2 x 1GB Corsair DDR2-800 Cas5 $129AR, Free Shipping

Makes me wish I hadn't sprung on the Patriot mem a few weeks back...

Corsair Customer Service is so legendary that is must be capitalized when referring to it.
Ex. Best Buy customer service is mediocre at best. Corsair Customer Service is [H]ardcore.
Ever since my freshman year college roommate introduced me to the [H] and told me to get Corsair when I wanted to add some RAM, I've never purchased another brand. And I've never had regrets.
Very nice price and from an extremely competent company.

Makes the Adata deal ice cold.
I guess you folk's don't read the "Customer Reviews", their reputation is in the toilet.. :eek:
Haha -

"Two rebates, both alike in dignity..."

Seriously. Too bad you can't turn in both rebates. That is, unless, the package comes with two UPC codes.