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  1. M

    Where are the next gen MMO's?

    I guess Final Fantasy XIV if you jhaven't already played it could be a good one to jump into?
  2. M

    Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Owl Cat Games

    mISFIRINJG story TTIGGERS A RE A MASSIVE PROBLEM IN cHAPTER 3. i know it wasn' beta testedd butr holy fuck it's bad.
  3. M

    Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Owl Cat Games

  4. M

    Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Owl Cat Games

    Ok, Chapter 3 is absolute trash bugfest nightmare. I am close to rage quitting. I encountered a bug that prevented getting Cassia and Henrix from rejoining the team but it wasn't obvious this was a bug. I simply figured you must get them back after progressing the Chapter further. NOPE, after...
  5. M

    Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Owl Cat Games

    Sweet, that's a relief 👍
  6. M

    Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Owl Cat Games

    I just got into Chapter 3 and kinda hit a wall with it. I will push through it eventually but Chapter 3 feels really weak in comparison to the first two. I don't like it when cRPGs force you to play solo in a linear setting, especially since my main is an Officer Master Tactician support class...
  7. M


    I've already stated reasons I understand why people like some of the games redeeming qualities, but it baffles me how peoples standards have dropped for a studio such as Bethesda. This will be my final post in the thread because I've said all I need to say about the game and now it's just people...
  8. M


    Fair enough. You're right, I took the bait and wasn't being objective the moment the bickering devolved into "the blame game". I feel like I've made my case about the game at this point and don't feel like I need to explain any further my thoughts on it. Simply, I don't think it's unreasonable...
  9. M


    If you're going to select comments, it's only fair to dig a little deeper as to what has been said prior to recent comments. I went into great detail to explain my reasons with nary a reply from anyone explaining why they feel it is an enjoyable / good game. In the posts following this, the...
  10. M


    No, I simply stated my case why I am disappointed with the game with valid reasons. I didn't say anyone's opinion was incorrect, I said it baffles me that peoples standards and expectations of a triple AAA game studio has fallen so low.
  11. M


    Unfortunately confirmation bias is strong and some people are unable to handle opinions of differing nature. I have offered both positive and negative opinions on the game because I feel that it's important to give credit where credit is due, but also to call out any areas where I see a game is...
  12. M


    It's pretty interesting that there are a couple of individuals in this thread that seem to find it to be a personal affront to them if someone criticizes the game in any shape or form. It's almost as if they find it to be a personal attack if someone has a sliver of anything negative to say...
  13. M


    Over 20 hours. Enough to get into NG+ and realise the quests and content simply aren't compelling enough to warrant another playthrough.
  14. M


    Now you're simply making assumptions. Not once have I told someone they are wrong for liking the game. It's great that you enjoy the game and you're entitled to your positive opinion of the game just as I am entitled to my negative opinion of the game. It seems that you can't grasp that the game...
  15. M


    Pretty sure I've made my thoughts pretty clear on the game in previous posts.
  16. M


    Yes, yes you are. Not once did I call it a bad or shit game. I called it shallow, misrepresented, subpar, sparse, repetitive and hollow. But sure, make up any story you wish.
  17. M


    Absolute troll response. This simply compounds all of the points I have made previously and nullifies any of yours.
  18. M


    It was clever marketing. I wont dispute that. As soon as they mentioned procedural generation and thousands of planets, I knew it was going to be sparse in terms of content. How sparse and repetitive it actually is however, that is on Bethesda.
  19. M


    Still justifying the game being misrepresented I see. It's cool mate. You enjoy and promote a subpar game while other like minded people will convey our thoughts on how disappointing it actually is 👍
  20. M


    Umm WHAT? Dont hype yourself for a game based on marketing is essentially what you're saying. Sure, marketing is always hyperbolic but you're literally being sold a pinto when you expect to buy a Ferrari. That is some bullshit justification right there.
  21. M


    How is this a surprise? If you buy a game that was hyped to the nth degree and turns out to be a hollow shit show... I'm sorry but the more hilarious factor is the fact some people are still defending it. We have already posted MANY times about the reasons it's not a great game, yet still...
  22. M


    Baffles me more how people can so rabidly defend the mediocrity that is Starfield. The problem is, the game was marketed and touted as a game with massive amounts of replayablilty and hundreds of hours of content where in truth, it becomes repetitive and shallow after 20 hours or so. I think...
  23. M

    Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Owl Cat Games

    Is there a lot of text? Sure. But by cRPG standards it is by no means excessive. And yes, it's extremely well written. It doesn't take away or detract from the game whatsoever. TBH the only people complaining about there being too much text are your typical dudebro gamers and ones who aren't...
  24. M

    Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Owl Cat Games

    Man, if I had the patience I would absolutely do that too. Ideally I would wait a year for all the season pass content to release and all the bugs ironed out. The call of the Imperium is too great for me however. The Emperor protects!
  25. M

    Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Owl Cat Games

    I have about 40 hours in the game now and I have to say the writing is absolutely fantastic. Some of the best writing in a cRPG I've seen in a very long time and with hardly any grammatical or spelling errors (none that I have noticed). In games like this I am very much a completionist and have...
  26. M

    Cyberpunk 2077

    Make sure you ran the REG fix that disables nVidia hardware signature check and enabled hardware scheduling. Initially I missed the REG file because I followed the instructions from the Youtube video rather than the mod page instructions. After that, you just need to turn "Frame Generation" on.
  27. M

    Cyberpunk 2077

    As far as I can tell, yes. I had the RT Overdrive Mod installed before installing the FSR 3 mod. I'm not sure if it overrides that mod but the performance gain is massive. In the youtube clip I posted just above you can see there is some notable shadow flicker with DLSS + FSR 3 behind the car...
  28. M

    Cyberpunk 2077

    I just tested out the FSR 3 frame gen mod and it's pretty amazing.
  29. M


    It's actually a little bit insane how people defend Starfield when it's obviously a sub par, mediocre game. The only reasons I can imagine why is A) They are Todd Howard B) They simply have to like the game to justify their purchase.
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  31. M

    Epic Games Store

    Reminds me of the time I bought Destiny 2 before it became free to play a week later 😂 😭
  32. M

    Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Owl Cat Games

    I have to assume you're having a bit of a laugh 🤪 But if not, as others mentioned, doesn't make sense to compare an FPS to a CRPG. Completely different genres. However, if you're talking about story, setting and atmosphere etc, Rogue Trader is absolutely fantastic.
  33. M


    Game difficulties have to cater for the lowest denominator. I get what you're saying however. It's fine for difficulty levels to be outrageous in souls-likes because people expect that level of intensity. However, for games targeting massive audiences, such as all Bethesda games, they have to...
  34. M


    Kinda surprised I need to explain myself here. Look, I'll be the first to admit that Starfield is fairly fun for the first 20 hours or so until the cracks start showing. First I'll get the good parts out of the way. The gunplay is solid and fun and the powers make for some great dynamic...
  35. M


    Wide as the ocean, deep as a puddle sums up Starfield perfectly.
  36. M

    Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Owl Cat Games

    Have you checked out the BAD reviews of this game? lol It's like these muppets haven't even played a true cRPG before.. "There too much reading" haha
  37. M

    Exodus (space RPG)

    Alright, alright, alrighhhhht...
  38. M

    Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Owl Cat Games

    Loaded up the game and created my first run character. An Imperial Commissar Officer with the intention of evolving to Master Tactician archtype. Have only played about 15 mins but had a couple of small skirmishes before I have to head to work. From those two battles, the gore is definitely...
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    Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Owl Cat Games

    When it comes to games like these, I tend to leave the reviews to the independents. Also those who specialize in CRPGs
  40. M

    Cyberpunk 2077

    Hey, that's pretty sweet! I'm gaming on a Samsung TV so keen to check that out. A small but much welcomed feature is marking weapon and vehicle favorites! Very keen to check out the "Smoother and more responsive player movement" tweaks too. Even the sound related updates sound great.