$186 e6320, $208 e6420 available


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 24, 2002
Thanks to cyburzaki for his thread in intel processors, http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?p=1030890230

e6320 $186

e6420 $208

real cool company.

decent pricing for early availability, and while not as cheap as the intel quoted msrp, they are quite decent prices, and if you compare to the current price of the e6600, or even when e6600 goes under price cut, it's still extremely fair. plus, it'd be my guess that e6320/e6420 will sell for higher than msrp at launch, much like e4300 has.
Ya $65 for a dual core is a good price. However, lets think about this. Intel C2D's perform much better, OC much higher, produce less heat etc.. Its sorta like half the price, for half the peformance... Ill stick with core2duo's myself. AMD does have good prices now though.

Also, by the way, im not sure why the op said these are available. It looks like the E6320 might be but.....Look at the dates and realtime availability. They keep moving the ETA back. It is now 4/11 for shipments. It was 4/9 untill today. So they are not yet available. Makes more sense to wait for price cuts just 2 weeks away.
/me is waiting eagerly for E6420 to add to a soon to be purchased DS3 + 2GB Firestix/Tracer/Ballistix/XMS/OCZ/whatever's on sale kit

It'll be a nice jump from a P3 1.1 and P4E 2.8 boxen, and my first dual-core, yay!
Ya $65 for a dual core is a good price. However, lets think about this. Intel C2D's perform much better, OC much higher, produce less heat etc.. Its sorta like half the price, for half the peformance...

sorry you mean 1/3rd the price

Ill stick with core2duo's myself. AMD does have good prices now though.

edited for corrections..
Ya $65 for a dual core is a good price. However, lets think about this. Intel C2D's perform much better, OC much higher, produce less heat etc.. Its sorta like half the price, for half the peformance... Ill stick with core2duo's myself. AMD does have good prices now though.

Also, by the way, im not sure why the op said these are available. It looks like the E6320 might be but.....Look at the dates and realtime availability. They keep moving the ETA back. It is now 4/11 for shipments. It was 4/9 untill today. So they are not yet available. Makes more sense to wait for price cuts just 2 weeks away.

eta is tomorrow. didn't see it before today so didn't know eta was previously 4/9.
Yeah they moved the ETA many times. So when I see it in stock, that is when I will believe it.

edited for corrections..

Does it matter? 1/3rd or half. It seems fairly close to half to me. IE. The E4300 and E4400 are supposed to be around the $113 range after price cuts. The E4300 oem is currently $129. Those oc to around 3ghz or higher so..
Could it be possible that they're getting under 1000 in each shipment and thus are selling out each time? did the backorder number drop ever?
Yeah looks like they have updated it and now the realtime availability does in fact show in stock for E6420's. Not sure if I want to bite or not. Id hate to buy one then have the price drop april 22nd.
Yeah they moved the ETA many times. So when I see it in stock, that is when I will believe it.

Does it matter? 1/3rd or half. It seems fairly close to half to me. IE. The E4300 and E4400 are supposed to be around the $113 range after price cuts. The E4300 oem is currently $129. Those oc to around 3ghz or higher so..

Where are you even finding core 2 duo OEMs?
Yeah looks like they have updated it and now the realtime availability does in fact show in stock for E6420's. Not sure if I want to bite or not. Id hate to buy one then have the price drop april 22nd.

Is the price supposed to drop on the E6420/E6320 on April 22nd? I thought those were just supposed to be released on April 22nd and some are just getting them early.

The price I've seen for them are $183 and $163 on the price drop chart. I figured the stores were just raising the price $20 or so since demand is high for them.
Where are you even finding core 2 duo OEMs?

ewiz.com has some oems. E4300 is $134 or something but there is a $5 off coupon makes it $129. :p

I just checked ewiz.com, they have a 48 hour special on the E4300 retail box for $144. $5 off coupon would make it $139. $10 difference for retail with warranty might be worth it. Most likely they are anticipating price cuts and trying to move some out.
hmm some 420's available now. the realtime system is really cool. i take it it's drop shipping from ingram?
from what it looks like, they're having items shipped directly from distributors. i'm guessing ingram micro
dang. 196 for a 6420 or 235 for a 6600 and a game? hmmm....

You could always buy the e6600 and then sell SC on eBay for $30 at least.

BTW, both those CPUs from ClubIT have $10 MIR associated with them to bring them down to those prices. And the e6420 is OOS.
You could always buy the e6600 and then sell SC on eBay for $30 at least.

BTW, both those CPUs from ClubIT have $10 MIR associated with them to bring them down to those prices. And the e6420 is OOS.

OK, you convinced me...placed the order for the 6600 from zzf
Dang.. I might just have to wait to see how the 6600 prices wash out.

Looking good so far!