Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader Owl Cat Games

View: https://youtu.be/vZmC9a3P3YI?si=_DoKXv875wLB8Lz0

Wall of texts and draw out battles otherwise it's good.

I'm not going to buy it though it looks too orchestrated I hardly played Wrath of the Righteous at launch because I had to wait an entire year for controller support.
Wrath of the Righteous uses the same engine at this game I don't think I'm going to get much out of it. Plus if you buy the game and all the addons it's 100.00
I preordered Dragons Dogma 2 last week that looks way more fun. If I can wait 4 months.
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Its out now on GoG and for the consoles if you pre-ordered thru the dev's website for the beta/alpha. They are having problems with some of the extra dlc stuff you might have gotten, the devs say to run the game thru gog galaxy and not the offline standalone exe. Downloading the gog offline installers now.
Loaded up the game and created my first run character. An Imperial Commissar Officer with the intention of evolving to Master Tactician archtype.

Have only played about 15 mins but had a couple of small skirmishes before I have to head to work. From those two battles, the gore is definitely already living up to the Warhammer 40K name, and I ain't mad about it 😁

I just asked if the game is better than Darktide see what types of respoces I get on Steam I love Darktide my favorite 40k game along with Mechanicus. If someone says it blows away Darktide I'll pick it up.
I just asked if the game is better than Darktide see what types of respoces I get on Steam I love Darktide my favorite 40k game along with Mechanicus. If someone says it blows away Darktide I'll pick it up.
Pointless comparison. They're not even the same type of game. This is a single player CRPG. Darktide is a coop FPS. Mechanicus is a turn-based tactical strategy.
I just asked if the game is better than Darktide see what types of respoces I get on Steam I love Darktide my favorite 40k game along with Mechanicus. If someone says it blows away Darktide I'll pick it up.

I have to assume you're having a bit of a laugh 🤪 But if not, as others mentioned, doesn't make sense to compare an FPS to a CRPG. Completely different genres.

However, if you're talking about story, setting and atmosphere etc, Rogue Trader is absolutely fantastic.
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This game is good animations look tons better than Pathfinder games you can tell them spent alot of time on renders. Most complex character creator I ever seen in a RPG like this.

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I have about 40 hours in the game now and I have to say the writing is absolutely fantastic. Some of the best writing in a cRPG I've seen in a very long time and with hardly any grammatical or spelling errors (none that I have noticed). In games like this I am very much a completionist and have to search every nook and cranny. After 40 hours I barely feel like I'm scratching the surface too. This title could easily end up being my GOTY.

In its current state, there have been a few non game breaking bugs. Achievements are totally broken and unlock even when you haven't completed them, or REPEATEDLY unlock. For example when a character dodges or lands a critical hit an achievement will pop up each time. Some of the skills are broken or don't function as intended. Haven't encountered any progression or quest bugs.

There is an overwhelming amount of talents to choose from at level up, but there are very specific pool of talents you should be choosing from depending on your class build. A lot of the common talents are generic cross class talents that will be fairly irrelevant.

My Officer Master Tactician absolutely dominates the battle field by controlling the flow of combat, along with buffing and ordering the other companions by giving extra turns. Normally I would pick a fighter class melee character in cRPGs, but the officer class is so unique and fits perfectly with the Rogue Trader role play, I don't think I could play as another class in this game. I already know there will be more than one playthrough of this title for sure.
As much as I REALLLLLLLLLLY want to buy/play this now, I think I'm gonna wait 4-6 months and let them iron out some stuff first.... :(

(I watched, honestly, way too many youtube vids and it seems like they released it just a lilllllll pre-maturely)

In the mean-time.... GAME ON gentlemen
As much as I REALLLLLLLLLLY want to buy/play this now, I think I'm gonna wait 4-6 months and let them iron out some stuff first.... :(

(I watched, honestly, way too many youtube vids and it seems like they released it just a lilllllll pre-maturely)

In the mean-time.... GAME ON gentlemen

Man, if I had the patience I would absolutely do that too. Ideally I would wait a year for all the season pass content to release and all the bugs ironed out. The call of the Imperium is too great for me however. The Emperor protects!
I have about 40 hours in the game now and I have to say the writing is absolutely fantastic. Some of the best writing in a cRPG I've seen in a very long time and with hardly any grammatical or spelling errors (none that I have noticed). In games like this I am very much a completionist and have to search every nook and cranny. After 40 hours I barely feel like I'm scratching the surface too. This title could easily end up being my GOTY.

In its current state, there have been a few non game breaking bugs. Achievements are totally broken and unlock even when you haven't completed them, or REPEATEDLY unlock. For example when a character dodges or lands a critical hit an achievement will pop up each time. Some of the skills are broken or don't function as intended. Haven't encountered any progression or quest bugs.

There is an overwhelming amount of talents to choose from at level up, but there are very specific pool of talents you should be choosing from depending on your class build. A lot of the common talents are generic cross class talents that will be fairly irrelevant.

My Officer Master Tactician absolutely dominates the battle field by controlling the flow of combat, along with buffing and ordering the other companions by giving extra turns. Normally I would pick a fighter class melee character in cRPGs, but the officer class is so unique and fits perfectly with the Rogue Trader role play, I don't think I could play as another class in this game. I already know there will be more than one playthrough of this title for sure.
I have read there is a lot of text...walls and walls of text. Do you find it takes away from the atmosphere or is the writing good enough that it overcomes it?
I have read there is a lot of text...walls and walls of text. Do you find it takes away from the atmosphere or is the writing good enough that it overcomes it?

Is there a lot of text? Sure. But by cRPG standards it is by no means excessive. And yes, it's extremely well written. It doesn't take away or detract from the game whatsoever.

TBH the only people complaining about there being too much text are your typical dudebro gamers and ones who aren't fans of the genre.
This is a fantastic game. It perfectly captures how horrific it is for normal people in the 41st millenium; if you're not a member of the aristocracy then you're just meat for the grinder (literally in some cases). Of course your character is firmly placed at the top, able to command others to live or die at your whim. And you have to command the rabble to die for you quite a lot - it's for their own good.

The companion characters are great. I particularly like how completely fanatical Sister Argenta is. On the one hand she will risk her life to save a few orphans, but on the other she would put a bullet through each one of their heads without blinking if she detected even a hint of heresy.

One unique thing about this game is the alignment system. Like most RPGs there is a scale - in this case it's based on faith, from "dogmatic" to "heretical". Unlike any other game I've seen though, both ends are effectively evil. If you want to play a "good" character then you need to be in the middle.

One aspect of the game that I don't like so much are the skills. There are a vast number of them, with complicated effects. It takes a lot of effort every time a character levels up to work out what skills are worth taking.

As mentioned before, the game is currently full of bugs. I've experienced multiple stuck quests that required modding to un-stick. I expect this to improve over the coming months.
Think I'll be using toybox for rep. I'm in act 4 and just discovered that void grinding is a thing....god is it boring. 3 battles in a row of just fighting weak 20-30hp chaff. All for a whopping 1700rp worth of stuff.
Is there a lot of text? Sure. But by cRPG standards it is by no means excessive. And yes, it's extremely well written. It doesn't take away or detract from the game whatsoever.

TBH the only people complaining about there being too much text are your typical dudebro gamers and ones who aren't fans of the genre.
If complaints about the volume of text was coming from non-tourists, that would certainly be a take, for sure.
So beat the game last night. Combat became pretty trivial, both ground and space. This was on normal difficulty. Even the final boss didn't last more than a single round from 3 of my characters.

The endings are kind of dumb. In the sense that it doesn't consider if you mixed path choices. I was a mix of iconoclast and dogmatic, but the game treats me as going full iconoclast and seceding from the Imperium.

Did some reading and the secret "good" iconoclast ending sounds retarded.

The character endings can be fairly tragic which is to be expected. There really shouldn't be a "happily ever after".

All in all I had fun, but I was rushing at the last 2 chapters because combat just stopped mattering. I had zero crippling bugs happen, just minor aesthetic ones. I'll probably play again in 6 months or so after they polish/iron out their mechanics more. Will probably play on max or max with adjustment difficulty because the combat is so easy to break, maybe they'll tune this.
...Combat became pretty trivial, both ground and space. This was on normal difficulty...
I turned the difficulty up notch (from "Normal" to "Daring") once I realised that there was no longer a risk of losing any fight. That felt like the real normal difficulty, since it puts you and the AI on equal footing, without handicaps to either. Still not very hard, but some fights were ridiculous, e.g.
The fight with the greater demon, which has 7k health, only takes any damage under certain circumstances, and has infinitely respawning allies.
I had to turn the difficulty back down to "Normal" for that one, otherwise it would have taken all day.
I had to turn the difficulty back down to "Normal" for that one, otherwise it would have taken all day.
Yeah once you break the talents/gear fights like that are trivial. Argenta did 6k DMG in a single burst by that point.
I just got into Chapter 3 and kinda hit a wall with it. I will push through it eventually but Chapter 3 feels really weak in comparison to the first two. I don't like it when cRPGs force you to play solo in a linear setting, especially since my main is an Officer Master Tactician support class and not really combat focused. Hopefully gets better again in Chapter 4.
I just got into Chapter 3 and kinda hit a wall with it. I will push through it eventually but Chapter 3 feels really weak in comparison to the first two. I don't like it when cRPGs force you to play solo in a linear setting, especially since my main is an Officer Master Tactician support class and not really combat focused. Hopefully gets better again in Chapter 4.
You're solo for only a bit with no combat until you have a party again.
Ok, Chapter 3 is absolute trash bugfest nightmare. I am close to rage quitting.

I encountered a bug that prevented getting Cassia and Henrix from rejoining the team but it wasn't obvious this was a bug. I simply figured you must get them back after progressing the Chapter further. NOPE, after finishing all the Arena battles and moving to the final leg of the Chapter, they will become lost forever. That is over 6 hours of LOST TIME because of a bug. I will have to restart the Chapter to see if I can work around the bug and at this point I really don't feel like slogging through all that shit again. Pretty disappointing.
Is that actually a bug? I know with Cassia you have to go save her from the thing. That can be skipped if you simply don't go over and do that. As for Henrix I didn't have him in my party.

Idk, I might be lucky because I encountered zero game breaking bugs in my entire playthrough.

*Edit* After some reading apparently they can bug out and not spawn? Yeah that'd suck.
...I will have to restart the Chapter to see if I can work around the bug and at this point I really don't feel like slogging through all that shit again...
Try Toy Box. I mamaged to fix every bug I experienced with it by changing quest states or triggering events (though I didn't have the one you described), no reloading from hours back needed.
Is that actually a bug? I know with Cassia you have to go save her from the thing. That can be skipped if you simply don't go over and do that. As for Henrix I didn't have him in my party.

Idk, I might be lucky because I encountered zero game breaking bugs in my entire playthrough.

*Edit* After some reading apparently they can bug out and not spawn? Yeah that'd suck.
Try Toy Box. I mamaged to fix every bug I experienced with it by changing quest states or triggering events (though I didn't have the one you described),
mISFIRINJG story TTIGGERS A RE A MASSIVE PROBLEM IN cHAPTER 3. i know it wasn' beta testedd butr holy fuck it's bad.
I really enjoyed Kingmaker and Path of the Righteous. That said, this game has been sitting in my queue because I keep reading horror stories on the bug experiences. And now, they want to bring out DLC in 2-3 months when they still haven't fixed a lot of the bugs?

A bit shameful...