10.5a Hotfix up - fixes BC2 loading

:confused:I haven't had any BC2 loading issues with since 10.4 preview or whenever it was they had first fixed the issue.

EDIT: Actually opened the link lol. The fix is for
  • ATI Radeon HD 4xxx series graphics card
  • ATI Radeon HD 3xxx series graphics card
  • ATI Radeon HD 2xxx series graphics card
It was fixed in the 10.4a drivers, which came out long before 10.4 WHQL. It was bad enough that the fix didn't make it into 10.4 WHQL, the fact that it didn't make it into 10.5 WHQL either is pretty mind boggling.
So I take it I want these drivers over the new 10.5's that came out on the 26?
Are these any better than the 10.4 hotfix drivers that fixed the BFBC2 loading issue also? Specifically the second set of 10.4 hotfix that were for the 4xxx series and below.
Cant they release drivers with the hot fix before they release drivers without ??

Just a thought
I've been running ATI cards for the past 5 years straight.

I've put up with the occasional driver issue here and there etc.

But this hotfix business is ridiculous.

EVERYTIME a new whql driver is released, I just tell myself "wait for the inevitable hotfix"

I mean, it's become such a regular thing....

This case is especially bad, within the first day of release, catalystmaker twitters "code was not included in 10.5 for BC2".... How does this stuff slip by??

/ends rant

At this point, I'm just gonna wait till 10.6. Fug' it.
The 10.5A do not appear to do anything that 10.4A does for the games I play. BC2 and AOC.
On my 4850 this makes the game load in 1/3 of the time. I didn't expect much, but wow, I was stunned. Finally can load a game up before my nVidia buddy, ha.
I'm still very disappointed that ATI cannot make a stable driver for their cards. It's just their lifelong problem that cannot be solved.
And Nvidia had a driver that was cooking their cards, missing a 1 game hot fix to me seem pretty petty IMO.

I have no problem with either company, but seriously, letting a 1 game code for last gen cards slip by IS NOT that bad. I was a little annoyed, but they fixed it pretty quickly.
ATI releasing 10.5, and a 10.5 hotfix isn't any different than nvidia release 256.12, 257.12 and 256.8 all in the same month.

Get over it and quit crying, there's been a driver available that fixed the load time's with every generation of ATi cards for at least a month. Who cares if you had to wait to 3 days for a hotfix, there was a driver available to what you is required for some time.
ATI releasing 10.5, and a 10.5 hotfix isn't any different than nvidia release 256.12, 257.12 and 256.8 all in the same month.

Get over it and quit crying, there's been a driver available that fixed the load time's with every generation of ATi cards for at least a month. Who cares if you had to wait to 3 days for a hotfix, there was a driver available to what you is required for some time.

Agreed, been running an 5870 and it's not been a problem. Just pay attention and be smart about what the fuck you are installing. If it doesn't work and there is no hotfix just rollback until the hotfix comes out. HOLY SHIT!??!?
Been running 10.5 with profiles on my Crossfired 5850s for the passed weeks.

No load time issues playing BC2. No 10.5 hotfix.

maybe my SSD is making up for it :p
Been running 10.5 with profiles on my Crossfired 5850s for the passed weeks.

No load time issues playing BC2. No 10.5 hotfix.

maybe my SSD is making up for it :p
The bug in 10.5 didn't affect 5xxx series boards.
The official drivers should just be named "ATI hot-fix ultimate edition maybe not final but good enough will fix problems as we go along."
Overclocking is FUBAR in these drivers.

After enabling ATi overdrive, if I adjust the core clockspeed at all, my card drops to 157MHz core / 300MHz memory. This also causes the DVI ports to start flickering.

Making a custom profile (which fixed this issue in 10.4) no-longer has any effect. Looks like I'm going back to 10.4
Then why in the fawk is the OP worrying about this when he owns two 5870s...

well sorry for my prior post, I was just marching with the 1d10t$ :p

because he probably forgot to read the release notes that said the hotfix was for 2k 3k and 4k series cards..

Overclocking is FUBAR in these drivers.

After enabling ATi overdrive, if I adjust the core clockspeed at all, my card drops to 157MHz core / 300MHz memory. This also causes the DVI ports to start flickering.

Making a custom profile (which fixed this issue in 10.4) no-longer has any effect. Looks like I'm going back to 10.4

dont use overdrive? duh.. :p
I am the OP. I was posting for other people's usage..

should have put that in the OP... ;)

I brushed over the release notes myself and didn't see anything that effected me, why I thought this thread was strange, glad that air is clear now though :rolleyes:
It was fixed in the 10.4a drivers, which came out long before 10.4 WHQL. It was bad enough that the fix didn't make it into 10.4 WHQL, the fact that it didn't make it into 10.5 WHQL either is pretty mind boggling.

Uhh you do realize that the 10.4WHQL drivers were OLDER than the 10.4a drivers right? You might want to learn a few things about WHQL certification before bitching.
kinda offtopic, are there any radeon owner who connects their hdtvs to their card with a dvi-hdmi cable and a seperate 3.5mm stereo cable for sound ? 257.15 on 7 have REALLY PISSED ME OFF !!!!! "audio disabled" option no longer functions like in 18x.xx and the tv speakers stay muted no matter what :( oh and the colours look FUCKED, grays (like the ones on [H] forum ) look pinkish and green (like on the nvidia site, oh the irony ) looks like yellow :S

Here's more detailed info on the matter since my english are not that good http://currysauce.org/2010/03/20/how-to-disable-sound-output-over-hdmi-for-nvidia-graphics-cards/

So what about it ATI boys ? can you force rgb limited (16-235) in your games, get decent colors AND your TV's analog audio inputs working when using a DVI-HDMI cable ? I think my gtx470 begs for a smashmyGPU.gr video :(
this fixes the 4xxx series loads. Mine shows loading and then a blink and loading and a blink and loading.
this should make it just load one time..is that correct?
So I tired to continue using Catalyst 10.5a, despite the issues with overclocking. Lets just say it didn't get any better... I even tried going back from 10.5a to 10.5, though that didn't seem to have any effect on these issues.

My DisplayPort monitor (DP to DVI adapter) started blinking after installing 10.5a. It has NEVER done this before with any of the driver versions I've used previously. That monitor hasn't blinked once since going back to 10.4
I also experienced my first ever Grey Screen of Death with 10.5a, which became a frequent problem while gaming. I haven't seen one GSoD since going back to 10.4

It's worth noting that the blinking monitor issue, and the GSoD issue, only occurred when my monitors were in an Eyefinity display group, never when in Extended Desktop mode. It seems something in 10.5 and 10.5a screwed up Eyefinity pretty badly. Hopefully the next round of drivers are actually usable.
So your solution to broken drivers is to replace chunks of their functionality with other programs?

Sorry, that's not gonna' fly with me. They need to fix this.

I hope you're not a network or system admin of any kind, otherwise I have no idea how you've been limping along with Notepad over OpenOffice. CCC overclocking vs Rivatuner/Afterburner overclocking... hmm... Yeah, I think I'll stick with Afterburner.
I hope you're not a network or system admin of any kind, otherwise I have no idea how you've been limping along with Notepad over OpenOffice.
You win nonsensical analogy of the week award, congratulations. How you managed to tie Open Office into the same thought as being a good network and/or system administrator, I have no idea.

CCC overclocking vs Rivatuner/Afterburner overclocking... hmm... Yeah, I think I'll stick with Afterburner.
Just because there are more powerful 3rd party tools available does not give them the green-light to make crappy software. What functionality CCC overclocking does have should work correctly.

Besides that, Afterburner doesn't offer that much over CCC anyway. They can both be used to control Core Voltage, Core Clock, Memory Clock, and Fan Speed. They can both save profiles. They both give you a readout of current information such as fan speed and GPU load.