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  1. S

    WoW; 6h expansion Legion

    What difficulty do they raid? You said you joined them "to start doing that stuff with mythics", if they're raiding mythics then you're not really stepping into a "show up and have a good time, paying attention is optional" type situation. Requiring logs etc for heroic or normals is...
  2. S

    WoW; 6h expansion Legion

    IMO easily the best WoW has been in a very long time, *for now*. It's hard to say what anyone will think of all this in six months.
  3. S

    Windows Phone And Blackberry Head For Extinction

    I mean, if you're going to nit-pick the point I'm making by saying you wouldn't look up a recipe when obviously I'm referring to ALL web use, that's your business. My main argument is that Android is at its best "as good as" Windows in some scenarios and at worst far worse than Windows in many...
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    Windows Phone And Blackberry Head For Extinction

    So then you're using a keyboard and mouse. Thanks for clarifying. How would I use touch in my livingroom? The fact is that Android and its apps are designed around touch, so if you try to use them with a keyboard and mouse they don't work as well as you'd expect. I'm not talking about...
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    Windows Phone And Blackberry Head For Extinction

    Agreed on the first part. As for the second part, you don't need a glass to drink orange juice either but it beats tilting the carton directly into your mouth.
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    Windows Phone And Blackberry Head For Extinction

    And it's not just the OS, something that could be updated to include better compatibility with keyboard/mouse input, it's the apps. Everything built for Android is built for touch, and that becomes very apparent if you try to use a keyboard/mouse-style input with an Android device. It's not a...
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    Windows Phone And Blackberry Head For Extinction

    Sure but...that's a "keyboard and mouse", not a remote, in terms of functionality, and it will work MUCH better with a Windows machine than an Android one just due to the way each OS interprets that sort of input.
  8. S

    Windows Phone And Blackberry Head For Extinction

    How the hell do you use a browser with a remote? That doesn't even make sense. Touch has a LOT to do with livingroom use if you stop thinking of the box as a set-top box(which it's not) and start thinking of it as a livingroom PC(which it is). Maybe I do more with my device than you do, and...
  9. S

    Windows Phone And Blackberry Head For Extinction

    It's fundamental to the fact that Android is a touch operating system. It can "emulate" a mouse and keyboard input but it's not very good at it, and if you spend any real time using it compared to a Windows machine it's a chore. The way you interact with webpages and programs in general is...
  10. S

    Windows Phone And Blackberry Head For Extinction

    Honestly, even for basic tasks Android sucks in a desktop environment. The OS doesn't really support a keyboard/mouse all that well, so even just normal browsing doesn't work as well as it does on a Windows machine. I say this as someone who used an Android TV box for about a year before...
  11. S

    Corning Responds To Worrying Galaxy Note 7 Scratch Test Video

    And yet you reference other tests he's performed while admitting he *can't reproduce the test conditions*. So again, how is that useful? If you can't reproduce the conditions then you can't directly compare the results of the tests. I'm not saying he's out to get anyone, that's not the point...
  12. S

    Corning Responds To Worrying Galaxy Note 7 Scratch Test Video

    Right, and the problem with the test having been done in a completely uncontrolled manner is - how much pressure did it take to make that happen? You don't know, I don't know, the guy who performed the test doesn't know. Is that useful? How do you compare that to anything else?
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    Corning Responds To Worrying Galaxy Note 7 Scratch Test Video

    Is that how material transfer works too?
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    Corning Responds To Worrying Galaxy Note 7 Scratch Test Video

    The point is that *testing* needs to be done in a controlled manner or it doesn't tell you anything useful.
  15. S

    Official Overwatch Discussion Thread

    Everyone has a limit where they're not reasonably going to get better. A lot of people feel like if they practiced as much as the pros they'd be just as good - those people are almost universally mistaken. I know PLENTY of people from playing BF4 who had over 2000 hours in the game who were...
  16. S

    Blizzard Trolls The Trolls In Overwatch

    It's because Blizzard wants their customers to have a good user experience, and globally muting people who are routinely intentionally antagonizing helps them accomplish that. Make it about politics all you want, but I don't think it's a new thing for people to dislike assholes.
  17. S

    WoW; 6h expansion Legion

    I mean, not everybody reads patch notes. At the same time, I don't see any mention in his post about asking if they wanted to group for the quest. He said he assumed they were in a group...but after the first person walked away, why not say "Group up for this?" or literally just start handing...
  18. S

    WoW; 6h expansion Legion

    I thought about making a DH today but the people in my guild are saying it's unbearably crowded in the starting area...sounds like fun lol. Honestly, I just don't want to level another character...but they start at 98 so that's not too bad I guess.
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    Official Overwatch Discussion Thread

    I've had the opposite experience, but then I think the problem is mostly psychology. Blizzard had a great post about it, but basically it boils down to this: Players will say they prefer a close match, even one where they lose, to a steamroll even if it's a steamroll where they win. Reality...
  20. S

    Study: Uber Has Yet to Reduce Drunk Driving Deaths

    There are services here(and I imagine many places) that will drive you home in your car. You call them, they send a pair of people, one of them drives your car the other drives the car they came in. No idea how much it costs...probably less than a DUI.
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    Overwatch PC Patch Now Live, Introduces Support-Sniper Ana

    Except nano boost, the healing/heal-blocking grenade, and the sleep dart are all VERY good. She's not a dps character. People who worry about headshots as support are welcome to play something else, they'd probably be bad supports anyway.
  22. S

    Movie Ticket Prices Hit Record High

    Prices just went down here a few months back by a significant amount. It used to be like $22 to see a VIP(alcohol/food service to your seat, bigger/more comfy seats) 3D movie, now it's $14, $12 if not in 3D. On "cheap Tuesday" last week my wife and I saw Pets in a local theater we'd never been...
  23. S

    Netflix To Beam New “Star Trek” Series In 188 Countries Around The World

    Yeah, they should be allowed to do it no matter how stupid a decision it is. If they want to ensure higher rates of "not getting paid for your work", by all means, let them I guess.
  24. S

    World of Warcraft: Legion prepatch hits 7/19 are you... Prepared?

    I'm excited and not at the same time. Don't really like the hunter changes they're bringing, but I do like(on paper, anyway) the mistweaver changes. Given what I've seen about hunters I may decide to main my monk or my mage in Legion, but I won't really know until the prepatch comes.
  25. S

    “Rogue One” Is Like No Star Wars You’ve Seen Before

    A very large number of people enjoyed the new film though, so a better alternative is...just don't see the new ones if you don't like them?
  26. S

    Official Overwatch Discussion Thread

    Been putting more time in on Zarya, she's tough to play well but when you do it feels awesome. I definitely have more fun playing the tank heroes than anything else in this game. Reinhardt, Roadhog, and Zarya are my go-to picks lately.
  27. S

    Lawmakers Introduce Bill To Criminalize ‘Revenge Porn’

    I mean, I figure the blame falls on the person who put them there. Not sure how to see it any other way. Now, is it a good idea to take pictures and videos you wouldn't want anyone else to see and share them with whoever you happen to be having sex with at the time? Probably not, in the same...
  28. S

    Official Overwatch Discussion Thread

    So far the D.Va changes feel pretty good. She can hang out in the danger zone for longer, and you can use your shield at more opportune times, fire when you can and shield when you need to. Changed her playstyle a lot, but I like it so far.
  29. S

    Microsoft Says Edge Beats All Browsers In Battery Life

    Or Chrome defaults to VP9 when available and hardware decoding for VP9 is either nonexistent or sucks compared to H265/264 causing CPU usage(and thus power usage) to go way up(happens on my Cherry Trail system, for example) leading to a massively reduced battery life? Nah, it couldn't be...
  30. S

    Microsoft Says Edge Beats All Browsers In Battery Life

    The test was literally just streaming one fullscreen video. I'm not sure what the other browsers could be doing that anyone would *want* them to be doing that would reduce battery life. If I'm streaming a fullscreen video I don't really want my browser doing anything else. As I pointed out, I...
  31. S

    Microsoft Says Edge Beats All Browsers In Battery Life

    Chances are it's because Chrome defaults to VP9 if it's available whereas Edge will prefer H265. Processors with hardware video acceleration handle H265 far better than VP9, often times VP9 hardware acceleration just isn't present and when it is it's not as good.
  32. S

    Official Overwatch Discussion Thread

    Developer video featuring Jeff Kaplan. Jeff talks about some changes(their effects, not the details) coming for competitive mode, and some new information you'll see in the competitive mode(you'll see who's partied with who, what everyone's rating is, average team rating).
  33. S

    Official Overwatch Discussion Thread

    You can always just pick the heroes you find fun to play, but whether the enemy team six-stacks one hero or not you may find yourself at a disadvantage if you don't pick a hero to counter their comp. People being able to pick all one hero type doesn't create that dilemma for you, the design of...
  34. S

    Do You Pronounce it GIF or JIF?

    Do you feel this way about SCUBA diving? :P
  35. S

    Official Overwatch Discussion Thread

    I don't think giving him more HP makes sense, he's not meant to be up really close and the amount of damage he can do needs to have a tradeoff. The problem with "speed his arrows up a bit and shrink the hitboxes" is you just leave him where he is now - at a disadvantage vs hitscan weapons...
  36. S

    Official Overwatch Discussion Thread

    I get what you're saying but as I've pointed out, Hanzo is already never picked at high levels of play. If you gave him tight hitboxes then how do you buff him in a meaningful way so that he's actually worth playing at all? I don't see how you do that.
  37. S

    Official Overwatch Discussion Thread

    I guess, but I see no reason to expect that a hero that never gets picked at the current top-levels of play will suddenly be getting picked in public competitive play. Hanzo is simply sub-par in any role you might want him to fill. In medium range there are several better heroes, at long range...
  38. S

    Official Overwatch Discussion Thread

    Except he's really not strong in the medium range. You know who's strong in medium range? S76 and Mccree(and Pharah I guess, but she's completely different). There's a reason Hanzo NEVER gets picked in competitive, and it's because if you want a sniper Widowmaker is just flat-out the better...
  39. S

    Official Overwatch Discussion Thread

    I don't really know what you mean by this, Widowmaker can charge, peek and shoot, and then fall back as well? Maybe I'd need to see it in action to understand, but I don't see Hanzo as being able to do anything in that regard that Widow can't. I get what you're saying about high/low angles...