
Lets make this thread a little bit more relevant and talk you in to modding one your own, shall we? ;)
maybe ValeX looking for original one.
Try to look in stores, it was sold separately as an option for years.
You may also find Chienming/Chieftec side panels that are identical to antecs by size, but may vary in color...
Well, remember that cutting window holes in a case is like being a carpenter.......measure twice, cut ONCE!! :rolleyes:

A good window kit is going to have decent instructions, to help you decide exactly where you need to cut, in order to have the right size hole for the molding you use. Even though it's a bit more of a pain in the butt to install, I suggest using the "H" style molding.......imho, it's a much more professional looking window when you're done. I've done both, and prefer that style. :D

As far as doing the cut, take your time, and do it right. I did mine with a nibbler......on a steel door panel.....which gave me a serious case of "Popeye forearms" over a 3 day on-and-off cutting period!!! :eek: