dollars in America, and not in China. Regardless of who the person is, under no circumstances is breaking...
  6. F

    Student’s Refusal to Wear RFID Expulsion Postponed

    Taking attendance is more than just a checkbox in a teaching environment. It's an engagement point between the teacher and student. I can take attendance and I know just by a students responce what kind of day they are having. It is fine to offload responsibilities where it makes sense and...
  7. F

    Student’s Refusal to Wear RFID Expulsion Postponed

    That is great if you are a nobody the rest of your life. However, just consider for a moment that you could become a somebody - and this information is accessable by people that should not have access. What then? Who is looking out for you and your interests? Do you have a say in what...
  8. F

    Ten Years Ago Today In Tech

    3 boards later lol....
  9. F

    YouTube Pushing Users To Use Real Names?

    Thanks for the clarification.
  10. F

    YouTube Pushing Users To Use Real Names?

    In my defence, I don't watch those videos because I believe in garbage in = garbage out. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that many folks are so easily succeptable to propaganda, fearmongering, mis-direction and de-sensitizing. You do realize that by watching those videos, you not only...
  11. F

    YouTube Pushing Users To Use Real Names?

    Why would something like this even come to your mind?
  12. F

    Airline Replaces In-Flight Entertainment Units With iPads

    So many cynics on this site. Not every customer facing change a corporation makes, is a negative one. Put an iPad and it's 200 hours of select entertainment up against the 2 shitty movie options I was presented with on my last flight. The cost of maintenance for an iPad vs the traditional...
  13. F

    Dark Souls PC supports microphone multiplayer, full PC specs revealed

    One of my favorite all time games. And I don't like most games..
  14. F

    Hacker Claims Breach of 79 Banks

    Hacking to Serial murder - wow that is a stretch. Don't be such a drama queen. A hacker will always be a hacker. Should we forgive him? No way... but if he can prevent further attacks, and put a few bad guys away, why not? But I see a couple of you can't get past the crime and punishment...