Recent content by OldGuru

  1. O

    ATI - Adding to the [H]

    Door off walmart box fan LOL, thats what I got in the cool basement! Advanced cooling !
  2. O

    New 45nm Phenom FX Deneb spotted ~ 4.4GHz...?

    maybe but the UK web site link just vanished !
  3. O

    ROC anti mowing shed

    I donate the AS5 I just got some today LMAO !
  4. O

    New 45nm Phenom FX Deneb spotted ~ 4.4GHz...?

    Hum the IBM power 6 does 5Ghz and IBM helped with this ! IBM is the BIG DOG WOOF! Might be BS but might not be ! I expected that from K10 and was sadly disapointed !
  5. O

    AMD price cuts

    I beg to differ the top of the line is Barcelona Opterons ! there not $186 bucks! I think this means something new is coming:p
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    4850 bios mod to 765mhz...

    LOL at that clock its probably running 110C, I got that same card, you need a different cooler for that,If it ran at that speed with a stock cooler ,they would have sold it as a 4870!
  7. O

    A2 core can someone post some frame times

    Thanks for the info X, seems funny its not experimental but still has issues(sounds experimental to me LMAO) I had that same hang on the first wu I got after getting the 2.01 core! But none in days? its in the config file it doesnt show when you start the client it invisable,Im not saying...
  8. O

    Well I added a box over here !

    LMAO Alan, Well some of you should be happying I'm posting and not mowing LMAO
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    Well I like the 7im comment ! And my Grandfather, and my Father died of Cancer
  10. O

    [H]ard|Mowed Over Club..

    LMAo this thread is a riot !!!!!!
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    ReaperofDreams hits 1 Million

    Congrats !
  12. O

    Project: 2662 (Run 1, Clone 52, Gen 28) – 5500000 steps

    Info seems there are some bad A2 Wu's
  13. O

    REMINDER: computer borging permission

    I saw were a school Admin one time convince the school that running folding would, decrease the heat bill in the winter, he was laughing in the thread, because he forgot to talk about the electric bill.
  14. O

    A2 core can someone post some frame times

    Sorry I just post what was Quoted from Kasson who made the core !
  15. O

    nomad8u hits 1 million points
