2 x 120 gig SSD's in RAID0 or one 512 Samsung pro?


Limp Gawd
Feb 21, 2013
There is a deal at present for Seagate 120 gig SSD's for $100 each.

I do have a nib Samsung 512 gig pro. It's probably a bit larger than I need and if I sold that I would be well in front.

Would there be any significant gains running the 2 120's in RAID0.
I've subscribed to Acronis true image 2014 so back ups won't be an issue using the RAID.
no difference except maybe for moving large files.
single ssd is my choice.
Would there be any significant gains running the 2 120's in RAID0.

The single 512 gig would be slightly faster (you probably will not notice that though) in most applications but slower when you copy GB files around. That is unless you have a SSD optimized raid card like the LSI megaraid + fastpath key where the raid then would be faster in all cases.
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You can get 120gb SSD's cheaper than $100, more like $70-80. I just upgraded to a single 250gb SSD from a 4x64gb ssd raid 0 array. Definitely benefits for raid 0 from a speed perspective, just depends on if youw ant to deal with 2x the chance of a failure impacting you. for me i dont keep anything important on that drive so it isnt a big deal.