1st gen G5 iMac wake from sleep stay dim ?


Aug 29, 2005
I have a 1st gen 17" G5 iMac that at times when woke from sleep mode stays dim till you restart it. Just wondering if this is a common problem or just me. I have had the PS replaced already but that was of nothing to do with it. The "mac genius" skipped around that question. I am not new to Mac but this is a new one to me.
I have changed them back and forth just to check that, even while dim it doesn't
change when I adjust the brightness or colors. Just have to shut down and restart
and it will fix its self.
Bump for a lazy sunday afternoon in hopes someone has figured this one out.
Is it still under warranty? If so, take it in. It's not your job to troubleshoot it. I'd guess it needs a logic board or something.
Yes it is but it is my only system till I get my Amd sys. built in a couple months and I can not go that long with out my computer :D ! So the hope was that some one had had the problem and figured it out already so I didn't have to "send it in" and wait a month for it back. :( If it is still doing it when I get the other built that is what I will do though. Thanks
Chair said:
check your power settings perhaps?

Power settings are in your system preferences, they cannot be "replaced", they are not associated with the power supply.

Check to see if there are any firmware updates available. If there aren't, just turn auto sleep off, and put the computer to sleep manually (it should be okay I think, at least my G5 was)