1 speaker, 3 outputs?

Silent Assasin

Aug 1, 2004
Ok, well, it's not really computer audio, but I'm wondering if it could be done. I'm a pretty hardcore airsoft player, if you don't know what it is I'm not going to explain. But anyway, when we play airsoft almost everyone has radios, walky talkies, CB radios, whatever you wanna call them. But we use them ALOT in order to communicate, but alot of times it's hard to communicate to other squads and teams because everyone is on other channels and whatnot. Right now I'm using one radio and one earpiece with a mic on it. The mic has a button on it that when pressed, it takes input from the mic.

Would it be possible to take the one earpiece and splic it so that I can have 2 possibly 3 connections that I can plug into other radios, so that I can hear all 2 or 3 channels? The line in for the mic is on a seperate cable, so I could just spit the two apart. But then when I do connect all 2 or 3 radios into one earpiece, I can hear everyone. But then is there a way to take the line in from the mic and split that into 3 different buttons and then head to each radio as well?

What I'd like to do, is just be able to strap 2 or 3 radios on my back MOLLE gear which I never use anyway unless a teamate decides to strap something to me. So the space for radios isn't a problem. Then I'd take an old MOLLE pouch and rip it apart and sow(SP?) in some buttons on my front chest for the talking.
ranger0900 said:
So like this:

To be honest, I would serious question why you need 3 mics? When I go and play one guy per squad carries one and relays the info to us.

Well, it's something new that my team wants to try out, and I volenteered to try and find out how hard it would be. I most likely won't have any more then 2 radios, one sqaud, and one team, but I figured that if I'm going to try this, I'd as might as well throw on an extra plug just incase for those larger games.

That pic is somewhat right. I do want all 3 radios going into the same earpiece. And if it's possible, I would like to rig up all 3 radios to one mic, but each on a seperate push to talk button. But if that's not possible, I'll just use the one button and not even touch it. And if I realy wanted to talk on another radio, I'll just grab it off my back....
This is kind of a rough picture, but I think it should show what I want....

Your drawing looks fine to me. Go get some cheap speaker cables splice, soder, repeat. You would need to find something for the other two buttons, or do you have three buttons already?
Well, I have several things I could use for buttons, but I don't know if spliceing 3 different buttons together will even work? But the more I think about it, I don't see why it shouldn't..... The only thing that I'm unsure about is, if if the push button will actually pick up my speach, or will it bee too garbled becuase of all the splicing? Also, will this be enough power to be able to talk to all 2 or 3 radios at the same time if I hold all the buttons down?
You need a mixer. You can't wire all three outputs in parallel.
mikeblas said:
You need a mixer. You can't wire all three outputs in parallel.

Ya, this is what I was thinking, but I can't figure out a way to do this.... How exactly does a mixer work?

And to Todd.... We try to do this, but when we get into games with like 50+ people, it just doesn't work. Half of the poeple DO NOT know how to talk on the radio, and they just can't figure out that they need to just shut up occasionally.
Silent Assasin said:
Ya, this is what I was thinking, but I can't figure out a way to do this.... How exactly does a mixer work?
For each of its inputs, a mixer will provide a buffer to isolate the input. Then, it will push the output of a buffer through a current limiting resistor, or through the different inputs of a summing amplifier, to its output.

Search around and you should find schematics, or block diagrams, like this: http://www.electronics-lab.com/projects/audio/025/ And a good book on op amps would show you how to design it yourself.