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  1. Z

    Is Physx a factor in games anymore?

    hajalie24 There are - Warframe and PlanetSide 2 - PhysX 3.2 for main physics layer and APEX for extra effects. However, Warframe has mostly Turbulence particles (no CPU execution) and PlanetSide effects are disabled now, so you can't test those on CPU. As for PhysX 3.x based games in...
  2. Z

    Physx performance of Fermi?

    It was done in several GTX 480 reviews
  3. Z

    using an 8800GTS 512 @ 4x pci-e for physx

    Well, some tests are showing that there is no big perfomance lost.
  4. Z

    PhysX on nVidia cards won't work if an ATI card is used

    So, new 1.02 patch by GenL :) works with newest 195.x GeForce drivers, and supports Win XP
  5. Z

    PhysX on nVidia cards won't work if an ATI card is used

    Meanwhile, Official Nvidia position on hybrid ATI+NV PhysX configurations Quality care was the cause of ban ;) And according to Mods (like by GenL) and stuff won't live long.
  6. Z

    PhysX games that will benefit from a dedicated GPU

    Well, that's U-Wars, MKZ, Dark Void and.. Star Tales. Support for some titles, like Borderlands, was announced about a year ago, and no news since than. I think some other games are in the works, but PhysX support will be announced close to game release, like it was with Batman Arkham Asylum.
  7. Z

    PhysX on nVidia cards won't work if an ATI card is used

    Meanwhile, working mod that bypass PhysX ban was released yesterday I'm very cusious, will nvidia fight with them via driver updates ?)
  8. Z

    Would it be possible...

    this will work fine
  9. Z

    Would it be possible...

    Dedicated completely ? currently GPU PhysX can't use more than one GPU for physics calculations.
  10. Z

    PhysX System Software 9.09.0914 released

    Libraries for newest 2.8.3 SDK, updated .dlls for 2.8.1 SDK and changes in installation paths.
  11. Z

    Who's getting Batman Arkham Asylum for the PC tomorrow ?

    PhysX comparison video for retail version
  12. Z

    PhysX on nVidia cards won't work if an ATI card is used

    Afaik, graphics drivers are responsible for ATI blocking, not PhysX System Software. You can install older GPU drivers, and then newest PhysX drivers separately.
  13. Z

    How PhysX Makes Batman: Arkham Asylum Better

    And ? physics is very buggy, cloth-papers get stuck in batman, their vertexes are jumping all over the screen - say thanks to decreased MaxPhysicsSubsteps value. No magic.
  14. Z

    New Darkest Of Days PhysX Comparison Video(Full Version)

    This thread was started two days after game came out ;)
  15. Z

    Darkest of Days anyone?

    PhysX comparison video for DoD
  16. Z

    How PhysX Makes Batman: Arkham Asylum Better

    15 sept - North America, 18 sept - Europe and Australia, afaik
  17. Z

    Dishonest PhysX comparisons

    Yep ;) You can check them all here -
  18. Z

    PhysX games that will benefit from a dedicated GPU

    Experience. Unexpected, but I'm collecting and analyzing PhysX based titles for more then 2.5 years already BTW, Alpha Prime or CoV can't support GPU PhysX a priori because only PhysX SDK 2.7.x and higher allows that, and CoV is, afair, 2.4.4 based and AP 2.5 or 2.4, I don't remember clearly
  19. Z

    PhysX games that will benefit from a dedicated GPU

    I've already contributed all released games with GPU support. Seven. It's a fact. Unreleased - Batman: AA, Star Tales, Nurien, MKZ, U-wars, Metro 2003, Terminator Salvation, Dark Void, Darkest of Days.. maybe Nvidia will reveal some others Alpha Prime, Auto Assault, Fallen Earth, City of...
  20. Z

    PhysX games that will benefit from a dedicated GPU

    For what reason ? That's not a mystery and not so hard to find Released - GRAW2, Crazy Machines 2+, Warmonger, UT3 modpack, Mirror's Edge, Cryostasis, Sacred 2 Other games with PPU support (GRAW1, Cellfactor, Bet on Soldier, etc) can'not be accelerated on GPU Other PhysX SDK based games...
  21. Z

    Batman Arkham Asylum Demo Released...

    Played, loved :) Combat system and smooth animation are really cool PhysX effects looks good too, all new APEX and stuff Composed a comparison video -
  22. Z

    PPU or GPU 4 physics

    GPU definitely. PPU is old (fast all chips produced sept. 2005) and not near fast as modern GPUs. There is also no guarantee that PPU will support newest GPU optimized features, like APEX, used in latest games I will no wonder if PPU support will be omitted from newest PhysX SDKs
  23. Z

    Infernal Engine VELOCITY Physics Tornado PC Demo

    Zok Pfff.. how do you think PhysX engine works ? You playing Mirror's Edge with GPU physics - character controller, ragdolls are running on CPU Cloth banners, smoke, particles are simulated on GPU You playing Warmonger - ragdolls, large rigid body debris - CPU side Ash, small fragments and...
  24. Z

    Nvidia APEX

    So, APEX is close for releasy finally (it was announced in Nov 2007 by Ageia firstly) Press release: And some videos: from Destruction module from...
  25. Z

    AMD Says PhysX Will Die

    Exavior And they must ?) Scali2 Before that, NovodeX was also merged with another physics engine known as Meqon)
  26. Z

    AMD Says PhysX Will Die

    nothing about AMD position, but I'll show how PhysX SDK is widespread for real (those list at none is absolete)
  27. Z

    Confused about game support.

    Yep) Text is copy-past from Ageia PhysX PPU page, and games list - from PhysX Developers page) I dunno why Nvidia haven't updated this page for a couple of months, cos it's confusing)
  28. Z

    Ageia ppu and nvidia comparisons???

    Have you tried this trick ? Looks like GPU physX won't work with common modpack so easy)
  29. Z

    The reason for no PCIe card yet
  30. Z

    AMD says GPU physics is dead until DirectX 11

    Hardly ? I don't think so - :: Link
  31. Z

    Are there any PPU cooling options?

    Try this thread:
  32. Z

    Damb Ageia's delaying UT3

    The end of this story. "Now that we know why having a Unix dedicated server is important to online gaming, why won't there be a Unix dedicated server for UT3 anytime soon? As I first began to research this I was almost positive that PhsyX might be the legal holdup. I was quite sure that there...
  33. Z

    Damb Ageia's delaying UT3

    Licensing problems - it's nonsense. PhysX SDK has free licence under Windows/Linux.. I can download PhysX SDK for Linux and use it's, and Epic can't ?.. don't make me laugh :D
  34. Z

    Physx games, list, links, comments.

    Yes) Blacksite is using Havok)
  35. Z

    AGEIA official forum

    Vote for moderators.They will keep trolls on a tight leash ;)
  36. Z

    another ur3 game without ppu support??

    Stranglehold is using Havok)
  37. Z

    Physx games, list, links, comments.

    It's normal) i have such thing too)
  38. Z

    New physx card on the way

    NDA ? next-gen cards are not officially announced yet) This isn't SLI connector.. SLI connector look like this - link
  39. Z

    New physx card on the way

    The cooler on this card is from Nvidia 7600/7900. on my PPU i have VF900 installed - does this mean it's made by Zalman ? ;)