4850 bios mod to 765mhz...


Jul 20, 2008
after searching far and wide on the intardnet, I have downloaded and flashed a few for my Sapphire 4850 and have only one thing to say...


great, I can run 765/1145 while surfing teh interwebs and maybe even do some chest thumping as I post screenshots of my CCC with the aforementioned speeds...

what I can't do is play any games, hell, I can't even get past the first 5 seconds of 3DMark06 without VPU Recover appearing...

how risky are volt mods...? or am I doing something wrong...?
Did you test any clocks below that to see how stable your card is? Just because you download some BIOS don't think you can make your card magically run at any speed you want. All chips have limits, find out where yours is stable.
so you didn't do any voltage mods, but you think your card will magically run at 765 w/o running any benches, most 4850's w/ even the bios mod can get up to maybe 750 max, some go slightly over to 770-780, so you assuming you can do 765 on your card w/ even a bios volt mod is probably unlikely.

run rthdribl and see if you can do that artifact free, if not, edit your bios and try out 720 and see if that can even run rthdribl w/o artifacts or crashing.

you can do pencil volt mods or hard mods w/ soldering if you browse the forum, they are all over the place.

maybe you should just flash it back to stock and enjoy games, you will probably only see a 10% performance decrease over it being overclocked which you will not notice in any games most likely.

after searching far and wide on the intardnet, I have downloaded and flashed a few for my Sapphire 4850 and have only one thing to say...


great, I can run 765/1145 while surfing teh interwebs and maybe even do some chest thumping as I post screenshots of my CCC with the aforementioned speeds...

what I can't do is play any games, hell, I can't even get past the first 5 seconds of 3DMark06 without VPU Recover appearing...

how risky are volt mods...? or am I doing something wrong...?
LOL at that clock its probably running 110C, I got that same card, you need a different cooler for that,If it ran at that speed with a stock cooler ,they would have sold it as a 4870!
LOL at that clock its probably running 110C, I got that same card, you need a different cooler for that,If it ran at that speed with a stock cooler ,they would have sold it as a 4870!

that is another good point, if you didn't bump up the fan speed, or even put an aftermarket cooler, than that is also going to decrease stability.

do more research before you overclock, otherwise expect to have stability issues, it takes a while to tweak a computer part to get it to oc and stay stable.
I'm a strong believer in overclocking processors, but there is such a limited benefit in o/c'ing video cards. Most likely you can't raise any quality settings and it just adds a few fps. At least in my experience I have never had any luck o/c'ing a video card. Most likely because amd/nvidea have these card clocked as high as they will "safely" go.
well i am running 750 gpu clocks on my 4850 on stock cooling. I did do a little volt modding though stock bios as well.
that is another good point, if you didn't bump up the fan speed, or even put an aftermarket cooler, than that is also going to decrease stability.

do more research before you overclock, otherwise expect to have stability issues, it takes a while to tweak a computer part to get it to oc and stay stable.

I did research it, I clocked it down to 725/1100 and it's running stable, I probably should've asked the guy who guaranteed it would be stable if he ran any games on his sytem, I just assumed someone who OCed his video card did it for more than just shits and giggles...

the heat isn't a problem, before with a slight OC (675/1000) my card never hit 60°, now it runs a little bit hotter but not much, I have yet to see it hit 70°...
Over 725-730 without 1.2v in the bios or a pencil mod is not stable on these cards.
I'm a strong believer in overclocking processors, but there is such a limited benefit in o/c'ing video cards. Most likely you can't raise any quality settings and it just adds a few fps. At least in my experience I have never had any luck o/c'ing a video card. Most likely because amd/nvidea have these card clocked as high as they will "safely" go.
Without volt modding these cards are pretty much maxed out as it is. I agree that overclocking a GPU adds few FPS in most scenarios to make a noticeble difference. It really depends on the card and how far it's pushed.