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  1. X

    GameStop Exploiting Devs And Consumers

    I'm not sure that's true. Software, especially games, can be insanely complicated. One thing I can say though: people working on cars need to care a lot more about how things are built because if they fuck up, somebody could die.
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    The Last of Us. Did you get it? How do you like it?

    I'm not sure I can take you seriously with that last sentence. Don't get me wrong, I love the Uncharted games, but its gameplay is far inferior to The Last of Us in my opinion. Uncharted, you very rarely ever have any real choice in how you do things. I've played through The Last of Us and...
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    How will Sony's poor financial condition affect PS4?

    Your numbers are ludicrously off if you're talking about units shipped/sold. You're saying that everybody on the planet has bought at least 10 PS3s and 10 Xbox 360s. If you mean revenue from system sales in USD, that's still ridiculous. Assuming $300 per system, you're saying there are about...
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    New Last of us footage released..

    I'm really excited about this game. Possibly the most excited I've ever been for a game. I've been telling my friends that I really do believe this might be game of the generation. We shall see...
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    The next Generation console war is not over numbers anymore: but games. Finally!

    Backwards compatibility by running the game on one of the new consoles is highly unlikely in my opinion. The systems have completely different architectures than their predecessors. Pretty sure both companies have already confirmed that backwards compatibility of the sort where you stick the...
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    Zuckerberg's New Group Pushing For Immigration Reform

    Are you guys even talking about the same kinds of jobs that these people are interested in? If we look at the vast majority of those individuals that have started this group, they're all major software companies. The amount of people who are actually qualified for those jobs and actually are...
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    Entry Level Coding Interview Tips

    It's not about "being the man". It's about showing you know your stuff and that you can get the job the employer wants you to do can be done by you. I've grilled lower classmen at my school before I graduated to help them with interviews, and there's always someone who thinks they are a...
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    Entry Level Coding Interview Tips

    You should know the fundamentals. Most people have touched upon it already. Knowing about certain problems or techniques are less likely to help you in my experience than having a solid understanding of the fundamentals (mathematics, algorithms, data structures, computer architecture, etc)...
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    Ferreting out people/spies who are recording our TS....

    Information warfare, tasty. The "easiest" thing you could probably do is exactly what westrock2000 said, except use binary search to quickly hone in on suspects. If you must do it one at a time, with the numbers you've got in the channel, it would be stupefyingly tedious.
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    US is the World’s Biggest Video Game Market

    It's just about the only thing we're good at these days... unfortunately.
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    Determining Algorithm Efficiency for Specific Values

    Yes, it is as simple as that. The real question is: How useful is it in reality? That depends on how accurate your function is with respect to a real algorithm running on a real machine. Even if you could totally account for all of the time (in abstract units) in an algorithm doesn't...
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    University student seeking a mentor of sorts...

    I don't necessarily agree on getting familiar with Linux or Windows. It depends largely on what you mean by "A proper school". I don't know anything really about University of Washington, but based on what I've heard, it has a very traditional CS theory education, which I think is good...
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    What is a good free software and book to program games?

    I actually thought kind of hard about that one. My issue is that C++ is so syntactically insane, especially with C++11. Don't get me wrong, I'm really comfortable in C++, but there's some serious syntax madness going on in the language now. If I was anyone new to programming, C++ would...
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    What is a good free software and book to program games?

    I received a PM from Ryou-kun, and here was my response: Feel free to add to this, elaborate, or refute my claims. [Edit] Forgot to add mention of gamedev:
  15. X

    What is a good free software and book to program games?

    You should know (in no particular order, but numbered for convenience): A programming language Data structures Computer architecture Basic math (calculus, discrete, linear algebra, probability) Algorithms For 1, if you want to be a professional game developer, C++ is almost...
  16. X

    What is the best way to learn more C++ programming?

    Mozilla maintains a pretty extensive C++ codebase for their work on Thunderbird and Firefox. I'd recommend getting on their IRC and talking with other developers if you're having trouble. I think #introduction at is their new...
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    What is the best way to learn more C++ programming?

    Ok, poor advice. It really depends on what you want to learn about C++. For example, I consider myself to be pretty fluent in C++, but definitely not a master. I wanted to elevate my understanding of language design issues and understand some of the "Why?"s of C++ and other programming...
  18. X

    What is the best way to learn more C++ programming?

    My personal opinion: Just write some more C++ code. For me, it's fair to say that the Effective C++ books are quite good, but I treat them as morality guides. They help me along and I can avoid some subtle C++ language traps, but reading about them vs writing code and finding out for yourself...
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    Fixed Size Ints - Pros and Cons?

    A long reply ahead, but I would appreciate some thorough responses, especially to some of my questions at the end. This is a pretty strong argument against using fixed size ints by default in an effort to increase code clarity. After lots of thinking on my own last night and reading this...
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    Fixed Size Ints - Pros and Cons?

    I recently got into a debate with a co-worker of mine on an issue on fixed size ints in C++ (#include <cstdint>). My preference is to use fixed size ints by default. Any code I write that requires a plain unsigned integer type or a signed integer type, I write uintN_t or intN_t, where N is the...
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    Help on thinking recursively?

    If you're looking for a rigorous, mathematical treatment of recursion and some classical problems involving recursion: from
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    Computer Science is the Hottest Major on Campus

    You'd be surprised... I'm graduating in December with a BS and while my base salaries have not been 6 figures, when you add in the signing bonuses alone, I'm easily in 6 figures. It depends largely on the companies of course. I've heard from friends who claim that at some financial firms...
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    Grad Schoool Questions on CS Major

    Do you have the requisite mathematical background to be able to handle AI and algorithms? Game AI tends to be rather simplistic due to performance restrictions, but a lot of the heavy duty academic AI uses a lot of linear algebra, probability, algorithms and discrete math. I wouldn't recommend...
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    How is the Computer Science major? Please watch the first 4 minutes of this video. The most understandable and fundamental description of what "computer science" is in my opinion.
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    SF Police Launch Probe into iPhone Search

    At first I thought that name was a joke... "Dangerfield" -> "Danger Zone".
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    Asus VW246H Shipped Across USA - Doesn't Work Now

    All inputs have the same problem.
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    Asus VW246H Shipped Across USA - Doesn't Work Now Short video illustrating my problem.
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    Asus VW246H Shipped Across USA - Doesn't Work Now

    I shipped my Asus VW246H monitor from Illinois to California for an internship. When I got it in California, it was working fine, but I didn't end up using it all that much so I packed it back up. It sat around for 3 months. Then I ship it back to Illinois last week and just got it back...
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    CS major going into final year.....

    I don't know what distinction you're trying to make with "get taught to code rather than program". Maybe you're thinking of getting taught to code vs solving problems or software engineering...
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    PS3 Games that I should/need to play

    Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Good God man...
  31. X

    C++: Creating a templated smart pointer featuring operator overloading

    It depends on how much you want to do for the user of your code. You could make your uber_ptr to be as idiotproof as possible and do lots of checks. But then you force all users to live with the overheads of your checks. Or, you could decide you want to provide minimal overhead and do less...
  32. X

    C++: Creating a templated smart pointer featuring operator overloading

    Writing a smart pointer is actually not that difficult (to get a barebones, minimal version). Doing the operator overloads and copy constructors shouldn't be hard, but it is critical to do it correctly. Also, you might want to take a look at your constructor with one type T parameter. I'm not...
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    An Essay for Programming Students

    It sounds like you're focusing on the wrong things to me. Sure, knowing a bunch of languages and technologies is great, but if you haven't taken a data structures course, you're not really going to know what you're doing. Languages and technologies often change. Core fundamentals and problem...
  34. X

    Carmack states he made a mistake and should have focused on PCs first.

    He's not really a computer engineer. He's a software engineer, but yes, wow. The first minute is by far the most telling; his claim that his work in video games is "far more complicated" than rocket design kind of puts things into perspective in terms of complexity.
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    Carmack states he made a mistake and should have focused on PCs first.
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    NVIDIA Project Kal-El Demo

    You do realize what market this hardware is for, right?
  37. X

    StarCraft II Heart of the Swarm Teaser Trailer Leaked

    It seems more like one of the game media sites broke embargo... I'm pretty sure I saw a GameTrailers watermark on one of those and I read somewhere it was actually up on the site for a while before it got taken down?
  38. X

    Install PS3 games to the hard drive?

    This has come up before once or twice. Some games offer you the option to make a partial install, but doing a full copy of the game disc like the Xbox 360 allows is probably not offered for the fact that Blu-ray discs have a much larger capacity.
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    Starting to Learn Coding

    You have much to learn. Algorithms materials from my school: Some discrete math and probability stuff: These are the bread and butter of computer science. It shall...