144" (12 Foot * 4 Foot ) Monitor/TV Setup - Is it possible??


Sep 2, 2008
I have a challenge for all the huge/multi-monitor experts here...

The marketing dept. at work asked to to put together a solution for a 12 foot wide by 4 foot high monitor display system to be used inside a mobile trailer to display product information at trade shows and other locales.

They want the entire area to appear as though it's one giant screen, yeah...i know..

Obviously, there is no single TV that size, so the only thing I can think of is to use multiple LCD TV's hooked into a PC system with multiple (3-4?) high spec video cards set in multiple-screen mode to run it all.

Is this feasible, would there even be a resolution that could drive all those screens together without making it look like complete shit? Does any of the guru's here have a better suggestion? Or any ideas as to where else I might consult for help?

Is there any software/hardware out there designed for this type of thing?

I thought about using a projector, but it is a trailer which is only 12 feet wide, which presents 3 problems, one, screen will be too close, two, people will walk in front of the projector if it's front mounted, three, there isn't enough space bettween the wall and screen to back mount it.

Some details about the project:
- Budget: $25,000.00+
- Trailer Size: 60 Feet long, by 12 feet wide, 8 feet high
- Location: the screens are to be mounted on the wall of the trailer
- Toughness: The trailer will be mobile nearly every day of the year, it is very well protected against hardships of the road with awesome shocks, but the screens will have to be able to sustain some type of punishment for extended periods of time.
- Media: We need to be able to run all kinds of media to the screens, from pc based video/presentations, to DVD's, including sound capability.


- Bart
I would try this site:


If you want it, they have already done it. There are lots of very helpful people at this site. They can probably locate a vendor to put a package together for you. Look around the site... it is very large. I am sure you can find someone to help you at avsforums.

Good luck... and post some pics when you are done!

You can setup a front or rear projection setup with very short throw - probably less ~3 feet. Unless people are going to walk up to 3' close to a front projector, they wouldn't get in the way. If you have 3' behind the screen, then its not possible to walk in between the projector and screen since it will not be visible.

Edit: Here's an example. This one will do 80" from 3 inches away. Yeah, not a typo.
That 12:4 = 3:1 aspect ratio would be difficult to get exact with 16:9 flatscreen panels. But if you used 6 widescreen TV's, arranged 3 wide by 2 high, that would give you an aspect ratio of 48:18 = 2.66
If each TV were 46" to 50", that should get you pretty close to the dimensions they want.
Easiest way to do this with projection would be to simply mask off the unused area of the screen. With 1080p you'd have sufficient resolution to keep it from looking too bad.
there was something somewhere i saw that was where you connected a dvi into it and it split the signal up to 4 monitors where 1/4 of the picture was on each screen. it was like 300 dollars it did like 5mp of data like 20times a second for high throughput. don't know where though ill keep looking