Folding Farm Spreadsheet


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - April 2006
Oct 8, 2003
Okay, I posted the spreadsheet here.

Let me know if you guys have any questions... There is a link at the bottom which has the "Constants" for each CPU... Let me know if you have any suggestions,etc,etc...

The rows in orange were links that were dead when I checked yesterday (out of stock, change of product number, no longer carrying item,etc). All prices were taken from Newegg yesterday and I cannot be held responsible for failed marriages, debt, etc that could insue.

I want to keep this beast updated often and better and better each time... Anything that'll help out fellow [H]ardfolders! I am no where near an expert at web design, so any help there would be appreciated!

I hope this helps someone, somewhere :D

Edit---- New Spreadsheet page... Let me know what you guys think!

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!


I would suggest the following on the constants:

There are much cheaper cases out there. You can get a decent folding case for $30 with PSU....yeah PSU might fail at some point.
Suggested Powermax Case

Also, you have someone getting an 8-port switch with every computer. I would split the cost across 8 computers as this is more realistic.

I would also make the memory 512MB. For Linux 256 may be fine, but I wouldn't go below 512MB for Windows systems especially as the trend is towards bigger cores and the bigger ones are worth more.

my 2 cents....

edit for link to Case w/PSU
Actually, in the QTY column, I have a 1 or a 0... and right now I have the switch, case and HD set to 0 to that they are not added into the "constant total"

with the retail CPUs, I didn't include the HSF... with the OEMs, I did....

Keep on Folding!!

Lemme elaborate...

what the heck is this? lol Is this just like... a spreadsheet of his folding farm? I see prices, so maybe a want-to-buy list?

no. just info for people looking at getting new boxen
so they can see specs and estimated $$ to run the
darn thing ;)
Ah ok.... I'll work some HTML magic on it then. :D

edit: holy crap, this is gonna take a while. :p (Check out that markup!)
xENo said:
Ah ok.... I'll work some HTML magic on it then. :D

edit: holy crap, this is gonna take a while. :p (Check out that markup!)

It was probably made by taking excel and exporting as a web.....yeay Microsoft html markup.

OSUGuy, if you can save as an xml or forward to me to do so, it would be easy to put up in a more web friendly manner....
Hito Bahadur said:
It was probably made by taking excel and exporting as a web.....yeay Microsoft html markup.

OSUGuy, if you can save as an xml or forward to me to do so, it would be easy to put up in a more web friendly manner....

I was just about to say that... an XSLT would be very easy if we were supplied an XML version of this.

I gave up on the HTML just now... my fingers are killing me. :D

It'll have to wait until Monday... stupid me forgot to email myself the original excel sheet...... and yes, it is just excel pasted into word, saved as an html.... I've made a grand total of 2 webpages over the last 10 years, so that's all I knew to do... If you want me to keep the excel spreadsheet/text file itself updated somewhere and let someone else do the html, I'd be more than happy to hand it over to someone who knew what they were doing.....

I'm just trying to help out in whatever way I can...

Keep on Folding!!

OSUguy98 said:
It'll have to wait until Monday... stupid me forgot to email myself the original excel sheet...... and yes, it is just excel pasted into word, saved as an html.... I've made a grand total of 2 webpages over the last 10 years, so that's all I knew to do... If you want me to keep the excel spreadsheet/text file itself updated somewhere and let someone else do the html, I'd be more than happy to hand it over to someone who knew what they were doing.....

I'm just trying to help out in whatever way I can...

Keep on Folding!!


I thinking of doing a website along these lines. I want to capture how peoples CPUs are performing. I even have the website registered, but I'm not great at websites and wanted it tto be database driven. My site is probably going to be a while coming up.... it is at

Hito Bahadur said:
What I'd really like is a list with cost for hardware that works with Unhappy_mage's software.... Basically a folding maching in a box.

The case and psu shouldn't really affect software compatibilty......they will however affect how long and reliable your box runs. The Powmax will seriously cut into both. I just don't want people to get screwed by a cheap nasty psu.
Spectre said:
The case and psu shouldn't really affect software compatibilty......they will however affect how long and reliable your box runs. The Powmax will seriously cut into both. I just don't want people to get screwed by a cheap nasty psu.

Understood, a good PSU is important. The powermax actually has good ventilation... but anyways.

I think we should get something like this set up on as well.
along with the guides and other items of interest others will be developing
Do you guys still want to try to build on the spreadsheet I made? if so, I can send it out to whoever... I kinda got the impression many saw it as "not very useful" so I wasn't sure if it was completely shot down...

Keep on Folding!!

If you send me, or host a .xml output of the spreadsheet, I can build a template for it that would update whenever you updated the XML.....
OSUguy98 said:
Do you guys still want to try to build on the spreadsheet I made? if so, I can send it out to whoever... I kinda got the impression many saw it as "not very useful" so I wasn't sure if it was completely shot down...

Keep on Folding!!

I copied it so I have it for my use....thanks!
Hito Bahadur said:
What I'd really like is a list with cost for hardware that works with Unhappy_mage's software.... Basically a folding maching in a box.
Almost any modern motherboard with integrated Lan will support PXE, so that's basically all it takes to make it easy. If it doesn't support that, the odds are still good that it supports Etherboot, which would require a floppy drive for each box (which would suck! get PXE!).
OSUguy98 said:
Do you guys still want to try to build on the spreadsheet I made? if so, I can send it out to whoever... I kinda got the impression many saw it as "not very useful" so I wasn't sure if it was completely shot down...

Keep on Folding!!

its very useful. the only thing missing is CPU benchmark data.

I saved the spreadsheet here in .xml format.... I haven't updated the prices since Thursday though....

Keep on Folding!!

That's fast turnaround. How did you do that so quick. Did you use the XML or the older .html post?
Hito Bahadur said:
That's fast turnaround. How did you do that so quick. Did you use the XML or the older .html post?
lol, the older html. 4 minutes is fast indeed.

Basically I just replaced a bunch of the useless stuff with nothing and then ran it thru tidy. I'm now working on sorting by price.
I can sort it by price.... it's in excel.... If that's the most frequent need.......

Unless you're meaning a command to sort it by price?

Keep on Folding!!


It's probably possible to post the cost data directly to the page. I'm sure Newegg dumps their data (you could actually steal it from the page, I guess) somehow.
It looks nice, here are some recommendations:

1. hit and get better power usage stats. Some of the more modern ones are tough to pull an exact number though, and therefore get their max wattage aggisned to them(IE, A64)

2. Allow the price per kWh to be entered manually. Where I'm located it's about 10 cents after fuel generation costs, so the 15 cents is way off for my area.

3. Total costs per year column should be labeled total costs for one year. That number would go down for additional years, as it would absorb some of the initial costs. You would still have to factor in power though.

4. Dumping all this info into a database and accessing it via ODBC would be an easier way of setting this up wouldn't it? I'm not a great web programmer but that would seem to be the most straightforward way of doing this. That way you don't have a giant .xml or .html file to update all the time. Just connect to the DB and update categories that need updating.
I'm willing to do all I can... modify/add/make better/etc... But I lack the knowledge base to go much farther than Excel.... html, xml,etc are all lost on me... Now, if you guys need some plans drawn up for a bridge, house, whatever, let me know ;)

Just let me know what you guys need from me, and I'll try my best

Keep on Folding!!

Hito Bahadur said:

It's probably possible to post the cost data directly to the page. I'm sure Newegg dumps their data (you could actually steal it from the page, I guess) somehow.

How do places like Pricwatch gets their updated prices? I know that they don't have a few hundred sitting around doing it by hand.... so there has to be a way... whether or not we're ALLOWED to have a way is another thing all together....

Keep on Folding!!

OSUguy98 said:
How do places like Pricwatch gets their updated prices? I know that they don't have a few hundred sitting around doing it by hand.... so there has to be a way... whether or not we're ALLOWED to have a way is another thing all together....

Keep on Folding!!

I tried calling Newegg twice yesterday to get this information and got hung up on both times. Not certain what that was all about. It seems they should be willing to do this. Pricewatch calls it up from an internal database, but I'm not certain what their method is for sucking up the info in the first place.

ouch.... they didn't say why? just hung up?

Updated the prices... and sorted by "Initial Cost".... update .xml spreadsheet is here.

Keep on Folding!!

OSUguy98 said:
ouch.... they didn't say why? just hung up?

Updated the prices... and sorted by "Initial Cost".... update .xml spreadsheet is here.

Keep on Folding!!

I don't know if it was a switching problem or what. I never got to an actual person.
I sent them an email this morning, so we'll see... no response as of yet (not really expecting any)....

Keep on Folding!!

.xml is useless without a style associated with it.

*pokes it with IE*

Nope. Doesn't work.
I posted the .xml for unhappy_mage, if he wanted to run his tidy program or whatever. Before, he whittled down the 500K file into something like 50K... I figured that since I made some changes and updated the prices, that he might want the latest....

Keep on Folding!!

OSUguy98 said:
I posted the .xml for unhappy_mage, if he wanted to run his tidy program or whatever. Before, he whittled down the 500K file into something like 50K... I figured that since I made some changes and updated the prices, that he might want the latest....

Keep on Folding!!

Nope, I ran tidy after nuking a bunch of useless <span>s with a text editor. I started from the html, so the xml doesn't help.

Edit: Here's a program (quck & dirty) in perl to get a price for an item, given its number.
print getprice("20-145-416"), "\n";
print getprice("19-103-507"), "\n";
sub getprice
  $itemnum = shift;
  `wget "$itemnum&DEPA=1" -O price.html --quiet`;
  open("PRICE", "price.html");
  READ: while ($line = <PRICE>)
    if ($line =~ /totalPrice/)
      last READ;
  # <td align="right" class="totalPrice" style="padding-right:4px;">$99.00</td>
  $line =~ /totalPrice(.+?)\>\$(.+?)</;
  return $2;
Works in linux, probably needs a lot of work for windows. Someone with linux interested in testing it?
unhappy_mage said:
Nope, I ran tidy after nuking a bunch of useless <span>s with a text editor. I started from the html, so the xml doesn't help.

Edit: Here's a program (quck & dirty) in perl to get a price for an item, given its number.
print getprice("20-145-416"), "\n";
print getprice("19-103-507"), "\n";
sub getprice
  $itemnum = shift;
  `wget "$itemnum&DEPA=1" -O price.html --quiet`;
  open("PRICE", "price.html");
  READ: while ($line = <PRICE>)
    if ($line =~ /totalPrice/)
      last READ;
  # <td align="right" class="totalPrice" style="padding-right:4px;">$99.00</td>
  $line =~ /totalPrice(.+?)\>\$(.+?)</;
  return $2;
Works in linux, probably needs a lot of work for windows. Someone with linux interested in testing it?

I noticed their tag (total price) on each page. It's a relatively high bandwidth solution. I'm betting that Newegg posts their price list somewhere, if it was known. Oh well.