1st FreeNAS build


Nov 17, 2013
OK, I'm kinda noob on FreeNAS. I have computer with
Intel E5200
I want to setup it as FreeNAS box using 3x 1TB Seagate st1000dm003 , but I'm not sure can I use WD Blue instead or WD Red.
On 1st time I will store only information - ISO image files, Music and then maybe VM images. I'm going to buy DELL Perc 6/i RAID controller to install it in there.

Just I think will this be enough for 1st time setup? Thank you.
For a first learing experience, that list should be just fine. The potential sticky points I see are:
1) Since you mentioned a hardware RAID card (perfectly acceptable option), do some research about the benefits and drawbacks about specific RAID levels. With your hardware list, I'd find a 4th Seagate and make it a RAID6 array. And above all else, understand that RAID is redundancy, NOT a backup.
2) Using any hardware RAID card, make sure you get it with a battery, performance is dismal if it's running in write-back mode.
3) The Perc6i requires an SFF-8484 connection, make sure you get the right SFF-8484-to-SATA cable.
FreeNAS is ZFS only moving forward.

DO NOT use a RAID controller with ZFS.

I also very highly recommend at least 8GB of RAM.
I believe as of 9.3 UFS not even an option anymore.

FreeNAS probably isn't the best solution if this is the hardware you need to use.
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As of 9.3 you can only import UFS volumes to copy the data to a ZFS one.

Avoid any full hw raid controllers. You'd be better off with a perc 6/ir if you must buy that era dell, even better off to get a M1015 and crossflash it to a 9211-8i. As you'll be using ZFS you need to be passing those drives through definetly avoid hacky single raid0 arrays or anything like that.

Assuming you'll be going raidz with 3x1TB drives be aware of the limited expansion options this will give you
Unless you already have the drives 1TB is not cost effective. You add a few more bucks and you get 2TB drives.
DO NOT use a RAID controller with ZFS..

There's a huge asterisk that belongs there. Using a RAID controller is fine as long as the "controller" can be configured or flashed to get out of the way.
One example is the IBM M1015 and it's numerous rebrands flashed into IT mode to just provide the disks to the OS as is. I'm doing exactly that with ZFS and it works fine. (not with FreeNAS granted but close enough)
I only really got that for two reasons:
1: Needed the extra SATA ports.
2: Cable management, the SAS to SATA breakout cables are smaller and bundled together nicely.

Having said all of that, if one is going to use FreeNAS, don't bother with anything like that unless you need the extra SATA ports.