1280 x 1024 on 17" LCD VS. 19" LCD


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 27, 2001
Hey guys i'm looking at getting an LCD

I'm really liking the VP171B which runs 1280 x 1024
VP 171B

However I am also looking at the VP191B which runs 1280 x 1024

My question is this. Do those extra 2 inches actually equate to any extra screen area if they are running the same resolution (for instance when i go to hardforums.com will i be able to see more subforums listed on the forums index when on the 19" versus the 17" -- right now i'm on a 19" LCD at 1280 x 1024 and i can see to the HTPC systems subforum leaving the IE font at default size.) Could someone with a 17" LCD let me know if this is how far down they see as well?

Lastly isn't getting a 1280 x 1024 19 incher pointless when there are 1600 x 1200 20 inchers out there? (This is the monitor I really want but can't afford :()

DrTacoElf said:
Hey guys i'm looking at getting an LCD

I'm really liking the VP171B which runs 1280 x 1024

However I am also looking at the VP192B which runs 1280 x 1024

My question is this. Do those extra 2 inches actually equate to any extra screen area (for instance when i go to hardforums.com will i be able to see more subforums listed on the forums index when on the 19" versus the 17") and if not why would anyone get a 19" unless they are hard of seeing?

No, you won't get extra screen area, 1280x1024 =1280x1024. It'll just look bigger that's all.

Well some people prefer a bigger dotpitch some don't. It's really subjective. A reason to get a 19" over a 17" is for watching TV but that's really far-fetched.
Thanks this is what i thought. I'm either getting the VP171B or the VP201B.
And on a 15" LCD at 1024 x 768 I can see through AMD Processors subforum in case anyone else is intersted. I don't have a 17" to use for comparison.
I just got access to a 17" LCD running 1280 x 1024 and to my surprise I can only see down through Small Form Factor Systems Subform even though its the exact same LCD model as the 19 inch but 2" smaller (Dell ultrasharp). They are both running 1280 x 1024 so what gives? I thought they should be equal??

EDIT: it was the taskbar being hidden or not and the default IE font size.

It is confirmed that 17" and 19" are in fact identical.