20" or less for Lanning


Jul 19, 2008
I want to be able to lug this monitor around during my lanning sessions. Anyone know of a 20" or smaller (preferably 17" being the smallest) monitor that is of good quality? Throw all the possibilities out here please, but I think I am going to try to keep my budget at least under $250 (used).
New 17" and 19" LCDs tend to be crappy for gaming, intended for office work, like these:


You might search around for a refurbished 20.1" NEC 20WMGX2. I heard those were going for around $200 earlier this year, but I have no idea if any are left anywhere. I can't imagine you could do any better than that if you actually got one.
There was a thread on the LG L204WT that said there was something special about it that made it good for gaming, I don't remember what it was now. It wasn't response time.

I have one of these for lanning. You can mount and remove the base for easy travel without any tools. It becomes square and flat and I put it inside a small suitcase or a backpack or a guitar case.


-edit I went and re-read the thread. This LCD has zero input lag compared to other monitors.
evilsofa said it perfectly.

You can find a NEC 20WMGX2 refurbished for around $200.

Has an IPS panel and very low input lag.

This would be perfect for you.
I also suggest getting a 20WMGX2.

Three years after its introduction and it still kicks ass.