Is Physx a factor in games anymore?

Sigh, I keep forgetting to add words. No 3.x GPU Physx games?

lol, no worries it happens.

Project Cars, Witcher 3, Star Citizen (APEX only), Mercenary Ops, and EverQuest Next are listed as having GPU acceleration.

Star Citizen runs the Cryengine so I doubt the PhysX SDK will be used but APEX SDK (particles, turbulence and clothing) integration and GPU acceleration is planned. It is possible APEX in Star Citizen could also run on the CPU.

Project Cars and Witcher 3 are listed to use the new 3.x SDK as I would imagine all the other in dev PhysX GPU titles are as well.
No 3.x GPU Physx games?
There are - Warframe and PlanetSide 2 - PhysX 3.2 for main physics layer and APEX for extra effects.

However, Warframe has mostly Turbulence particles (no CPU execution) and PlanetSide effects are disabled now, so you can't test those on CPU.

As for PhysX 3.x based games in general, there are some, apart from mentioned titles like ARMA 3 and Bioshock.
Magicka: Wizard Wars, Payday 2, War of the Roses, Octodad, Infestation (WarZ), etc.

Witcher 3 should be interesting, as it is rumored to use advanced PhysX 3 + Destruction + Clothing on CPU (on all platforms), plus HairWorks (fur and hair sim through DirectCompute), and some extra GPU effects on top of that (probably NV only).
Tress fx is a different animal.will have a better first 5 years than physx(thanks mainly to the new consoles)

Good luck with that. TressFX has yet to be used in anything but Tomb Raider and now faces competition with PhysX and APEX.