Bioshock 2 Fixes


Fully [H]
Jan 31, 2008
I know we have like a billion topics on Bioshock 2 already, but this one is for some fixes I've found for things. If you guys (are there any girls on H?) find anymore share them.

in Windows, type %AppData% into the run dialog box (Winkey + R), then navigate to and open:
(this folder and ini are needed for a lot of these fixes)

To Fix the FOV for Widescreen:
go to the [Default] section and bind an unused key to "SetFOV 90" without quotes. hit that key ingame to change the FOV. it holds between saves, so you shouldn't have to do it more than once.

To Reset FOV to Default
go to the [Default] section and bind an unused key to "ResetFOV" without quotes.

To Enable Walking:
go to the [Default] section and bind whatever key you want to "Walking" without the quotes.

To Make the Walk Button a Toggle:
find the line "Aliases[17]=(Command="Button bRun",Alias=Walking)" under [Engine.Input] and change it to "Aliases[17]=(Command="Toggle bRun",Alias=Walking)"

**Credit for the FOV and Walk fix goes to 2K forums member Korban**

360 controller work around:

I'm assuming you can find a way to combine the controller work around and the walk toggle in some way to make it possible to walk (for those of you that want it).

Something to try for those of you with crash problems: If you try that please post back with your results so I can note if its a confirmed fix or not.

Changing the key binding for hack so that it actually works (changing it in game will cause hacking to end up not working)
1) Find your .ini files in the folder: bioshock 2\SP\Builds\Binaries

2) Open the DefUser.ini, any language .ini that applies, and the and User.ini in notepad or wordpad or whatever.

3) Do a search for “HackAction” There is only going to be one section that has it ** [HackPrototype] ** Scroll down to the letter assignments and you will see that F=HackAction will be the default. Just remove the HackAction from the letter F and move it to the other key you want on the list in that section.

4) Save the changes to the .ini files.

5) Close it. Launch game. Should resolve the issue.

***Credit for this fix goes to 2K forums member ViodSeeker***

Fix Mouse Acceleration/Sensitivity problems
In the User.ini file find all instances of "speed=2000" and change them to "speed=500"
There are a lot of ones you will have to change, but it is a huge improvement. If you find that 500 is too slow or still too fast for you adjust the number as needed.

***Credit goes to [H]Forum user CompuG##K***

If you are having trouble downloading the patch from Live

FOV Fix Application

For images of the fix go here:

***Credit goes to [H]Forum user HaYDeN1***

Did the FOV thing at 5040x1050 and here are my results:

FOV at default:

FOV at 110

Size of both files is under a meg so it should be easy to load them quickly.

The FOV setting does stick between saving and loading, but it does not stick if you zoom in and out. Just like the Borderlands fix. This should, however, work for most people until the patch comes out or until someone makes a more permanent work around. At least I can play at my preferred res without the game being ruined by the poor FOV.

FOV Settings per aspect ration (use this to figure out what to set your FOV at)
Remember that you want a different FOV for different aspect ratio screens.

90 degreens was fairly standard for 4:3 monitors but you need a little more when running widescreen variants to make it look correct.

For 16:10 widescreen the 90 degree equivelent is about 100 degrees
For 16:9 widescreen the 90 degree equivelent is about 106 degrees
For 16:3 (thats eyefinity with 3x 16:9 monitors) the 90 degree equivelent is 152 degrees

To work out FOV you can use the WSGF FOV calculator or do the maths yourself if you know a bit of trigenometry

***Credit goes to [H]Forum member PrincessFrosty and to the WSGF's FOV calculator***

Xpadder and the solution above appear to be the only way anyone will be playing this game with a gamepad. 2K has said that they will not add gamepad support into the game in a patch. I'll keep on the look out for a better solution for all of you that want to play with the 360 controller, but until than you're kinda stuck with whats on hand.

For the color blind
Sorry, no solutions, but one of the techs on the official forum said that the development team has been notified and will look into it.

Please post your results if you try any of these fixes, your experiences will help your fellow forum members out.
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All the complaints about the FOV in the first one, you would have thought they'd have done it right this time.
All the complaints about the FOV in the first one, you would have thought they'd have done it right this time.

They're claiming a bug fix done last second caused it to revert to the old way. Not sure if I believe them. I mean I believe that is what Elizabeth was told and then retold to us, but I have serious doubt that any level of QA was done on the PC version of this game.
interesting, i shall try the 100º FOV :)

and yes, there are girls in the hardforum ;)
using zoom or looking down the sight resets the fix bind it to forward like in borderlands

also WOW this is the same problem from the first one.... noobs
I don't think it's really that they "dont give a shit" so much as they aren't putting any real time into worrying about something that so few people are using yet.

By the end of the year, I don't think it will be quite an issue anymore as more people will be running multiple display setups, maybe not tons, but certainly more than now, and enough where they will have to take it into consideration.

Same problems existed during the intial changeover from normal to widescreen displays, game support was non-existant for months.
is there a way to bind it to a key already used? if so can you bind it to your forward button?

edit: lizz on the 2k forums is promising they already have a patch in the works wiht a proper fov fix for us, so we will see.
I don't think it's really that they "dont give a shit" so much as they aren't putting any real time into worrying about something that so few people are using yet.

But this FOV issue is also a problem for those of us who own just one 16:10 or 16:9 monitor... When you take that into consideration it's a much more drastic issue.
I don't think it's really that they "dont give a shit"; so much as they aren't putting any real time into worrying about something that so few people are using yet.

By the end of the year, I don't think it will be quite an issue anymore as more people will be running multiple display setups, maybe not tons, but certainly more than now, and enough where they will have to take it into consideration.

Same problems existed during the intial changeover from normal to widescreen displays, game support was non-existant for months.

No. Widescreens have been a hard push for the past year or so I'd say, maybe longer. Everyone pushes 1080p lcds and such. So I'm sure there are more out there now than you think. I don't believe "dual screens" in the issue there or even relevant.

This was an issue with the first game, so I don't see why it couldn't have been fixed for the second. It's just pure lazy on their part.
This is the second game I have played like this (Borderlands was the first). Thank you though! I never get head-aches while playing games, but the FOV was so messed up in Bio2 and Borderlands I could only play for small amounts of time. Glad to see I am not the only one.
Even with this user fix, I believe the game is still doing widescreen via -VERT instead of +HOR, which is what the official patch will fix, whenever that comes.
I wish they had spent more time doing those fixes before the game launched, they had 3 years to get all this correct, that's so disappionting, fucking lazy developers, it's embarrasing when amateurs come in and fix things the professionals shoulda done before their product launched
If they dont fix it. I bet Dopefish over at the widescreengamingforums might be able to. He is pretty damn good at making widescreen gaming fixes
I'm already confused.

What is meant by 'go to the Default section'? I ended up buying this thing off Steam, and would dearly loved to be able to 'walk' in this game. I end up feeling nauseated after about a half an hour of play.

If I could get this walk thing to work it might make all the difference for me.
I'm already confused.

What is meant by 'go to the Default section'? I ended up buying this thing off Steam, and would dearly loved to be able to 'walk' in this game. I end up feeling nauseated after about a half an hour of play.

If I could get this walk thing to work it might make all the difference for me.

Takin from the 2k post linked in this thread

in Windows, type %AppData% into the run dialog box (Winkey + R), then navigate to and open:

the default section is in that file, just scroll down a bit till you find it.
I missed a step when I copied the fix over. So anyone looking for the correct file, you should have an easier time finding it now. I apologize.
I am on the Steam version and do not have that file. Mine says DefUser.ini and there are lots of others too (Config files that is). So do I just find [Default] and put something like F10=SetFOV 120? Because that's what I did, and it does not work. I'm not much of a coder, so any help would be nice. Thanks.

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I don't think the FOV is a true fix. It shows you more horizontal view, yes , but at the same time it distorts picture by producing a tunneling efffect; like the kind of effect you see when you're approaching warp speed.

So when you are walking about in the game, it feels like you are running faster than you really are since everything in a horizontal field looks like its zooming past you. This is true of all the previous Unreal engine games when you set FOV.
I am on the Steam version and do not have that file. Mine says DefUser.ini and there are lots of others too (Config files that is). So do I just find [Default] and put something like F10=SetFOV 120? Because that's what I did, and it does not work. I'm not much of a coder, so any help would be nice. Thanks.

Are you looking in the correct spot? Go to start>run (or type run in the search box if its not on your start menu in Vista/Win7) and put %AppData% in there and hit enter. It will open up Appdata folder and you should see an entry for Bioshock 2 in there with the correct file.

The folder you need looks like this:
I don't think the FOV is a true fix. It shows you more horizontal view, yes , but at the same time it distorts picture by producing a tunneling efffect; like the kind of effect you see when you're approaching warp speed.

So when you are walking about in the game, it feels like you are running faster than you really are since everything in a horizontal field looks like its zooming past you. This is true of all the previous Unreal engine games when you set FOV.

thats because the FOV is to wide.. should be around 100-110 not 120.. anything over 90 degrees on a single wide screen display starts creating a bubble effect.. so you see more on your side but in actuality its just pulling the image farther away from you.. almost a 3rd person view except still in a first person view.. i use to play RTCW:ET at 115 FOV at 1920x1200.. was great for enclosed maps.. but SUCKED for long range fighting since you couldnt see anyone that was more then 100 ft away..

on triple displays id say 100-110 is your best option so you get the view toward your side but you wont get the drastic bubble(tunnel) effect..
Are you looking in the correct spot? Go to start>run (or type run in the search box if its not on your start menu in Vista/Win7) and put %AppData% in there and hit enter. It will open up Appdata folder and you should see an entry for Bioshock 2 in there with the correct file.

Ah ok, got it. I missed that part. Thanks!
I'm torn between playing through this again and waiting for a patch :(, it's kind of ironic that Nvidia had that TWIMTBP on there, yet the game as it is now isn't truly TWIMTBP
Even with this user fix, I believe the game is still doing widescreen via -VERT instead of +HOR, which is what the official patch will fix, whenever that comes.
It's vert-, yep.

I don't think the FOV is a true fix. It shows you more horizontal view, yes , but at the same time it distorts picture by producing a tunneling efffect; like the kind of effect you see when you're approaching warp speed.
This has been true since the original Quake. A 90 degree HFOV at 4:3 results in a slight fisheye effect when you rotate the camera horizontally. Lower HFOVs don't exhibit this (as much), but they also have a nasty habit of making some people very disoriented.

I'm torn between playing through this again and waiting for a patch :(, it's kind of ironic that Nvidia had that TWIMTBP on there, yet the game as it is now isn't truly TWIMTBP
It'd be awesome if hor+ widescreen were mandatory for TWIMTBP, but I doubt it'll ever happen.
Added a couple images to the first post to show the changes at an Eyefinity level.
I think it looks fine now. I'm running at 1650x1080 and it looks pretty good with the FOV fix.
I don't think it's really that they "dont give a shit" so much as they aren't putting any real time into worrying about something that so few people are using yet.

By the end of the year, I don't think it will be quite an issue anymore as more people will be running multiple display setups, maybe not tons, but certainly more than now, and enough where they will have to take it into consideration.

Same problems existed during the intial changeover from normal to widescreen displays, game support was non-existant for months.

come on stop defending these guys, you get nothing out of it but the same grief with every release. fact is it's just not a priority, even if you look at it from a monetary point of view it's bad a decision.

I'd say steam stats are very relevant to get an idea of the average pc hardware in use, now that they have reached a daily peak of about 2.5 million concurrent users worldwide. this game also happens to be sold on steam so they would do well to give a shit.

1680x1050 alone is at almost 20%, if you count the rest of the widescreen resolutions they are clearly in the majority. 4:3 is becoming obsolete, so there is no reason that devs should ignore it. over 10% of players have a multi-mon setup, that's no small amount either.
Leave it for the amazing PC modding community to do the developer's job. :rolleyes:
come on stop defending these guys, you get nothing out of it but the same grief with every release. fact is it's just not a priority, even if you look at it from a monetary point of view it's bad a decision.

I'd say steam stats are very relevant to get an idea of the average pc hardware in use, now that they have reached a daily peak of about 2.5 million concurrent users worldwide. this game also happens to be sold on steam so they would do well to give a shit.

1680x1050 alone is at almost 20%, if you count the rest of the widescreen resolutions they are clearly in the majority. 4:3 is becoming obsolete, so there is no reason that devs should ignore it. over 10% of players have a multi-mon setup, that's no small amount either.

If you go back and read my prior post to this one I noted that I hadn't seen any mention anywhere of FOV being a problem "in general" for this game, thus my original asumption that it was an Eyefinity only problem was incorrect, and that they indeed did screw up.
I don't think the FOV is a true fix. It shows you more horizontal view, yes , but at the same time it distorts picture by producing a tunneling efffect; like the kind of effect you see when you're approaching warp speed.

So when you are walking about in the game, it feels like you are running faster than you really are since everything in a horizontal field looks like its zooming past you. This is true of all the previous Unreal engine games when you set FOV.

What monitors are you using when you do this? I could have sworn I saw an explanation for the FOV fisheye effect on triple monitor gaming somewhere on WSGF, but now I can't find it. I did find this thread, in which the first post makes this comment:

l88bastard said:
The great thing about these monitors is since they are 4:3 and not 16:10 or 16:9 I do not get any of the blurred or stretched fisheye effect on the side monitors and the picture quality is consistent with all three!

But the thread never explains why this is so.
It's 2010 and they can't even get widescreen FOV right? Fucking lazy developers, they don't deserve my money.
I wish all these fixes were non issues, I was really looking forward to some sort of profound discussion of the story in the game itself and what you thought it was all about, it seems like the theme is forgiveness.
I wish all these fixes were non issues, I was really looking forward to some sort of profound discussion of the story in the game itself and what you thought it was all about, it seems like the theme is forgiveness.

Think they will forgive me my money back till it is fixed?
How does the mouse control feel to you, Kyle? Even at what is "acceptable" to me for playing the game (DPI at 400 on my Sidewinder and sensitivity at 4) it still feels wrong. Kind of like I dunno, almost like what Halo 2 felt like playing with a mouse, but not quite as bad.

Got it set to 2. BS1 was the same way. But that I can adapt to quickly, but it is still not "good" IMO.