The "How Do You Prounounce SATA" Thread, Back in Black

How Do You Pronounce "SATA"?

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Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 6, 2003
Basically out of curiousity. I did a Google search to no avail but found a few forum threads on Ask Jeeves where someone asked. Nothing official though, I honestly expected their to be a pre-defined pronunciation. Is this the norm in the industry? Create an acronym and let the geek masses sort the pronunciation out?

What does the [H] say when refering to this new fangled technology?
it's an ACRONYM, so it is not meant to be pronounced, similar to afk, lol and rotfl
drizzt81 said:
it's an ACRONYM, so it is not meant to be pronounced, similar to afk, lol and rotfl
or like . . SQL and SCSI.

it is an acronym so this is somewhat of a pointless question. as drizzt81 mentioned it is not meant to be pronounced, but that does not mean that it is not going to be pronounced. but the point is that no one gives a rats ass how it's pronounced. it's an acronym for a standard that has a lot of technical specs defining it and people care about those. but pronunciation? say whatever the hell you want.
drizzt81 said:
it's an ACRONYM, so it is not meant to be pronounced, similar to afk, lol and rotfl

I did not KNOW that. :D

it is an acronym so this is somewhat of a pointless question. as drizzt81 mentioned it is not meant to be pronounced, but that does not mean that it is not going to be pronounced. but the point is that no one gives a rats ass how it's pronounced. it's an acronym for a standard that has a lot of technical specs defining it and people care about those. but pronunciation? say whatever the hell you want.

I got several PMs when this poll was accidentally deleted asking where it went. So I'd say someone does give a rats ass. Vote and enjoy yourself.
I used to say S-A-T-A but switched to "santa - n", like "sat-ah".

Acronym or not, I started saying it this way after discussions with several hdd industry folk (where this seems to be the norm). Sounds wierd at first, but it's easier to say and use in conversation.
drizzt81 said:
it's an ACRONYM, so it is not meant to be pronounced, similar to afk, lol and rotfl

So, when you refer to NASA, do you say N-A-S-A or na-suh?
What about a RADAR Detector?
big daddy fatsacks said:
or like . . SQL and SCSI.
I'd say SCSI is an exception. Most of the time I've heard it pronounced as "scuzzy" over the past twenty-odd years, rarely "S-C-S-I".
scsi, midi, rom, ram...a good number of acronyms wind up with pronunciations, but then a good number do not, ide, usb, sli. not a bad question to ask, but i still to the letter thing with sata, although i'm surely going to start thinking about it more ;)
If when you say the acronym it sounds like a word, the arconym will generally become a word more or less.

NASA is easy to say, rolls of the tongue, so we say "NASA" not "N-A-S-A".

SATA is similar, but I still call it "S-A-T-A". In time, it'll probably be called "SATA" by everyone. Why? Because it rolls off the tongue...

SCSI becoming "Scuzzy" is freakish no matter how you explain it. :)
big daddy fatsacks said:
or like . . SQL and SCSI.
"sequel", and "scuzzy". And I pronounce sata almost like "sadder"; just a schwa at the end. "sa-tə".

drizzt81 said:
it's an ACRONYM, so it is not meant to be pronounced, similar to afk, lol and rotfl

Actually, I'm pretty sure it is meant to be pronounced precisely because it is an acronym. Acronyms are words, and words are pronounced. Say-tuh (SATA), Pay-tuh (PATA), Nah-suh (NASA), Ray-dar (RADAR, etc.

Just my two cents.

pRS317 said:
scsi, midi, rom, ram...a good number of acronyms wind up with pronunciations, but then a good number do not, ide, usb, sli. not a bad question to ask, but i still to the letter thing with sata, although i'm surely going to start thinking about it more ;)

Hey, wait a minute, I pronounce "usb".... I say uzzbuh. Well, not all the time, but it does sound funny when I say "Where's that uzzbuh keyboard?" :p

I say say-tah, just for the record.
I usually say S-Q-L, U-S-B, I-D-E... however, I do say Laser, and Radar etc. Considering that I rarely talk to people about SATA drives in person, I do not know what I commonly say. I would assume it'd be Serial-ATA. Also, since I am not American, I do not know how it is supposed to be pronounced, due to the lack of pronounciation rules in the english language.
Serial ATA. Reason being is that ATA was A-T-A, and not a pronounced word.
MetalX said:
That's my logic.
Serial/Parallel ATA
Sequel (Even though this is technically WRONG! :p)

I loved the "ATA became I-D-E" line, btw- I almost cracked up!
Let's not start with pronounciations, it really makes no difference. Do you say exe file as eeksee? Somethings just sound better in letter form. Say-ta sounds the swiftest to me, but I do on occasion say Serial ATA, they both work fine, and neither is really wrong.
Hmm, I've called it Serial-ATA before... but I prefer Sa-tuh, Say-tuh just kinda sounds wierd to me. Like a damn yank.(no offense to anyone, but im Texan, northern accents just sound wierd and annoying to me)
Rofl-Mic-Lofl said:
Hmm, I've called it Serial-ATA before... but I prefer Sa-tuh, Say-tuh just kinda sounds wierd to me. Like a damn yank.(no offense to anyone, but im Texan, northern accents just sound wierd and annoying to me)

No offense taken, I'm just a "damn yank". :) Why not just call us pedophiles next time and say, "In the best meaning of the word".
I work for a company that, among other things, makes SATA controllers. About 95% of the people at work and about 95% of the customers I've dealt with use the "Santa minus the N" pronunciation. Keep in mind that a lot of these people helped write the standard itself. So, there's your answer form an industry standpoint.
Sometimes I say "Serial A-T-A"
Sometimes I say "say-duh", which I guess is similar to "say-tah" but T isn't said too loudly...
serbiaNem said:
No offense taken, I'm just a "damn yank". :) Why not just call us pedophiles next time and say, "In the best meaning of the word".

Hey, Pedophiles might be nice people, warm and affectionate they are! :-P
Maybe I should've left out the word "damn", but.. why am I apologising to a damn yank anyways? :p

I keed I keed
s-q-l, scuzzy, say-tuh, rom, ram, u-s-b, i-d-e, p-s-u, c-p-u,

and i say 'owned' in real life and pronounce 'pwn' like 'pawn'. I got all my friends saying owned too... i let my gf play dod the other day and she said owned. dude i laughed my ass off so hard...
sah-tah most of the time. Some times when im comparing other drives like IDE ill say serial A-T-A
ValeX said:
i get a kick out of those REALLy nerdy people who obviously spent too much time on MSN and say "lol" in real life, only they saw "lawl" as if its a word, one kid in my school actually said that!!!! his face turned all red and everyone laughed at him, but it was awesome.


I hate that, somtimes I say "for the win" just randomly when something good happens or as a positive response to something. Thankfully thats the only internet lingo thats managed to break in to my verbal vocabulary.

EDIT: I lie, I also say "negative" a lot. Damn those many hours of counter-strike.
I say negative, yessir, affirmative, etc all the time. Then again, I'm in the army.
I just say "serial" (i.e., "a serial hd") and let the others understand. The rest of the acronym is too horrible to pronounce for people here.
ValeX said:
i get a kick out of those REALLy nerdy people who obviously spent too much time on MSN and say "lol" in real life, only they saw "lawl" as if its a word, one kid in my school actually said that!!!! his face turned all red and everyone laughed at him, but it was awesome.


I say Rofl-Mic-Lofl in real life...
Let's see, the boss calls it 'SATA' (SANTA w/o the N) ; that's how I know to call it something else, so I choose just plain 'serial' (as opposed to SCSI or IDE) or 'serial A-T-A' for the uninitiated.
I pronounce it "SAYtah" because "Serial ATA" and "ess ay tee ay" are too long for casual conversation. I pick "say-tah" over "sat-ah" because when all the hdd industry reps started showing off their brand-spanking-new drives a few years back, they all said "say-tah".

It's something of the industry standard, like "SeQueL" or "scuzzy".
Alvein said:
I just say "serial" (i.e., "a serial hd") and let the others understand. The rest of the acronym is too horrible to pronounce for people here.

Yeah, I say "serial drive" as often as I say "SATA". But I'm too old to say "serial controller" and not be worried someone might confuse it with a card that adds two more serial ports.
PopeKevinI said:
But I'm too old to say "serial controller" and not be worried someone might confuse it with a card that adds two more serial ports.

ROFL can never have too many of those!
WS6 said:
So, when you refer to NASA, do you say N-A-S-A or na-suh?
What about a RADAR Detector?

Good questions? Also what about BASIC, DOS, FORTRAN, COBOL, RAM, DASD?