Uncharted 3

My first play-through was on Hard. I found 75 of 100 treasures and it took 10 hours from start to finish. I haven't decided if I'm going to try Crushing yet as I'm experiencing conflicting emotions on the game.

When I play it I think, "This is awesome" but for some reason I didn't find it to be all that enjoyable when compared to the prior games. I think it was a combination of the wonky aiming, a few bugs, and what seemed like endless swarms of enemies. It ended up feeling like the scenes were the star of the game and Drake was just there to act as a bullet sponge on the track to the next awesome scene.

Maybe I'm just becoming more and more of a crotchety old gamer.

I'm playing through on Hard but haven't beat it yet - up to Ch13. However, I'm having the same feelings as you, somewhat. UC3 is awesome but compared to UC2 it's been lacking. UC3 started out SLOW in story and combat. UC2 your ass gets slapped around right from the very beginning - a wild ride start to finish. To be fair, UC3 story has picked up considerably (and will probably finish strong), but combined with the slow start and the SHITTY aiming in this game and it's left me just a little disappointed. The set pieces have been almost as big as the characters themselves in this series - part of what makes it so great. A modern day Indiana Jones :p

Can't wait to get into some MP and Co-op
The aiming is what has me afraid of playing the game on hard and crushing. I had enough trouble killing those armored dudes on normal. I hate to imagine the ballroom shootout when you die in 2 shots and still can't hit the broad side of a barn!
Hard and up is very frustrating. I always start out on normal. Less heart attack inducing and far more enjoyable.
aiming is being patched soon. They had a bunch of people from the neogaf forums come into their offices and give feedback on some of the changes they have made so far. I beat the game on hard, and for the most part I got used to the aiming and didnt have too much of a problem. Though It is nice that they are addressing it.
Cool about the aiming.
IMO it isn't bad necessarily, it's just different. Having gone through Uncharted 1 and 2 on the hard difficulties only a week ago, it's a lot touchier than it was in those two.
Cool about the aiming.
IMO it isn't bad necessarily, it's just different. Having gone through Uncharted 1 and 2 on the hard difficulties only a week ago, it's a lot touchier than it was in those two.

I'm one of the ones who is incredibly annoyed by the aiming. The deadzone on the thumbstick is my biggest complaint. Sounds like they're fixing it up though.
Aiming is "ok" but news of a patch for that means this great game is only going to get even better. :)
i gotta tend to agree with some of the above - aiming was tough and touchy - got used to it by about Ch7 but it could be better.

i can't put my finger on it but I don't feel the same way after beating UC3 compared to UC1 and UC2. Maybe it was the aiming but I felt the game was more "shallow" for lack of a better word.

UC1 and UC2 had me playing crushing right after my first play through. I was planning to do this on UC3 but so far every time I go to pick up the controller again i kinda go...ummm maybe later
i gotta tend to agree with some of the above - aiming was tough and touchy - got used to it by about Ch7 but it could be better.

i can't put my finger on it but I don't feel the same way after beating UC3 compared to UC1 and UC2. Maybe it was the aiming but I felt the game was more "shallow" for lack of a better word.

UC1 and UC2 had me playing crushing right after my first play through. I was planning to do this on UC3 but so far every time I go to pick up the controller again i kinda go...ummm maybe later

Ah, I share your feelings. I can't get myself to start hard mode because of the aiming "issue". That is a great news that ND may address it.
While I enjoyed the game, I don't have the same feelings as most here.

The frequent hand-to-hand fighting (button mashing) was atrocious. The sheer predictability of which rock or beam is going to break while you are hanging from it also got very annoying. Not to mention, the game was very short.
Sony just announced U3 sold 3.8 million on launch day, which is great because if there was ever a game that needed to be played its the Uncharted series no doubt.


Hell I still have a few friends that's not played any of the games in the series, but 3.8 million sold on day 1 means it's definitely getting more attention that it deserves.
It’s been awhile since I played Uncharted 2, so I forgot what to expect…. Well, I was reminded from start to finish. Completely agree with others here… I’ve been gaming since the Atari 2600 and Commodore 64 and must say, this game made the top 10 of all-time list. Now that list includes the Ultima series, BG series, System Shock, and more… so when I say it’s in the top 10…. We’re talking a seriously good game here, well, at least for me and my experience.

Wow… just wow. Incredible non-stop action packed roller coaster from start to finish.

That said, I’ll agree with others the story wasn’t as polished as Uncharted 2, and a few things on retrospect don’t make sense… but nothing beats the level of immersion I got while playing. You know that time you were blown away when (insert event) happened in that one game? Well, that’s the entire game in Uncharted 3.

For me, GOTY on any platform. The only negative, as others have said, is you want more... I just purchased Dragon Age II before I got this.... makes having to go back to playing a "normal" good game very disappointing.
Just finished this. It took me 10.5 hours, 105 deaths on normal.

I didn't feel it was extraordinarily different or better than Uncharted 2. While Uncharted 2 was frustrating to have such a difficult boss fight at the end break the flow of the game, Uncharted 3 seemed anti-climactic at the end.

At the end of U2, I was thinking "I want more". At the end of this one, I was left thinking "Is that it?".

Either way, its a great game. I agree with the problems with aiming. I killed 600 and something enemies total in the game and half were hand to hand combat. I would normally take cover and shoot. After missing several shots, I would just go hand-to-hand. The second half was with the "aiming patch" which didn't seem to change.
I just beat it this morning, and agree with you jamesrb, I was also thinking "Is that it?"
Just like the previous two, I was excited for a "supernatural" enemy, which there wasn't any, except the few guys near the end with the flaming eyes, which was lame. During the Castle, when they come across the green zombie-looking agent, I was excited thinking there was going to be zombies. But, there wasn't. The Supernatural enemies of the last two games were the most exciting parts for me. This one kinda makes Drake seem like a mass-murderer...
The aiming patch isn't out yet.

Mine downloaded the 1.01 patch last week. Somebody else told me it was the aiming patch. If it isn't the aiming patch, that would explain why I didn't feel like anything changed.
Mine downloaded the 1.01 patch last week. Somebody else told me it was the aiming patch. If it isn't the aiming patch, that would explain why I didn't feel like anything changed.

Yeah, we're still waiting on the patch :(
I just beat it on Crushing yesterday. It was a lot easier than I expected. I died a lot, but it was never to the point of frustration. The most frustrating part was trying to find out how to do the stealth option in most parts of the game. The one that was most retarded was the airport where you're trying to sneak onto the plane. At the part where all the guards are and freight containers to climb on, I was able to kill everyone without getting caught except for the very last two guards at the other end right by the platform you have to climb onto. There was just no way to take them out without reinforcements getting called in. You can't sneak up on them since they're right up against the wall, the silenced pistol didn't work, explosives didn't work, WTF? Did anyone get past that part without getting caught?
This one kinda makes Drake seem like a mass-murderer...

LOL, he's come off that way in all of them. While I suppose the second game justifies a little bit of it by making many enemies either killers or mutants, the first one is almost funny. The overall body count for random guys carrying guns on an abandoned island is in the hundreds.
This one is back to that, too. It doesn't seem like the guys in suits are killing anyone or shooting at people other than Drake and Sully.
I took a break to play through MW3. Going back to Uncharted was just... weird. Really highlights the aiming issues.
LOL, he's come off that way in all of them. While I suppose the second game justifies a little bit of it by making many enemies either killers or mutants, the first one is almost funny. The overall body count for random guys carrying guns on an abandoned island is in the hundreds.
This one is back to that, too. It doesn't seem like the guys in suits are killing anyone or shooting at people other than Drake and Sully.

yes, usually the bad guys do something really awful to demonize them for the rest of the game. this game... not putting any spoilers up, but the ending especially seemed a little sadistic.
So, does that new 1.1. patch affect the aiming or was it for something else? I'm in the middle of Skyrim at the moment, but I wouldn't mind making a "crushing" run this weekend if the aiming has been tweaked.
i've yet to open my copy...is the aiming issue for MP only or does it affect SP as well?

It's for both.
Give it a go and see what you think. If you didn't play the first two all that much, you might not even notice. It just feels like the acceleration is a bit different and the dead zone takes you from a gradual line-up to looking in another direction much faster.
Per Joystiq, the patch that adjusts the game's aiming is now live (1.02).
I guess there's a toggle to turn it on and off. Once I finally complete Skyrim I'll have to make a crushing run.
Thanks for the heads up. I'll go back to Uncharted after I finish up Saint's Row and Assassin's Creed.
It works! You have to look under the game option settings under "alternate aiming," but it works like a charm. I played for about 30 seconds and got 4 headshots in a row without having to sit there and line things up slowly.
Looks like I should be able to play on the harder settings now.
It works! You have to look under the game option settings under "alternate aiming," but it works like a charm. I played for about 30 seconds and got 4 headshots in a row without having to sit there and line things up slowly.
Looks like I should be able to play on the harder settings now.

Nice! So the deadzone for fine aiming is gone?
I can't believe there's no bonus content with this game. I beat it on crushing, hoping it would unlock something like behind the scenes or meeting the cast or something, but I don't see anything in the menus. I know the first Uncharted had this stuff and thought the 2nd one did (can't remember now though). Why would they skimp on that stuff this go around?
Deadzone appears gone. No more weird twitching while lining people up.
I miss the option from the first game to add weapons whenever you want. You could only do it on the difficulty you had already completed, but it was a ton of fun giving yourself rocket launchers and magnums in random situations.
It works! You have to look under the game option settings under "alternate aiming," but it works like a charm. I played for about 30 seconds and got 4 headshots in a row without having to sit there and line things up slowly.
Looks like I should be able to play on the harder settings now.
