15 hours of Oblivion on my x300se

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Sep 4, 2004
I can't believe i actually did that. Got up @ 6:00 this morning and started playing...didn't stop until 9:00 pm.... Wow.... how pathetic is that. I thought that my not having my 1900xt would keep me from playing it... but its just too awesome of a game, and i've forced my self to play it @ Max craptacular settings. Just 1 more week til i get my new 1900... more week...
LOL I did the same thing (almost). When I started it was about 9pm. Next time I looked at ANYTHING but the LCD screen it was light out again :eek:.

PS. There's nothing sweet about birds singing at dawn. They're frigging loud, and especially annoying when you're trying to get 2 hrs of sleep before work.
Been there done that.. couple of weekends ago was starting to play at oh say 10am and quitting around 5am .. did that fri/sat/sun and slept mon/tues... man I love this game :)
menlatin said:
I can't believe i actually did that. Got up @ 6:00 this morning and started playing...didn't stop until 9:00 pm.... Wow.... how pathetic is that. I thought that my not having my 1900xt would keep me from playing it... but its just too awesome of a game, and i've forced my self to play it @ Max craptacular settings. Just 1 more week til i get my new 1900... more week...

isnt that like 13 hours and not 15? still impressive. :eek:
hell 15 hours is impressive. the most i have ever done was 10 hours straight. No potty breaks no drink breaks no nothing....So to go 15 is freaking insane. But insane in a good way.
ya know some russian kid died of a stroke after playing 16 hours straight of wow and that one asian girl its freaky, longest i've gone was on my ps2 like 4 hours. Longest i'll ever go 5 hours
If you guys think that is bad, I hope none of you ever play a mmorpg :)
yeah try playing wow for around 30 hrs in a 48 hr timespan (I had to eat and sleep occasionally)
I've gone a solid 23 hours straight on everquest way back when

the key is to stretch as much as you can when taking a piss break to consolidate your breaks. drink/eat while playing.
Arcygenical said:
PS. There's nothing sweet about birds singing at dawn. They're frigging loud, and especially annoying when you're trying to get 2 hrs of sleep before work.

Damn fucking STRAIGHT, bro! Can't tell you how many times those things have really set my mood for a day all wrong. Blech. :( :mad:
You guy just brought back memories. Several strands of hair were pulled out back in the day. Trees were kicked, tree limbs were injured by rocks and at times I lost my voice from yelling. Those days are over now. :)
I played Kingdom Under Fire for 24 hours the other week actually... I couldn't let go of the controller... First time I played that game... I didn't eat for last 15 hours of the game... I was out of it... Drank some beer and passed out... :confused:
When I was 14 years old I bought Sly Cooper for the PS2, when I got home I sat down and beat the entire game in a three day run :eek:

So 72 hours with food and bathroom breaks...needless to say my mom wanted to return the game after that, because of "how little time it took to beat it." I had to roll my bloodshot eyes at that one. :p
i've pulled 24 strait at a lan party once... (well i did eat, pee, and smoke a few times, but I could do all of the above except pee, in front of the computer) :rolleyes:
13 Hours.. Thats it. :D
When Oblivion came out I spent more time in the first 2 weeks playing Oblivion then I did working. I work 40 Hours a week. :eek:
Sleep.. What's Sleep?
menlatin said:
I can't believe i actually did that. Got up @ 6:00 this morning and started playing...didn't stop until 9:00 pm.... Wow.... how pathetic is that. I thought that my not having my 1900xt would keep me from playing it... but its just too awesome of a game, and i've forced my self to play it @ Max craptacular settings. Just 1 more week til i get my new 1900... more week...
lol i know what you mean.. my 9700P died on me a few weeks ago but my backup is a Geforce2 MX200 :( it sux sooo hard... ive had my replacement Gcard and CPU for a week and a hhalf but the company i ordered my mobo from is having difficulties gettin it to me... i cant even play on MAX raptacular settings... this card is too weak
pandora's box said:
isnt that like 13 hours and not 15? still impressive. :eek:

It's 15 unless you're living on some strange planet with 20 hour days....

The people on this forum scare me sometimes... :eek:
Arcygenical said:
PS. There's nothing sweet about birds singing at dawn. They're frigging loud, and especially annoying when you're trying to get 2 hrs of sleep before work.

QFT bro! I hate them damn things.
Yea MMORPGS are more dangerous than anything. Ive wasted away years worth of time on them--and boy I am glad I kicked that addiction a couple years ago. Much much more poosay!
not exactly on topic

but the first couple times i was introduced to counter-strike "Back in 2000" i was hooked for good

I skipped school just to play it and i`ve gone a whole day playing that...
Also, i remember at a friends house, that i played his dreamcast"when it just came out" i played some nfl game and i played it from like 9 at night till noon cause i was sooo bored there

I remember some 18hour straight EQ sessions.

I remember staying up to 4am and having to get up for work at 5:30 many times. Most times it was easier to just stay up and sleep when I got home from work.
Atleast you have something to look forward to :p My buddy has an x300 SE for good, atleast until he gets a job. I thought it was funny to watch him play compared to mine :D
Arcygenical said:
LOL I did the same thing (almost). When I started it was about 9pm. Next time I looked at ANYTHING but the LCD screen it was light out again :eek:.

PS. There's nothing sweet about birds singing at dawn. They're frigging loud, and especially annoying when you're trying to get 2 hrs of sleep before work.

Yep, I put cotton in my ear buds. Those are not sweet tunes at 5 or 6 AM. I cut a cotton ball in half. I actually think it's more comfortable than the foam real deals, and basically free.
Since there's a lack of a relevant topic, I'd invite all those who have subscriptions to move this discussion to General Mayhem.
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