Overwatch PC Patch Now Live, Introduces Support-Sniper Ana


Aug 20, 2006
Want a new Overwatch character to play with? Grab the new patch right now. Blizzard is introducing Ana, a healer/sniper hybrid character. Naturally, the patch also has balance and feature changes that include tweaks to hero limits for competitive play and overtime stalling, which has been dramatically reduced.

Ana can heal faraway allies by shooting them with her rifle. Those same shots can also damage enemies. Ana has a grenade that also heals friends and damages foes, while her sleep dart can incapacitate enemy players. Her ultimate ability can super charge a single ally, improving their strength and speed. The new patch also adds buffs to the tank D.Va and healer Zenyatta, so expect to see them become more popular additions to your teams.
I still don't have a solid crew to run with. Playing this game solo sucks.

Same here. I spent last night dealing with noob players that didn't understand the way to win the game was to stay on the objective. I went through 5 groups before I found one that was halfway decent except for the tank who was off chasing butterflies the whole match.
You guys can add me if you want, though I don't play too much. I think my Battle.net name is in the Overwatch thread in PC gaming, I can't remember it off the top of my head.
Add me. All I play with are guys that know how to play. thumper#12242

I'm EST. play mostly after 8PM. But may pop in during the day.
You guys can add me. I play Mercy, Reinhart and Mei. SGTGimpy #1519

I'm in PST and play mostly have 7pm till about midnight. during the week.
Get ready for Boom Headshot!

Amusingly the new sniper characters weapon does not register bonus damage when shooting someone in the head(Unlike every other weapon in the game). All shots are considered body shots with this sniper....
Amusingly the new sniper characters weapon does not register bonus damage when shooting someone in the head(Unlike every other weapon in the game). All shots are considered body shots with this sniper....
And that's why nobody will ever play that character.
And that's why nobody will ever play that character.

Except nano boost, the healing/heal-blocking grenade, and the sleep dart are all VERY good. She's not a dps character. People who worry about headshots as support are welcome to play something else, they'd probably be bad supports anyway.
I still don't have a solid crew to run with. Playing this game solo sucks.

Play a flanker, it's what I do. Tracer and Genji are good "solo" PUG characters. You're primary job is to harass the crap out of the enemy team, and take out healers/turrets/Bastions. The highest praise you can get is when the opposing team says: "Mate, you are the most annoying Tracer/Genji."

Another option is becoming a good Bastion. A good Bastion lays down firepower and moves often. Never sit still too long or some decent player will slaughter you. Don't worry about kills, lay down firepower to help the team. Move with the team as needed. You'll probably still get a lot of kills, but less than if you concentrated solely on kill count.
Play a flanker, it's what I do. Tracer and Genji are good "solo" PUG characters. You're primary job is to harass the crap out of the enemy team, and take out healers/turrets/Bastions. The highest praise you can get is when the opposing team says: "Mate, you are the most annoying Tracer/Genji."

Another option is becoming a good Bastion. A good Bastion lays down firepower and moves often. Never sit still too long or some decent player will slaughter you. Don't worry about kills, lay down firepower to help the team. Move with the team as needed. You'll probably still get a lot of kills, but less than if you concentrated solely on kill count.

I play alot of reaper. I figure he is an ok flanker. Tracer bothers the heck out of me. Same with genji. Bastion is very situational. He is very annoying and great for defense except when you come along with team that's better organized.

My tag is Viscount01#1683 I'll add some people here soon enough.
Once you reach the higher ranks, high 50's to low 60's soloQ is plenty of fun. Everyone there typically knows how to counter and play effectively.
Once you reach the higher ranks, high 50's to low 60's soloQ is plenty of fun. Everyone there typically knows how to counter and play effectively.

Really? What servers you on? I'm lvl 60. I still get paired with tons of ppl who simply don't get the game. Then I'm stuck being Reinhard, Mercy, Lucio, etc that none of them play and left alone to die on the objective cause the other douchers are out trying to get POTG or some shit.

I play alot of reaper. I figure he is an ok flanker. Tracer bothers the heck out of me. Same with genji. Bastion is very situational. He is very annoying and great for defense except when you come along with team that's better organized.

My tag is Viscount01#1683 I'll add some people here soon enough.

Reaper is the most annoying to me as a flanker. Genji and Tracer have low dmg, while Reaper has really good dmg. A good one will flank, kill someone, then just leave. Tracer and Genji tend to just hang around annoying you, which doesn't last long when I'm Mei. I just ice wall to make the area smaller, then eventually freeze them. I've met some good Tracers and Genjis, but most don't know when it's time to just get out of the area.

Some ppl freak out when I decide to use Bastion on attack. He's great on attack, so long as the rest of your team is good. I like to use him in Hanamura on the attacking side. I use him like I would use Tracer. Just to harass the other team. It's all long distance attacking, so while not doing much damage, it's enough that they'll be cautious with their movements. But he is very much a constant movement guy when on assault. I use him more like a gatling gun carrying sniper. Spam, move. Spam, move.

Anyways, I do see a lot more ppl playing Dva now. I still find her to be kind of a useless character, aside from her suicide mech ult. I do what I always do with tanks. Run in and freeze. I'm mostly a Mei player and Dva has always been the easiest tank to kill. Just hug her mech legs and running around in circles around her. Her weapons are pretty much useless in cqb. Does her mech even have the capability to punch? I've never actually tried.
Attack bastion is so fun because players never expect it and have a hard time adjusting to it. If you dont go genji the only counter is to run away basically, which really fucks up their ability to defend points. Mei is great for those really difficult chokes like Hollywood'd 1st cap point when attacking, just build an ice wall flank so you can push through either side. It's funny you mention dva being a target for mei, as I find it to be quite the opposite. I suspect most people play dva poorly, but in my experience she's like reaper, you gotta push in to point blank range and mei's just dont have the standing power to deal with that. Even if she freezes you, you can snap back out and dole out more damage, or just escape. If she igloo's well chances are she's doing it in plain sight making her a target for your whole team when she pops out.
I need people to play with as well, Zepher#1253
I added you guys to my friends just now.
I am on the East Coast but I play at various times of the day/night depending on what my sleep cycle is.
Attack bastion is so fun because players never expect it and have a hard time adjusting to it. If you dont go genji the only counter is to run away basically, which really fucks up their ability to defend points. Mei is great for those really difficult chokes like Hollywood'd 1st cap point when attacking, just build an ice wall flank so you can push through either side. It's funny you mention dva being a target for mei, as I find it to be quite the opposite. I suspect most people play dva poorly, but in my experience she's like reaper, you gotta push in to point blank range and mei's just dont have the standing power to deal with that. Even if she freezes you, you can snap back out and dole out more damage, or just escape. If she igloo's well chances are she's doing it in plain sight making her a target for your whole team when she pops out.

If it's an open area, ya. Not getting close to Dva with Mei. It's usually coming around a corner or using a hallway or something to get to her. Sometimes ice wall, but smart Dva players will move back. From there, I just stand on her feet essentially and run in circles freezing. You got to stay right on her legs or else you're toast. She turns pretty slow it seems or maybe they are just having a hard time figuring out where I'm at, since her field of view is higher up.

I haven't run into any genius Dva players but maybe I will, now that she's been buffed up some. You know, ppl doing things you'd never expect to see. I think I surprise ppl sometimes with Mei, since I use ice wall for getting up walls to annoy snipers or setting the wall down straight ahead, instead of horizontal. Then running on top of it towards the enemy. Using it to get over fall gaps. Very useful, but you gotta try to think outside the box.

I'm sure there's things with Dva like that, but I just not a fan of playing her. Well, not a fan of playing a tank in general. I always have more fun with your def or support type heroes.