2,000 Cardboard Boxes + 200 Electric Motors = Rain?

I have a CD that does the same thing when put into a cdplayer. Takes up a lot less space.

But I guess this is supposed to be "artistic"?
Might be more interesting for someone who lived in a desert, but I've been hearing the sound of rain for the last 10 days.
Should have just bought a CD. "The sounds of nature" or some shit.
They act like it's some great work of art in the link. Sorry to burst their bubble, it's something a 4 year old could do.
I've yet to figure out how people who PC game (for example) with their time and call something else stupid and a waste of time. I bet they think the same of our hobby. I'm amazed how many people actually take the time to log in and bitch about stuff on this forum lately.

Because they seem to think that art should be practical, which is pretty stupid in itself.
Now put a memory foam mattress in the middle, turn off the lights and leave me alone.
Art doesn't have to practical...but it shouldn't be completely and utterly lame like that. That didn't take creativity, intelligence, or skill. It just took a lot of time and doesn't even sound like rain.

Another example of "art"
In elementary school, during assemblies, the principal would have us all clap with only one finger, than two, than three, etc ... sounded just like rain.
I was expecting something along the lines of 2000 cardboard boxes exploding as a result of something 200 electric motors was doing... not that.
For a small moment there, I thought it was rendered; and was actually expecting some kind of physics demo...

... after 15 seconds, I clicked somewhere further along the... time... bar... position... whatever it's called! I FF'd! ... same thing...

I felt so dumb watching it, I'm actually going to be productive at work. At least for the next 30 minutes :p
The sound It's too dry. No Pun intended. I'm using a decent pair of headphones and the sound is just too dry to resemble real rain recordings.