Recent content by zlojack

  1. Z

    [Review] PrimoChill Typhoon III

    This chart right here shows that this "review" was little more than a marketing campaign. The data for a real comparison were available, but not presented in such a way as they didn't fit the results the manufacturer wanted to market. No false data was presented, but numbers were manipulated...
  2. Z

    Laing DDC

    Just get the Swiftech MCP-355 It's the same pump
  3. Z

    Best radiators

    I can say from personal experience that I had a tough time getting things below 80C at 4GHz on my i7 920 C0 at 1.35v with a PA 120.2, MCP-655 and EK Supreme with SFlex G's at 1900 . I was blown away by the heat these bad boys put out because my E8600 was brought to its knees by that same...
  4. Z

    Noob question, mayb? Fanless solution?

    Here's a fanless setup
  5. Z

    Watercooling brand loyalties?

    My loyalty goes to the following brand: good. I don't really have a specific brand loyalty, but definitely some brands have made a postitive or negative name for themselves and I take that into account. Currently, I own a lot of Bitspower stuff, compression fittings and all the other fancy...
  6. Z

    Best radiators

    There is no such thing as a "best radiator" Only "best radiator for a certain situation" For example, if you want low fin counts which will give lower air restriction and allow you to run slower fans, you can go with the XSPC RX or the famous Thermochill PA series. The Feser Xchangers also...
  7. Z

    Whats the pricing on Nehalem?

    I'm thinking about skipping this one and waiting for Sandy Bridge.
  8. Z

    X48 or 790i ??

    You guys are giving him old news here. The 790i is holding it's own against the Intel chipsets and in some cases is overclocking better.
  9. Z

    9800GTX benches

    Yep... You sort of finished my post for me there :D
  10. Z

    9800GTX benches

    Looks like the 9800 GTX is just an 8800 GTS 512 with higher clocks and tri-SLI capability.
  11. Z

    XFX GeForce 9800 GX2 @ [H]

    Cool. I understand your point. :D It's all the same to me. Honestly, I get great performance in the games I play out of my cards, and I imagine I will for quite some time. I don't like Crysis anyway... looks great, but the game itself is rather lame. If something comes along that...
  12. Z

    XFX GeForce 9800 GX2 @ [H]

    Cool. I understand your point. :D It's all the same to me. Honestly, I get great performance in the games I play out of my cards, and I imagine I will for quite some time. I don't like Crysis anyway... looks great, but the game itself is rather lame. If something comes along that...
  13. Z

    XFX GeForce 9800 GX2 @ [H]

    Uhm...chill out ;) I've read a lot of benchmarks. That one you just posted is from November. Both drivers and the game have been changed since then. As to calling us "kids" and "retarded", well, maybe have a look in the mirror. ;)
  14. Z

    XFX GeForce 9800 GX2 @ [H]

    Right....that's what I'm talking about. Why ask what I'm talking about when you just answered it yourself? So you would imagine nVidia doesn't want this reviewed against SLI'd GTX's right?
  15. Z

    XFX GeForce 9800 GX2 @ [H]

    Right... but what I'm saying is, where is the comparison to the SLI'd GTXs? Where is the comparison to similar dollar values? This gives more context to the review. Sometimes the more expensive product doesn't outperform the less expensive one. But if I have $600-$700 to drop on GPUs...