$200 6600GT or $250 6800


Sep 18, 2000
ok heres the deal I got rid of my 9800SE to buy a new vid card

MY 2 choices are...

MSI 6600GT for $194


eVGA 6800 for $242

1. stock to stock is the 6800 still worth $50 more dollars?
2. how many 6800 are softmodding to all pipelines
3. the 6800 has DDR1 and 6600GT has DDR3.....right?

Assuming I can softmod and O/C the 6800 will it be close to 6800GT range?

TIA guys I havent owned a Nvidia card since my old TNT2. Went from that to Radeon, Radeon AIW, Radeon 8500, Radeon 9500Pro, Radeon 9700AIW, 9800SE (didnt softmod :-( and now one of the above. I'm ordering 1 of the 2 from my wholesaler Monday, he gave me the prices on Friday.

Now which one should I buy? I would like to put that extra $50 into a XBOX for Halo 2. I don't own any consoles but all my friends do and as a result I have become addicted to Halo 2 and now I want a XBOX damnit.
Personally, with a little backup from benches, i don't think the 6800nu is worth $50 more if the pipes don't unlock. In the end, it doesn't perform that much better that real world game play is actually affected.
Well that MSI 6600GT comes with a great software package and a very good cooler from what I have heard...

I don't think the 6800NU is worth 50 dollars more.
so as far as gamepley stock to stock they are about even?

I'm assuming with pipes unlocked the 6800 would be better though....right?
Stock to stock, the 6800 rapes the 6600gt IF you decide to up the res above 1024 and apply aa :) either or, spend the 50$ for the 6800nu. If you only game at 1024 and no aa or af, get the 6600gt
if you can definately find a good softmodding one, the 6800nu would be your clear cut choice, even otherwise, i would most likely get hte 6800nu anyway
Jhero said:
Stock to stock, the 6800 rapes the 6600gt IF you decide to up the res above 1024 and apply aa :) either or, spend the 50$ for the 6800nu. If you only game at 1024 and no aa or af, get the 6600gt

I beg to differ... the 6600GT smokes with FSAA and AF. In modern games (CS:S, Doom, etc). Just don't crank up the res too much above 1024x768 with FSAA and you will be very happy.

I was surprised what a boost it was over my 5900xt...

Hell of a nice card for the price!

Additionally, if you can overclock your 6600GT by a fair margin into the >575/1125 territory, you'll be enjoying close to 6800nu levels of performance. A 6800nu is a great value if all the pipes/shaders unlock, but the odds of being sucessful without spending more money on better cooling are slim. :mad:
Jhero said:
I'd still go for the 6800nu, there is just so much more headroom

Hey, whatever floats your boat...

Don't believe you can go wrong with either one. :)

Skystalker said:
Don't believe you can go wrong with either one. :)

I agree, they are both on the same price/performance ratio.

But I do think that if you are daring, and spend the extra 50 bucks to get a 6800 and hope the pipes unlock, you'll probably be happier.
I was faced with the same decision. I had to sell my 6800gt a few months backs to pay for some bills. I had my income tax to play with, and needed a good card again. I went ahead and bought the 6800 due to the 256 bit. With the pipes unlocks I got some artifacting, and I went ahead and left it stock and I couldn't be more happier.

Brand is an Evga and runs everything great. Even though it has DDR instead of DDR3, it still runs flawless.

Hope it helps ya out.
If you look around you should be able to find the 6600GT for around $170.
The eVGAs unlock pretty easily, very good success rates. Unlocked and overclocked, the 6800 rapes the crap out of what the 6600 can muster.
Lets not forget the fact that the 6800nu's from Evga come with 256mb DDR and from the most part are unlockable. In reality though, put together another 50 bux and get the 6800gt.
As far as stock to stock go.. My old 6800 played doom3 and half life 2 at 1600x1200 at acceptable frame rates.

If you need immidiate gratification you can always get the 6800nu from evga and they will honer the retail price for up to 90 days then you can upgrade to the GT
For what it’s worth I just got the MSI 6600GT. I didn’t intend it to replace my 9800Pro but it was obviously faster.

I did a bit of an over clock and kept stock cooling.

61214 in Aquamark

9130 In 3Dmark03. (drivers from the supplied CD)

Everything else I saw in that range on 3D mark was of the 6800 flavor.

For the price I think it’s hard to argue with.

shoes said:
Well that MSI 6600GT comes with a great software package and a very good cooler from what I have heard...

I don't think the 6800NU is worth 50 dollars more.
i have the msi 6600 gt, and it does come with a nice software package, plus the vivo is really nice to have. i have uploaded alot of video footage to my pc from my tv and video camrea. i would just go with the 6600gt
I have a BFG6800NU overclocked to 400/1000, unlocked and running on stock cooling. The 6800NU is a good deal if you can find an "unlockable" brand.