1st time OC'er needs help OC'ing 3000+ Winnie


Limp Gawd
Jul 26, 2005
Ok, Ive read thru eclipse's guide, and was wondering what a safe OC would be for the stock cooler. System Specs are-
MSI Neo2 Platinum
4 X 512MB Corsair Value Select
Antec True Power 550

I was hoping i could get 2.2-2.4 ghz out of it, would this be possible with the stock HSF?

Current temps are 36 Cel. idle and 45 Cel. when doing the prime torture test.
im trying to use eclipses OC guide but theres alot i dont understand. Ive finished with the FSB OC and my max mhz is 235. Should I increase CPU voltage and go for 250?
My setup is much like yours and I've been running 2.6 solid for about a year. I think that you may have missed a step on the FSB setup because your motherboard will definitely go above 235 on the FSB.

Did you change the ram divider to 166 (or 133 or 100 for testing purposes)? Did you change the HTT multiplier to 3? (Not that 3 is magic, but since HTT is not really important for performance 3 keeps it in spec until you get to ridiculous FSB numbers-you won't have to worry about it.)

Also, I don't know if this happens a lot or not, but I could not OC worth a damn with that motherboard until I got rid of the nforce drivers for the storage subsystem. If all else fails, the driver Windows has is not too bad for the hard drive controllers and something in the nVidia driver was hanging up the Windows boot process (hard freezes). Reverted to standard Windows driver and Presto! boots up fine all the way to about 300 fsb.

There's also a very good A64 OCing thread on anandtech.com's forums. Written by Zebo who is very intelligent. I believe it's subtitled Isolate and Consolidate.
thnks for the link, some good info in there. Im still kind of lost to the fact of the FSB settings. If i max it in the FSB test, do I overclock from that frequency up on the CPU test? Also, do I need to set the AGP frequency to 67 for some sort of lock? Should I switch my sata port from 1 to 3 or 4? Sorry for all the questions, Im a total noob at OC'ing.
Switch the SATA drive to port 3 to be safe. You go back to 200 and see what the max your chip can do is on stock voltage. Then you can either raise the voltage or keep dropping the FSB until you can get it stable in prime for at least a few hours.
BronxBartoni said:
All I can get 246 on the FSB im still windereing of high I can get the CPU

I would increase the voltage a tiny bit now. Also, try ocing with only 2 sticks of ram.
I'm not a fan of cheap VS RAM, but that aside my Winnie gets to 2.4 and is rock solid. It'll pass Prime and such at a higher speed with the stock HSF but I have problems with some games (AoE3) so I just step it back a little. I am running at ~1.53V at the CPU and ~2.9V for the memory. Temps are reasonable and never breach 50 on the CPU. Of course, I have my case fans running at max speeds so it's not dead-silent by any means....