2 pack 1.5TB Seagate @ Dell $199 + free 2nd day shipping

Yes x2(literally) I'm about to buy 4 Hitachi 1GB drives for a few $$ less. If these were WD's I'd much rather have 6TB.
I got these last time they had this sale going. I'm very happy with them. Very quiet and pretty fast, too.
lol. 15 years ago and that would of been hot to match up with my P2 and 64MB of ram.
FUCK (sorry)!!!

I was looking for this on Thursday when I wanted to buy it, ended up getting a 1TB drive instead for $70.
Yes, those issues have been resolved for a long time. Been running two of these for months without issues.

Does anyone ever consider the date when they bring up these "issues?" It was freaking more than 6 months ago... do you honestly think a company like Seagate is going to continue to sell a drive that fails for 6+ months and the ONLY stories you'll see about it are 6+ months old? That there wouldn't be ... I don't know ... newer news articles detailing the problems and lambasting Seagate for doing nothing to correct the problem?

Seriously... use some freaking critical thinking. Or, if that is in short supply, at least use Google.
Yes, those issues have been resolved for a long time. Been running two of these for months without issues.

Does anyone ever consider the date when they bring up these "issues?" It was freaking more than 6 months ago... do you honestly think a company like Seagate is going to continue to sell a drive that fails for 6+ months and the ONLY stories you'll see about it are 6+ months old? That there wouldn't be ... I don't know ... newer news articles detailing the problems and lambasting Seagate for doing nothing to correct the problem?

Seriously... use some freaking critical thinking. Or, if that is in short supply, at least use Google.

1+ Could not agree more, I have tons of Seagate drives without issues...
Aren't the new ones already flashed with the newer firmware?

Never know how old stock is until you get it. I agree somewhat, check if it already has the new firmware before flashing.
Should I get 2 or 4 of these?

I need 2 of them for my windows home server. I will be using the automatic mirroring that whs is capable of for redundancy.

But I am also planning on building an i7 system and two of these in a raid 0 for your main disks will sing. If I don't get these I will be getting two caviar blacks for the main system, but these are only 70 dollars more or so.
Additional things to note

Free 2 day shipping, not the usual 3-5 most online free shipping does.

You have to pay tax. Thus another 16.50 for me :(
Sigh, when are the damn 1.5tb greens gonna come down, it's like someone nail gunned them into the $150 bracket for the longest time. I would get these but the greens run so much cooler and use less power that it really makes no sense to stick the seagates into my WHS. However, these days 1TB seems weak on a per-bay perspective when you have duplication on for all your data (currently approaching 8tb, which is actually weak compared to some people here).
still 3TB of storage, your lucky to get a 2TB drive for that price or even 3x1TB drives.

Aye, if these were green drives I'd be all over them. No sense sticking high performance 7200rpm drives in my WHS :( Even if they are cheaper, the heat and additional power draw are detrimental in the long run (for my application).

Edit: The 1tb greens were down to $78/ea last week which came out to $234 for 3TB. Still more expensive and 3 ports instead of 2, but hopefully the 1.5 greens start coming down soon. I wouldn't mind paying $120 for those :)
These are always tempting, i have one i'm running now no problems but a little scared to buy 10 of them for a raid array yet. The 1.5 and 2 tb wd green drives are dropping in price quite fast the 1.5tb is at 135 at the egg and the 2 is around 250, a while ago these were about 50 bucks higher. I think when seagate releases there 2 tb drive we'll see some bigger price drops that's what i'm waiting for.
Never know how old stock is until you get it. I agree somewhat, check if it already has the new firmware before flashing.

I bought 3 of these back in January from Dell they all had new firmware way past the ones with issues. I really don't think there will be anything to worry about.

Dell also has the best shipping I have ever seen on hard drives.
This is sort of a warm deal. Think I'll wait till 3 TB drives come out.

Remember that with 1.5 TB you probably only get like 1.25 of storage space so 1.5 + 1.5 would really equal like 2.5 of TB storage.
damn.... now this is kind of a hard deal to pass up...
I really only wanted one... but for this price.... damn...............
can't decide...
I really probably should wait.. I still have zero income, and my first paycheck (and more) is spend on rent cable TV and other stuffs....

Nice find though
I wouldn't use these as a RAID 0 solution. They are kinda slow for random access, so they make sucky system drives when you compare them to something like the Spinpoint F1. For mom and pop, they are fine system drives, but if you care about speed, I'd do an F1 Raid 0 or 1 as your system drive before I'd do this. These are *excellent* storage drives though.
Thanks a lot OP. I bought a pair. Hopefully the sale is still going on this weekend after i get paid again :p WTB 2more
Score! In for two, and finally found a use for my Dell giftcard that I got when I bought my laptop. Win win!
In about 3-6 months these prices will be normal, so waiting shouldn't be too hard to do. Seagates 2tb hd's are slatted for Q3 it looks like.
merged these two, now we can spend more time talking about the deal and less about the duplication ;)
Ordered 2 today. Too good to pass up. :)

Edit: Ordered them this afternoon and it's already says they're shipped. :D
If these where in the 160 range I'd take the chance:)
Remember that with 1.5 TB you probably only get like 1.25 of storage space so 1.5 + 1.5 would really equal like 2.5 of TB storage.

<bustin' chops>

How can someone with so many posts and time on this board still bitch about binary vs decimal notation? Have you not noticed this same pattern in EVERY SINGLE HARD DRIVE EVER MADE???

<\bustin' chops>