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  1. S

    Blu-ray vs. HD DVD: I Don't Care Who Wins!

    I'm with you. I wonder why they never mention HD VMD or HVD. I know there are no players for the latter yet, but holy crap.
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    Apple Users “Assured” Of Their Own Superiority

    Really? Seen any apple commercials lately?
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    Apple Users “Assured” Of Their Own Superiority

    :rolleyes: They also enjoy moonlight strolls, and human meat kabobs.
  4. S

    Windows Vista Arrives @ [H] Consumer

    As with any OS, mighty linux included......where vendors choose to support.
  5. S

    Problems Plague New Microsoft Windows Vista

    I know. Its horrible! Why, just the other day I saw Vista shove an old lady down the stairs and take her SS check.
  6. S

    do you have vista? poll

    Not yet, but I want it asap.
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    NFL Blocks Church Super Bowl Party

    In my opinion, there is a subtle danger in the overuse of the word, in that as horrible as the Holocaust was, the word Nazi refers, in accepted historical use, to the members of the National Socialist German Workers Party, and to the policies and platforms of that extremist organization; using...
  8. S

    The Apple Philosophy @ [H] Consumer

    Has anyone had a look at The month of apple bugs? My question is, why is everyone so down on these guys for "not notifying respective software makers before going public!" ? If its acceptable procedure for Microsoft why not Apple?
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    NFL Blocks Church Super Bowl Party

    Ah, but it is neither a reproduction or a rebroadcast. It would be shown live. complete with commercials, so its not like anyone's losing ad dollars.
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    NFL Blocks Church Super Bowl Party

    I don't think it would have made a difference. They could have been Baha'is or Methodists and the post would have been the same.
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    NFL Blocks Church Super Bowl Party

    Couple of problems problems with your little satire there, sparky. We weren't defending nazis or the NFL. Still, I'm glad the torture and murder of several million Jews could bring you a chuckle! Now please die of gonorrhea and rot in hell. ;)
  12. S

    The Apple Philosophy @ [H] Consumer

    Sometimes, Jason, you just can't please anyone. I thought it made for an interesting read. Even more interesting, were the discussions it sparked. ;) Its been said that we are our own worse critics. Don't judge your success based on individual responses. Sometimes, a single idea has worth...
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    NFL Blocks Church Super Bowl Party

    I'm pretty put out with the NFL myself right now. I still love the sport of football. I understand that not everyone does, thats fine. I just don't understand how choice of sport has any bearing on one's character or intelligence any more than does one's choice of sundae toppings.
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    NFL Blocks Church Super Bowl Party

    I cant do it. I'm a knuckle-dragging troglodyte. ;)
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    NFL Blocks Church Super Bowl Party

    Personally I think people shouldn't throw around the word NAZI a a pejorative as it is an affront to people who actually suffered at their hands. I'm not really sure what football ever did to you, but I'm sorry for whatever trauma you suffered. ;)
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    NFL Blocks Church Super Bowl Party

    Hockey would be okay with me if they weren't always chasing that damned puck.
  17. S

    The Apple Philosophy @ [H] Consumer

    You're still a right bastard for owning hardware I cant afford. I'm insanely jealous. :D
  18. S

    France Giving Video Game Tax Credits

    Its gonna be a soccer game then?
  19. S

    NFL Blocks Church Super Bowl Party

    Yes, obviously whatever your ideology is, its obviously superior. As is evident in your post. I'm curious, did a Mormon football player drop you on your head or something?
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    MS Confirms Speech Recognition Flaw

    I'm really hoping noone eavesdrops on my gaming chatter. I'll be paying obscenity fines til doomsday.
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    NFL Blocks Church Super Bowl Party

    Bizarre. IF you own a television of a certain size you cant have a party that centers around the tv? I'd challanege it in court. After the fact, of course, so that the NFL has to foot all the filing fee and then I'd counter sue for court costs and lawyer fees.
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    Don't Let The Bastages Pod You Down

    Not to fear! Most readers will draw the proper conclusion phonetically. :cool:
  23. S

    Bomb Scare Was Actually A Marketing Ploy

    Sadly, I think you're wrong, Steve. WE are surronded by asshats who either A: think this is funny, good wholesome entertainment, or B: Think this is some sort of way to "stick it to tha MAN, civil liberties blah blah blah. I would love to see your predictions come true, I just don't see it...
  24. S

    Sony: Wii Is An Impulse Buy

    Quite frankly, I dont believe any of these companies is the "good guy". Sony just got too big for its britches this time around. Shame to see that good hardware (and it is good hardware) go to waste.
  25. S

    Why Apple's Board Is Standing By Jobs

    I might. Could someone please kick my ass now for not proofreading my frigging post? :o I meant to say political clout.
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    How about this build?

    ...and higher quality in my opinion.
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    The Apple Philosophy @ [H] Consumer

    Friend don't let friends steal cliches ! :p
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    The Apple Philosophy @ [H] Consumer

    Wow. I was expecting to be pelted with rotten fish or something. :D
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    Why Apple's Board Is Standing By Jobs

    The proper stance, in my opinion. Also doesn't hurt to have a certain tree-hugging moonbat with a small amount of political in your corner. :D
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    Teen Accuses Record Companies Of Collusion

    Not really. Companies spend money finding, promoting, and producing these artists. They deserve not only to recoup their losses, but to turn a profit. Just as a disclaimer: I ain't no lawyer and I don't work for the RIAA.. If I disagree with your stance, please understand its not a personal...
  31. S

    Teen Accuses Record Companies Of Collusion

    The RIAA doesnt get a share of profits form proceeds of musical sales. The RIAA is suing on behalf of these artists, not the industry. Now the artist may indeed receive a smaller percentage compare to what the people who promote and produce them do, but they still lose money.
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    Teen Accuses Record Companies Of Collusion

    I can't say for sure, but I think thats not simply the cost of the IP (Intellectual property) but punitive damages as well. In other words, fining them extra as a punishment in an effort to curb such behavior. As for arguments about who gets how much money per performance, I'm not sure thats...
  33. S

    The Apple Philosophy @ [H] Consumer

    Wouldn't matter. I'm a country fan. We only play in one chord. Actually I like listening to them backwards. Much less depressing that way. You get your wife, You get your farm back, you get your dog back....:D
  34. S

    Bomb Scare Was Actually A Marketing Ploy

    Good thing I wasn't at that conference. :D
  35. S

    France Giving Video Game Tax Credits

    Something like Canadian laws requiring radio stations to give Canadian artists preferential treatment....whatever that means.
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    Sony: Wii Is An Impulse Buy

    Good point, but to be honest, I was a little embarrassed about asking the little girl behind the counter for a "Wee" in front of my 3-year old. :D
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    The Apple Philosophy @ [H] Consumer

    My ears aren't that great anyway. Thanks for responding and sorry for misspeaking. :)
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    The Apple Philosophy @ [H] Consumer

    I'm behind on the ipod scene. Do they play lossless formats yet?
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    Sony: Wii Is An Impulse Buy

    Sadly, I'm a junkie and I gotta have all the flavors.
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    Teen Accuses Record Companies Of Collusion

    I cant disagree. I certainly don't care for the way they are handling this kid's case.