1055t Throttling back


[H]F Junkie
Jan 19, 2007
I've got a 1055t sitting at 259x14=3.6ghz and can't seem to stress test it. Everytime I run Intelburn or OCCT she'll keep her Multi at 14 for less than a min, then drop down to a 7.5x for what seems no reason at all. It will jump back up to 14x on occasion but for the most part sitts at 7.5x for most of the run. I've got an H50 sitting on top with core temps maxing at 42c. Now if I set the affinity to the first 3 cores it will keep steady at 15x, which is where I have the turbo maxed at for testing purposes. VID is at 1.4v for 14x and 1.425v for 15x right now. Am I swapping Pstates and if so should I be and why? :confused:
Do you have Cool 'n Quiet enabled? If so, turn it off. You could also try changing Window's Power Option to "High Performance". You should also make sure you're using the latest BIOS, as the initial ones had a few problems when Thuban was first released.
Newest Bios - Check
Cool'n Quiet Off - Check
High Performance mode - Heading to Control Panel now
Just checked and it still drops to 7.5x when all cores are maxed for any length of time.
In the BIOS, there might be an option to have the mobo throttle based on the CPU/Socket temp. Since that sensor is so off, that can cause problems. If you do that the option, try disabling it completely and see if that's the culprit.

Did some quick reading, at I've seen people have this issue and fixed it by turning off TurboCore might help. If that does help, then there is a BIOS incompatibility that will need to be fixed.

You could also try some software like K10Stat or PhenomMsrTweaker to see if you can force it to run at full speeds. It's a half-assed work around, but it should at least allow to stress test at current settings.
you are def right on the temp sensor, I've seen a 20 degree seperation at times. Unfortunately disabling turbo had no effect. Will look in bios for the temp sensor.

BTW, the MB in question is an Asus M3A78-EM
It has to be a BIOS issue somewhere. My 1055T doesn't budge from what I've told it to run at. Full load or otherwise. Not the same mobo though, Gigabyte GA-890FXA-UD5
It could be something to do with the CPU wattage rating of the motherboard. That board has no cooling on the mosfets and is rated for 140W CPU "max" according to the ASUS site. Assuming you have the 125W 1055T, you are pushing 190W with your overclock and that's quite risky on your board.
I'm running into a similar scenario on my Asus M4A88T-I Deluxe and Phenom 2 x3 720BE. I noticed the multiplier drops to 4x when the cpu temp reaches 57c, although all the core temps only read 41. I'll let you know if I find a fix for it.
Well, couldn't find any bios options that made any difference, and I am running the latest version. PhenomMsrTweaker did allow me to force it to my max multiplier at all times though, so although not as elegant, it does get the job done.
I've got a 1055t sitting at 259x14=3.6ghz and can't seem to stress test it. Everytime I run Intelburn or OCCT she'll keep her Multi at 14 for less than a min, then drop down to a 7.5x for what seems no reason at all. It will jump back up to 14x on occasion but for the most part sitts at 7.5x for most of the run. I've got an H50 sitting on top with core temps maxing at 42c. Now if I set the affinity to the first 3 cores it will keep steady at 15x, which is where I have the turbo maxed at for testing purposes. VID is at 1.4v for 14x and 1.425v for 15x right now. Am I swapping Pstates and if so should I be and why? :confused:

Is the hard drive thrashing during the test? I mean if you have it test more memory than you have and that causes the hard drive to thrash the cpu will idle during hard drive thrashing waiting for the disk. This idle will drop the frequency down to the lowest frequency.
Is the hard drive thrashing during the test? I mean if you have it test more memory than you have and that causes the hard drive to thrash the cpu will idle during hard drive thrashing waiting for the disk. This idle will drop the frequency down to the lowest frequency.

Nah, we're talking about being at the 7.5 Multi for about a min with an SSD as the primary drive. (hehe thrashing is soooo 2000 :D ) Plus the lowest the 1055t drops is to 4x on total Idle.
Can either of you post a pic of taskmanager showing CPU usage graphs of all 6 cores?
Tried contacting ASUS regarding this? I'm willing to bet it's a BIOS 'feature' that causes the CPU to throttle down when it would otherwise exceed the power handling capacity of the board..
This maybe not even close but I had issues with my Phenom X4. When I had settings on auto, it put the vcore to 1.5v and I would idle at 54c and under any load would hit like 78c. I set the settings to manual and put the vcore to 1.2 or 1.3 and my temps were within reason.
Found out the mosfet throttle down the cpu if they get to hot.... Need good cooling on them.
Found out the mosfet throttle down the cpu if they get to hot.... Need good cooling on them.

That's exactly what the problem is. I have an Asus M4A88T-I mitx board with a 125w 1055T that was throttling under load. The solution was to switch from a tower style cooler (OCZ Vendetta) to a downdraft cooler (Noctua NU-C12P).I'm using a Lian Li PC-Q06case/testbench so this is enough to sufficiently cool the the motherboard and prevent throttling even under the most extreme conditions.

I really can't blame Asus for having this bios feature since it probably will save people from cooking their motherboards me included, but they could of left a little more headroom for overclocking.
grab some cheapo vga heatsinks and slap them on the mosfets. it will help cool them. had to do that with my biostar TForce 780G when i put my 940 on it. you can also try flipping your back fan around which is what i did so it would blow cool air over the mosfets.