120hz IPS?


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 24, 2005
I'm torn between the U2410 and the LP2475W, but to make matters worse the allure of the Asus 120hz TN display is difficult to ignore (reading the Anand review makes me feel like a dinosaur considering a 60hz display, considering I'm looking to game on it too). Cost isn't a factor in this decision.

Are there any 120hz IPS displays out there that are worthwhile? Otherwise, for those that have had to make the same decision going for a 24in, what did you choose?
I'm torn between the U2410 and the LP2475W, but to make matters worse the allure of the Asus 120hz TN display is difficult to ignore (reading the Anand review makes me feel like a dinosaur considering a 60hz display, considering I'm looking to game on it too). Cost isn't a factor in this decision.

Are there any 120hz IPS displays out there that are worthwhile? Otherwise, for those that have had to make the same decision going for a 24in, what did you choose?

For FPS, sportgames and racing I would choose 120 Hz, else IPS.
For FPS, sportgames and racing I would choose 120 Hz, else IPS.

120 hz IPS displays don't exist, only TN 120 hz IPS displays.

Well I haven't had any issues with any game so far on my 20wmgx2, which is a 60hz S-IPS panel, it's just the way people talk about the 120hz panels that has piqued my interest. The Anand review described it as the same "i could never go back" feeling you get after using an SSD.

I'm totally floored that there is no obvious "all-rounder" display in the 24 inch size.
Well I haven't had any issues with any game so far on my 20wmgx2, which is a 60hz S-IPS panel, it's just the way people talk about the 120hz panels that has piqued my interest. The Anand review described it as the same "i could never go back" feeling you get after using an SSD.

I'm totally floored that there is no obvious "all-rounder" display in the 24 inch size.

I haven't tried playing games on a 120 hz display but I did get to mess around with a 120 hz monitor at Fry's not too long ago. It really is smooth as butter. It's highly apparent just by moving the mouse cursor on a 120 hz display. It's sooooo smooth, unlike on a 60 hz display, where mouse movements are herky jerky.
I haven't tried playing games on a 120 hz display but I did get to mess around with a 120 hz monitor at Fry's not too long ago. It really is smooth as butter. It's highly apparent just by moving the mouse cursor on a 120 hz display. It's sooooo smooth, unlike on a 60 hz display, where mouse movements are herky jerky.

But unfortunately that means going the TN route...

While I don't do graphics design, I definitely like a high quality accurate display. I find it very obnoxious when colors shift as I move my head. What a pain in the ass...
Can't say I noticed a drastic difference myself on the Acer 27" 3D. It was smoother, sure, but not a game-changer.
I'm torn between the U2410 and the LP2475W, but to make matters worse the allure of the Asus 120hz TN display is difficult to ignore (reading the Anand review makes me feel like a dinosaur considering a 60hz display, considering I'm looking to game on it too). Cost isn't a factor in this decision.

Are there any 120hz IPS displays out there that are worthwhile? Otherwise, for those that have had to make the same decision going for a 24in, what did you choose?

I was in the same situation a year or two ago. I choose the HP LP2475w. I play with VSYNC off and I get no tearing in games (with "normal" playing behavior). I did get tearing in World of Warcraft when I go 360 crazy on my mouse, but it's not as extreme as it was with my old NEC monitor where whole sections of the screen were out of place. But in Battlefield Bad Company 2, Team Fortress 2 and Crysis 2. I don't get any tearing. I used to think TN was OK. But being on IPS for a few years and looking at a TN, you really don't want to go back. Just my two cents.
I was in the same situation a year or two ago. I choose the HP LP2475w. I play with VSYNC off and I get no tearing in games (with "normal" playing behavior). I did get tearing in World of Warcraft when I go 360 crazy on my mouse, but it's not as extreme as it was with my old NEC monitor where whole sections of the screen were out of place. But in Battlefield Bad Company 2, Team Fortress 2 and Crysis 2. I don't get any tearing. I used to think TN was OK. But being on IPS for a few years and looking at a TN, you really don't want to go back. Just my two cents.

Gotcha, and you're happy with the gaming performance? i.e. it stands up to the NEC?
Gotcha, and you're happy with the gaming performance? i.e. it stands up to the NEC?

Let me tell you my story from my transition from NEC to HP.

My NEC was a "small" monitor. I needed a bigger monitor, mainly for World of Warcraft to fit all my adds on on my screen. The NEC display was a glossy display monitor. Hopefully you're getting a mental picture of my discription.

Now I get my HP LP2475w. Off the bat I noticed some minor little dirt specs on any white page/surface. There is also some VERY minor backlight bleeding ( we are talking about a total black background and you will notice it slightly ) than my NEC didn't exhibit. That's the two things I noticed immediately. I am actually lucky to get this monitor that isn't exhibiting any strange color shifting like the earlier revision models. No dead pixels or anything. Just perfect aside from the two negative points I mentioned.

I am still using my old NEC on my GTX 280 rig. But I do die alittle when I see that screen. It's "perfect" no bleeding no annoying matte anti-glair. I would go for a 30 inch NEC if the input lag wasn't terrible for gaming.

But to answer your main question. For gaming there is no tearing for normal play. If you fire up WoW and spin your character at mach 1 speeds when everything is just a blur you will notice some minor tearing in the upper and lower part of the screen. If you're buying this for gaming you won't be dissapointed.

I do miss my glossy monitor to be honest :(

Thanks very much for the description, definitely very helpful. I think I value the additional screen real estate, and while (like you) I definitely will miss the glossy display, I really would like something more sizable.

I think you've sold me on which model to go for.