2 Questions about speakers/headphones....


Limp Gawd
Aug 29, 2004
Currently im using 2 3.5mm(1/8in) to1/4in. adapters in the front of my computer to connect up the headphones and mic of my headset.....

I have 2 different kinds though, 1 came with my headset, the other with my sound card... Same basic shape, except the one that came with my sound card is about 1 inch longer as it has an extra extension on it *pic*(http://images.americas.creative.com/images/products/headers/prod10511_hdr_1_1_61.jpg)

The other one does not have the black cylinder.....Are they any different? In sound quality or otherwise.

Also, how much interference does a wireless mouse + receiver. I have the mx1000... Should
the receiver be placed a certain distance from my speakers and headset? (Thinking this, i've noticed that since ive gotten this mouse setup, merely holding my speaker cable in my hand causes it to crackle and such.)
im taking a guess here, someone correct me if im wrong but i think the black rings indicate mono or stereo one ring=mono , two rings= stereo.
yes, those rings are insulators for the three contacts, 3 contacts = stereo, 2 = mono.

for mics, 2 = standard, 3 = balanced or powered (forgot which is right...i'm half asleep right now).