1000w overkill?

Mar 10, 2008
My new build consists of:

quad q6600 (now with price drops :))
p7n diamond 780i mobo
OCZ ddr2 800 @ 4-4-4-12
2 x 8800GT or comparable nVidia cards
WD 7200rpm 18mb 320gb HD
Tuniq Tower
Samsung DvD burner
Xclio windtunnel case

I'm looking for a nice PSU to overclock with. My goal is 3.6 with the q6600 as well as overclocking the ram and video cards.

Will a 750w be more than enough for these goals? Would I be better off (safer) going with a 1k unit?

If the 750 is sufficient is the corsair TX a decent choice? http://www.buy.com/prod/corsair-tx-750w-atx-12v-power-supply/q/loc/10

If not, would you recommend going with the Antec 1k? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817371012

Thanks for your help.
Yeah, you'll be fine with that Corsair. 1kw would be a bit much, but if you can get it for a good price, go for it.
Yeah, definitely don't need that much power. Your rig probably pulls slighly more power than mine with the 2x8800GT's, but I'm also running 4 hard drives, one being a raptor and 8 gigs of ram, so yours is probably edging me out by about 50 watts or so under load and I'm getting along just fine on 485watts. Something in the 600+ with a good solid 12v rail should do you just fine.
No such thing as overkill when it comes to PSU's... but the Corsair is more than adequate.
750 is just right, nowneed for anything over 700 unless your running more then twelve 1TB raptors and dual quad xeons.
I'm tired of people saying 1000W is overkill just because it's hard to build a system that uses it. Look at http://www.anandtech.com/casecoolingpsus/showdoc.aspx?i=3132&p=11...see how efficiency decreases and quietness decreases when you run your PSU at over 50% load. That is why I go for larger power supplies. Because if I match the power supply to my system needs I'll be running it louder, hotter, and at less efficiency. Not to mention it's not as future proof.
I'm leaning more towards a single 8800GTS and a p35 board, so this PSU should be running at 50% load anyways with a simple 320gb caviar in it :)
I'm running the following atm and opted for a Thermtake Toughpower 1200W just to futureproof a little.

C2D E6850 @ 3.6 Ghz
4 GB Crucial Ballistix Tracers
EVGA 680i MB
2 x EVGA 8800 GTX's in SLI
1 x 150 GB Raptor X
2 x 25 GB Raptors
1 x 300 GB HD
1 x 750 GB HD
5 Case fans