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    Are there any PS4 shooters that are appropriate for a ten year old?

    Ratchet & Clank would be my recommendation
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    Video games that screwed you up physically?

    Did anyone mention 1080 snowboarding on n64? This is a test. This is only a test...
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    PS4 DOA (red line of death)

    My plan as well. Always nice to up the HDD. Thanks for the feedback. And enjoy Xmas (don't think I could hold off but cheers!!)
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    PS4 - Noise and heat

    I would say ambient temp plays a key role. In summer my ambient sometimes goes to 82 but right now I'm at 64 (yeah it's cold). I notice a huge difference even between 70 and 75 on fan noise and how hot all my stuff runs. Although that is probably stating the obvious.
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    PS4 DOA (red line of death)

    Can anyone else comment without a prejudice opinion or conspiracy theories. I don't post often but would like to know the community's thoughts...hope that's not all that is talked about now....
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    PS3 Save Game Data Question

    Thanks all - unfortunately no dice. I'll start playing again - guess I will just try to play a different way this time around...
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    PS3 Save Game Data Question

    Thanks for the responses guys. I do have my game saves on the hard drive - visible in the save game data folder. I also assumed that since they were stored on the drive there should be no problem detecting them and loading them up - but for some reason the new disk installs duplicate game data...
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    PS3 Save Game Data Question

    Just got a new disk for a PS3 game. Old disk got damaged. I want to load my old save games from the last game disk so I can keep going where I left off. Any way to do this? Why can't I load my last save game files with the new disk so I can start where I left off????
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    GDC 2012: PlanetSide 2 gunning for the big time

    Despite its length I actually carefully read this summary. Having never played Planetside, my first reaction was "holy shit that sounds amazing." Comparing that to MOHAA which was probably the multiplayer game I spent the most time on, I feel I missed out. I haven't played many (read any)...
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    Are SSDs Doomed? Researchers Say "Yes"

    I once had a teacher. He once told me that no matter the problem, to trust in the collective ability of mankind to solve whatever issue is most pressing. Imagine any problem that seems insurmountable and visualize the collective intelligence of the entire world and focus it at one specific point...
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    BrailleTouch app Developed for the Visually Impaired

    i read that only 10% of blind children today are learning braille
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    Facebook Teen’s Father Shows Some Tough Love

    Simply said: teach at a young age, let them learn as they grow. there will be hiccups along the way
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    Micron CEO Steve Killed In Plane Crash

    I'm sorry but as this bloomberg report indicates, this particular type of aircraft may have some mechanical issues. I don't think you have any idea that this pilot was a "newb" so I would be sure you don't approach the situation as such. RIP Steve - judging by your choice of aircraft you passed...
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    EA Sued For Battlefield 3 Helicopter Use

    They can't afford to "fork out" a couple of billion. Look at the f/s
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    Non-Protected Camera Survives 100,000ft Fall

    I need to see what would have happened to it without the "extreme" case to make any definitive judgments. The camera surviving is more impressive imo
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    Cool (Literally) Video of the Day

    Likely just inflate their BCD to stay well planted on the bottom of the ice. Cool vid :cool:
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    When big name douchebaggery gets out of hand

    Man this guy is a real piece of work. hope this serves to keep him out of the industry
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    Christmas Tree X-ray

    Looks like a bottle of Macallan to me - a great wife indeed
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    Uncharted 3

    i gotta tend to agree with some of the above - aiming was tough and touchy - got used to it by about Ch7 but it could be better. i can't put my finger on it but I don't feel the same way after beating UC3 compared to UC1 and UC2. Maybe it was the aiming but I felt the game was more "shallow"...
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    Got a band - need to store multiple recordings

    Looking for a reliable way to maintain/store our band's self recorded music which will also allow it to be shared fairly easily. Been rocking hard drives with USB and CD backups for a long time now. Would anyone have confidence in an online file storage site for self recorded tunes that can be...
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    Uncharted 3

    should be a great weekend then. i actually am looking forward to a slightly different feel on the shooting the cool part for me was that UC1 was a totally different feel than UC2 for aim. most say that crushing is harder on UC1 than UC2 where I felt the opposite. took a lot more deaths to...
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    Uncharted 3

    Cheers to that awesome commentary DaRat. Sounds like I need to pick it up ASAP. I liked the fluidity of shooting on UC1 - seemed like I was personally holding the gun, moving smoothly though the maps and still with a great story. UC2 really had the cinematic story and felt like I was playing...
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    Bill Gates Dismisses Criticism in Steve Jobs Biography

    Gotta speak from the heart (no guilt, hate, love or happiness) Dude be dead, I'm moving on. Whether he be a prick, saviour, asshole, hater...whatever...doesn't really matter. I got more interesting things to think about than Apple and their former CEO - like Uncharted 3 vs. BF3 vs. Batman AC...
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    what 'old school' game would you like to see a sequel or new version?

    Deus Ex..oh wait everyone has said that...still would be nice to feel again like the original.... Ok how about Chuck Yeager's Air Combat with both modern and classic planes / improved flight dynamics and ultra modern graphics
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    Who has called in sick just to play video games?

    The prob seems to be staying up late for many a number of reasons and not going in till noon the next day. Never directly for gaming I guess so I will
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    NBA Fines Heat Owner $500k For Twitter Comments

    I really enjoyed the baseball playoffs this year - good games and a number of great series. Now I agree the NBA is fading for me but everyone I know seems to take March Madness off work so perhaps college b-ball is still alive and well
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    Uncharted 3

    I'd like to know too - although judging by lack of response from those with a copy I would guess the game is pretty damn good. stop playing and let us know folks!!!!! ;) gonna pick it up on the weekend if i can
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    I'm Lazy, Is there any software that can keep me on task

    please don't work too hard - who will flip my next baconator if you ever manage to get a real job :D
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    Steve Jobs Dead

    that's an interesting point. and something to consider - but mother teresa passed on 14 years ago last month almost to the day. is that really on topic????
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    Steve Jobs Dead

    I'd certainly agree - it's just that particular comparison seems to "grind my gears." Hitler was a pretty bad dude compared to even some of the worst CEOs! Now if I tried to compare Mr Jobs to Mr Buffet I would say the Oracle of Omaha beats him in CSR by a long shot, but Buffet is alive and I...
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    Steve Jobs Dead

    TBH I've never owned an apple product in my life, but no matter how you slice it, I don't see any way to justify comparing jobs and hitler in the same sentence. Why not jobs vs ghandi vs gates vs mlk vs hitler vs stalin...can we at least try to use some perspective here. I'm sure someone will...
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    Steve Jobs Dead

    I wonder how many people Jobs killed by hurling iPhones and iPads at them with great speed and accuracy :rolleyes: really?? dude??
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    Steve Jobs Dead

    Judgment of opinion, to be completely accurate, needs to be based on an infinite sample size. [H] has good diversity of opinion. Take it all in and make the decision yourself - hatred just sucks the big one :)
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    Steve Jobs Dead

    RIP to someone who had a vision. Someone who executed that vision. Love him, hate him, indifferent; no need to get into that now. 56 is too young. He has had an indelible impact on technology for the people of the world. Enough said.
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    5 Ways Technology Is Actually Getting Worse

    really gotta disagree with these two points i'm not lazy by any means. but keep in mind some people have larger older homes that dont have ethernet built into the walls like a new home may. with all the rooms i need to ensure internet access to, wireless is the ONLY option as far as i'm...
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    Neat Video of the Day

    meh - tried that same idea. tripped and scraped my knee on the first take in paris. decided to hit the bars instead. c'est la vie.
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    Longest gaming session? Guy dies in UK after 12 hrs of Xbox

    sucks that the dude passed away. gotta get up and move - at least stand for a couple minutes and then sit again. once i did stay sitting for like 7 hours without standing up playing (of all things) gta4 when it came out. also sat for about 8 hours playing deus ex (the original) but i had a...
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    Getting used to the N64

    i experienced the same thing when i loaded up my n64 again but it came back after a number of single player missions. best advice i can give in multiplayer is always use the c left and right buttons to strafe. easier to move sideways with those around corners. i almost never take my right hand...
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    Google Rejects Fat Job Applicants?

    funny story - sounds like a stunt to make it seem like she wasn't hired for a reason other than being unqualified. on a side note - i wonder how many people in here are ranting and raving about great health, exercise, etc while sitting on their ass eating a bag of chips in front of the...
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    Stupid Reader Trick of the Day

    another link to the video i'm guessing - awesome shot :D