Recent content by .Tret

  1. T

    Sub-$400 Sandy Bridge Notebooks Hit the Market

    At first I was a little shocked that half the comments on that article were people arguing whether or not bother and just get a mac instead. But then I realized I was on cnet and it makes sense.
  2. T

    EU Going After Google Now

  3. T

    Court of Appeal Says ‘No’ Thrice To The Pirate Bay

    Why would you be surprised of corruption in a EU country?
  4. T

    Bing Grabs 10 Percent of Search Market

    I use google to search and bing to shop. got my ps2 slim 'new' for $83 with cashback.
  5. T

    games crashing in Windows 7

    Haha. Yes I tried that as well. It worked, but running things in VM yielded maybe 5fps in games (unplayable). I tried nearly everything possible to keep Win7 on this laptop but nothing worked :(
  6. T

    games crashing in Windows 7

    Yes, I tried compatibility mode. I even tried installing Intel's Vista drivers in Windows 7 to see if that helped; but it didn't.
  7. T

    games crashing in Windows 7

    After using like 10 different builds of Windows 7 on my laptop (started with m3; ended with 7229) in the past 6 months or so I went back to Vista. I have a laptop with an Intel integrated 4500HD vga. Since the beta version of Windows 7 released my laptop began crashing when running...
  8. T

    You graphics card progression

    matrox voodoo 3 geforce 2 ti geforce 4 ti 4400 radeon 9800XT radeon X850XT Platinum geforce 8800GTX geforce GTX 285 my next card will be whatever the best single card is of the next generation. G300 or R800
  9. T

    So are you using Win 7 as your main OS now?

    Full time Windows 7 x64 on my laptop dual boot Win7/WinXP on my desktop
  10. T

    Windows 7 RC Is Out

    Is this an internet bandwidth thread? mine is 12Mb down 1.1Mb up
  11. T

    Microsoft Says “Avoid the Apple Tax”

    Microsoft is trolling mac fanboys and all of you. They have finally learned the best way to advertise. :D
  12. T

    BitTorrent Meltdown Possible if TPB Goes Dark

    Who exactly are these "P2P Researchers" that are predicting doom for bit-torrent? I never use pirate bay. There are better trackers out there.
  13. T

    Reduce Carbon Footprint by Not Searching Internet

    Walking/jogging emits more CO2 than driving a car.
  14. T

    Windows 7 Desktop Graphics...Tweaks?

    ACTUALLY...your all wrong. These are real. The first two are circle dock ad-ons. It can be downloaded here. (its not a final product though) As for the last one, it looks like another dock but not sure what one.
  15. T

    First Look at Windows 7 Beta 1

    There are options to make the taskbar look more like vista's as well as options to add labels to the taskbar icons.